Doug's 1999 Guestbook
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Thank you for visiting my home page. If you haven't already, please add your name to my guest book too.

12/17/00 01:30:48
Name: Jim
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey, I was floating around geocities checking out home pages, (checking out the competition) and came across your page. GREAT JOB!!! My wife and I really liked the "angel" picture of your kids.

10/09/00 14:41:40
Name: Mohammad Maroof Khan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Dallas
State: TX Country: USA

Hi Doug, Your kids are grown up. I email you at knietic group address. It seems like that operation is shut down. Anyway, how are you. I am fine and still working at Alcon Labs. You can email me back at my hotmail address that is my permanent one. Best Regards Mohammad Maroof Khan

09/05/00 01:45:36
Name: Michele Yurgaitis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Enfield
State: CT Country: usa

WOW... i loved your Thomas the Tank Engine Cake! My son is turning 3 in a few weeks and we are also having a Thomas Party! would love to have the plans for that CAKE!!! how creative all the cakes are in your family pictures! I enjoyed flipping through all your pages! I too have a Family web site and a page dedicated to Thomas the Tank Engine for my 3 yr old fan Chase! please visit and i would be glad to link your thomas page to mine! im sure all those Thomas fans would enjoy your Chris's birthday party!! l oking forward to seeing more pictures!! what great ideas!! PS. too funny my maiden name was DAVIS!!!! any relation! ha....... Michele

04/18/00 12:41:22
Name: Richard Cole
My URL: Visit Me

Always love to see and read your page. It is excellent, Doug. You website puts most commercial sites to shame. Outstanding job, and I love the stories. Have a wonderful Easter and God Bless you all. Uncle Dick

02/25/00 15:04:24
My URL: Visit Me


02/20/00 16:27:31
Name: R. Bowman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me State: Tennessee

Hi, I was browsing for Thomas the Train party supplies and it took me here. The cake for the 3 year old was wonderful. Could you tell me where the pans came from to make the cake? My son is turning 4 soon and is a huge Thomas fan too. I would love to make hima one of these cakes. Thanks for any help. And by the way, this is a VERY neat home site! You have done a fantastic job! Thanks again, Robin

01/24/00 02:47:08
Name: Davis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Country: USA

Great Site! really enjoyed your photo index!!!

01/24/00 02:43:38
Name: Jeff & Subrena Davis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Artesia
State: NM Country: USA

Nice Site Davis Family, Great work on the photo index, I like that....Come by and visit our Davis Family when you get a chance!

01/22/00 04:43:19
Name: Gail (Lee) Reid My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Calimesa
State: California Country: USA

Your pictures were great! Thanks for letting us view...we were closely looking for Elisa and we found her..Love, Auntie Gail and the gang

01/11/00 17:58:46
Name: Nicoe Davis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Leeds
State: West Yorkshire Country: England

i found your webpage after doing a search on my name - Nicole Davis. I just wanted to say that I think you have given your daughter a wonderful name, and it's cool to know that there is another Nicole Davis in the world!

01/10/00 22:13:59
Name: shelly korell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: bayard
State: nebraska Country: USA


12/18/99 23:34:21
Name: Doug Davis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Phoenix
State: AZ

Wonderful looking family...I was surfin and searching for "MY NAME"...and found you.... Keep up the good work....If I find a bunch of "DOUG DAVIS'" out there....we will have to form a club....LOL.... Happy Holidays from DOUG DAVIS..

11/12/99 03:29:52
Name: Heather McGunnigle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Homosassa
State: FL Country: USA

This was a very interesting page. I have yet to see any quite like it. And I just surfed on! Keep up the good work. The babies are adorable!

09/28/99 03:06:44
Name: Gail Wilkerson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Pinedale
State: WY Country: USA

To God be the Glory--for the gifts (Your family)and talents(your ability to share them with us)He has given! Know You are Loved!

08/08/99 05:49:40
Name: Shawna
My URL: Visit Me
Country: USA

You have such a cute page! Your kids are adorable. The journal is a great idea!!!!!

06/19/99 06:33:40
Name: Uncle Ron Davis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: La Mesa
State: CA Country: U.S.A.

We always enjoy seeing your pictures and hearing about your family.

05/05/99 02:53:13
Name: Dean T. Davis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Colorado Springs
State: CO

Hi Doug Nice website. I've seen no better. I've seen no other. Why arn't I in there? Weren't we at your house a couple of weeks ago? Check in later, Dean

04/22/99 01:36:44
Name: Mark Shadowens
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just dropped in to see how everyone was doing. Glad to see that everything is going well. Give my best to Tina, the kids and your parents. - Mark

04/08/99 05:41:56
Name: John (Warshaw) Durrant My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Orem
State: Ut Country: USA

GREAT site I'm going to have to email you and get you code for your kids pictures changing. Keep up the great work. John John Durrant Banner John Durrant Banner I will not quit writting, Emailing or praying tell all POW\MIA are HOME John

04/05/99 16:32:28
Name: Uncle Bob & Aunt Patt My Email: Email Me
City: Marysville State: WA
Country: USA  


04/05/99 16:22:00
Name: Uncle Bob & Aunt Patt My Email: Email Me
City: Marysville State: WA
Country: USA  


03/31/99 17:17:23
Name: Uncle Bob

Doug this really looks great.

03/05/99 07:34:51
Name: Uncle Bob My URL:
My Email: Email Me City: Seattle
State: WA Country: USA

Web page looks great. Might ask you some questions if and when I ever try to do one on my computer

02/09/99 06:07:36
Name: Tallystar My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Merced
State: CA Country: USA

Wonderful, charming site! How sweet to watch your children grow up online. Every page is beautiful, fascinating, and fun. Excellent job, keep up the terrific work!

01/25/99 19:31:54
Name: John Barta My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me City: Chandler
State: AZ Country: USA

Hi! I had a nice visit to the web page -- alas we have very poor internet service here (so far) and I can't get this from home yet. Nice work on the site -- very well done. Nice photos too. Interesting how Christopher's planned mass and height go to zero. He's going to be a neutrino baby I guess! You all look mahvelous!! - john

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