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Davis Vacation

Galveston Island, Texas

November 26 to November 29, 1998
Last Updated: 12/10/1998

11/26/98 Thursday:

We arrived at the hotel late in the afternoon. It took about six hours to drive down from Dallas. The trip was uneventful except that Nicole kept asking if we were there yet. We stayed in the Hotel Galvez, a Wyndham Grand Heritage hotel. It's right on the Gulf coast beach. We wasted no time and went right out to the beach.

Nicole on the beach
in front of our Hotel

You could tell we were landlubbers because we were snatching up every shell we could find. We couldn't believe how the beach was just covered in shells. Nicole and I named the beach seashell beach because of it. Nicole had so much fun gathering shells. She made us keep even the broken ones. Christopher was pretty happy to just carry around a shell. Nicole loved the water as well, and searched for most of her shells while wading in the waves. Christopher was pretty leery of the waves and took a while before he was even comfortable enough to wade in holding our hands.

Since it was Thanksgiving, all the McDonald's were closed. We found a Denny's Diner (50's style) to eat "Thanksgiving" dinner. Christopher enjoyed the old fashioned jukebox and would dance to most of the fun songs it played.

We thought Christopher might be able to sleep in the bed with us at the hotel. The proved to be very false. A bed is just something to bounce and wrestle on. We got a crib from the hotel. We made another funny mistake. We put the crib at the foot of the bed and Christopher then had fun tickling my feet. It's a wonder we ever got to sleep tonight.

11/27/98 Friday:

Topher and Mommy
on the beach

We woke up at 5am this morning. Doesn't everyone when on vacation? Actually, it was Christopher who woke us up. He has a terribly stuffy nose and is having trouble sleeping. We laid around a while. Ate some food Tina had brought for breakfast and then went out to the beach again. At least the beach opens early ;-) We collected tons of shells and had fun until it was time to get ready to go on a tour of the island.
We took a tram around the city, which started at 11am. It was a nice overview of the history and buildings of Galveston. Christopher, after being up since 5am, was exhausted and slept on my shoulder during the entire tour. My arms were rubber by the end of the hour and a half tour. We went back to the hotel after the tour and were able to watch one of Christopher's favorite shows, only with a twist.

Daddy and the kids on tram tour
Daddy with the kids on
the tour tram


He loves "Blue's Clues" on Nickelodeon. The hotel doesn't get that channel, but we found it on a Spanish channel. There it was "Las Pistas de Blue". Christopher watched the whole show while we giggled and sang the songs in Spanish. Christopher just looked stunned. I think he was trying to figure it out.

Nicole sleeping on the trolley
Nicole sleeping on the Trolley

We swam some in the Hotel's outdoor pool. It's amazing the weather is so nice. Then we took the trolley to the Strand district and ate seafood at a restaurant on the bay side of the island. There were lots of sea gulls and other birds to watch out on the boats. This evening we went out on a pier across from the hotel and watched some fireworks, which were a part of the city's Christmas festivities.

Nicole in silhouette on the beach
Nicole on the beach
in the early morning sun

11/28/98 Saturday:


Christopher enjoying the beach
Christopher enjoying
the beach

We slept in until almost 7am. We've been going to bed with the kids because ... well, what else do you do after the kids are in bed? We went to a Burger King for breakfast and then headed over to the Moody Gardens. We visited the Jungle Pyramid there, which is very similar to the jungle at the Omaha zoo. The favorite thing there was all the butterflies. Then we went to the Discovery Pyramid. They had a display of lots of space travel stuff. There were lots of hands on experiments that the kids enjoyed playing with. Nicole liked it better than Christopher. We tried to give the kids naps this afternoon, but they were too excited, so we went to the beach again. By the time we got to the beach, Christopher was exhausted. Tina and Nicole stayed to play and build sandcastles. I took Christopher, again sleeping on my shoulder, back to the hotel for his nap. He slept well in the quiet room. After the girls got back from the beach, I took Nicole to the pool until Christopher woke up.

We went out for Cici's pizza, the kids like eating lots of pizza. Nicole was so tired by the time we got back to the hotel; she just collapsed in bed.

Nicole running on the beach of Galveston Island
Nicole running in the waves

11/30/98 Sunday:
Back to the beach. We built sandcastles and played in the waves. Then it was time to get ready to go home. Tina packed while I entertained the kids with new puzzles and matchbox cars in the hotel lobby.

On the trip home, Nicole got very carsick. It was a hard trip for her, poor thing. But we finally made it home. The kids enjoyed the vacation, but were very glad to see their home as well.
