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Steam Train Ride
May 20, 2000

<-- Christmas 1999 | Kansas City-->

Last Updated: 6/16/2000

Texas State Railway Steam Engine

Our family, including Grandma and Granddad Davis, took a special trip on Saturday, May 20, 2000, to Palestine, Texas. It's a small town a couple of hours southeast of Dallas where Texas starts to get wooded. While there we rode on an authentic steam train which travelled to Rusk Texas between two state parks. It was cloudy and cool that day, the woods were beautiful and the ride relaxing. You couldn't have asked for a better day.

The train trip was an hour and a half each way. The only down side was that we only had about 45 minutes for lunch in Rusk before we had to turn around and go back. Rusk's park had a beautiful big lake surrounded by hills and forests.

The kids loved the trip. Especially Christopher who loves trains. He even got to sit on the engineers lap in the cab of the locomotive. That was before the train left, of course. He was bouncing off the walls in the coach. He'd run between me and Mommy, look out the windows, toot with the train whistle, etc. Nicole and Christopher both liked being with the whole family. We were basically a captive audience and they loved the attention.

 Christopher & Nicole see the train (5/20/2000)
Christopher & Nicole see the train

Christopher in front of the train (5/20/2000)
Christopher in front of the train