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Christopher with his Sonic birthday cakeChristopher's 6th Birthday
<-- 5th Birthday

Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Party: Sunday, November 17
Updated: 11/20/2002

Party, Pictures, Stats, Weather, News, Stocks,

Computer, Prices, Cars, Favorite TV, Gifts Received

Christopher's Birthday Party: - Sonic The Hedgehog

Christopher hitting the piņataChristopher's party was held on Sunday afternoon, November 17. The theme was "Sonic the Hedgehog" which is a fun cartoon and video game character.

Food: Birthday cake in the shape of the Sonic world (see above). We also had some Chex mix for the grownups.

Games: Tina and the kids invented this obstacle course based on the Sonic game. One of Sonic's main goals is to collect rings. So the course included a section where the kids had to dig for rings in the rock box. They then ran and put a ball through a basketball hoop. Next was swinging on a rope, punching a balloon and sliding down the slide before running and taging the next person on your relay team.

A piñata is now a must-have party event. The kids had a great time hitting it and getting the candy.

We also played dodge ball and freeze tag. Each game gave out rings as prizes. At the end of the day the boy and girl with the most rings each got candy prize.

Weather: The weather was close to ideal. High was in the mid to upper 60's and sunny. It was a little windy. We had the cake outside and couldn't light the candle. Christopher did a great job pretending to blow it out, though. On his actual birthday he was able to really blow out the flame.

Christopher's Stats:
Height: 49 5/16 inches (11/20/02 at home).
Weight: 78.5 pounds (11/20/02 at home).
Favorites: ^top^
Food: Christopher loves most kinds of food. He's not as picky as Nicole is. Lately any time he smells or sees food he'll say "I'm hungry". He has been growing, so maybe he is more hungry. He's not a big sweets eater, although he'll ask for them. He doesn't like milk products as well. He won't turn down a milk shake or ice cream cone, but he won't finish it either.

Toys: Christopher really likes Lego Bionicles now. They are fairly complicated toys that come with an instruction booklet showing how to put together the parts that include gears, ball joints and other connectors to create robot looking creatures. He's good at following the directions as well as coming up with new creatures that he calls "Constractions" or "Inventions".

He really likes "Transformers" too. I think you can notice a pattern. He likes anything that can be taken apart, put back together and reconfigured.

Next he LOVES video games. We have to limit the time he spends. I found a freeware Sonic the Hedgehog game for the computer and he loves to play it. It's only one level, but he loves to get to the end and beat the Boss. For this birthday we got him a real Sonic game for his Gameboy. He opened it this morning and it's already a hit.
Weather around Christopher's Birthday: ^top^

The weather is absolutely beautiful for Christopher's birthday. Sunny skies and perfect temperatures (for me anyway, I like cool fall weather).

News Headlines around Christopher's Birthday: ^top^


The biggest news is the US pushing for Iraq to disarm. The US has successfully gotten the UN to pass a resolution to return inspectors to the country and is strongly pointing out that the US will attack if Iraq doesn't cooperate. They say they will, for now.

Biggest Current Movie:

Harry Potter has a second movie out that's a big hit. The latest one's we've seen have been Lilo & Stitch (Disney) and Veggie Tales' Jonah.

History on This Day:

This day in history.
This day in music history.
Other birthdays today.

Stock Market: ^top^
The economy has really been struggling this year. Predictions are that things will improve by end of 2003, but we'll see. The market hasn't been doing too badly, but it's not in huge growth mode.


S&P 500




 up 148.23

up 44.84

up 17.41
Typical Computer: ^top^


The fastest PC's now use 2.8Ghz Pentium 4s by Intel. Microsoft Windows XP is the latest operating system.

Our home computer is still the old 233Mhz Pentium, 96Mb RAM, 15.5 Gb hard drive, 100Mb Zip drive. We hope to upgrade it early next year.

At work I have the same 1Ghz computer, 512Mb of 300Mhz RDRAM, 18Gb SCSI 10000rpm hard drive, 8x4x32 CD-RW drive, 250Mb Zip Drive. I also have a laptop like the one pictured above that I use at home or on the road for work.

Handspring Treo 300Christopher's dad has a fun work phone. It's a Handspring Treo 300 which includes a Palm OS computer with color touch screen, cell phone and Internet browsing capabilities. It syncs wirelessly to his work email and Outlook calendar. Mom has a Handspring Palm Pilot computer that she uses for all her calender stuff now. She loves her handheld too!

Tablet computerOne of the new computer trends is the "tablet" computer. It's a laptop that lays flat and you can write on it like a tablet of paper. It's too early to tell if this type of computer will be a hit or not.

I have the same Nikon Coolpix 880, 3.34 megapixel, which I really love. Mainstream digital cameras are up to 5 megapixels now. Some very expensive high end cameras are just coming out above 10 megapixels.

Typical Prices: ^top^
  • Regular gasoline: $1.30/gallon.
  • Candy bar: $0.60
  • Can of soda: $0.60
  • House: $100,000 + ...
Hot 2002-03 Cars: ^top^

The 2003 models are starting to come out.

We own a 1997 Plymouth Grand Voyager minivan and a 2001 Toyota Camary sedan.

The trend lately has been to create "retro" vehicles that look like cars of the past. These pictures show the Ford Thunderbird and new Chevy SSR truck with their cool retro looks.


Favorite TV Shows: ^top^

"Dragon Tales", "Liberty Kids" and "Cyber Chase" on PBS. Cyber Chase is a cool program where kids are pulled into a computer world and they need to solve logic problems to defeat the bad guy.

Christopher has also discovered a Transformers cartoon on Cartoon Network.

Gifts Received: ^top^
  From Gifts
   Mom & Dad Gameboy Advanced games: Sonic and Yoshi Island (a Mario Brother's game)
  Nicole Red Transformer
  Grandma & Granddad $10 for a Bionicle toy & Hard Hats figures and accessories (workmen)
  Hana & Heidi  Mini scooter toy, fly wheel bike
  Sean  Two Lego Bionicle Bohroks
  Taylor  Rescue Hero
  Rachel & Meggie  Bionicles
  Matthew & Paul Batman action figure 
   Vy (friend from school) PT Cruiser model