V-Mail is Encouraging News letters a floral decortive design for looks from Home, in times of WAR

for the war torn embattled Christians in God's Army!

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My V-Mail is for Spiritual encouragement and NOT censored like the USA Governement's is. You may want to see my V-Mail samples after this reading

V-Mail as the US Government saw it.

What is V-Mail? ...
During the war years of the 40's the United States government encouraged it's citizen to write to service men in the military. The government would deliver and disperse the V-Mail letters all over the world to the men in the service for their country, and at NO CHARGE. V-MAIL was sent and received from June of 1942 until November of 1945. But they were censored!
"The censoring rules were basically not to give information that could be used by the enemy such as ships in company, location, speed, course, plane info, damage to us or them (until info was released officially), names that might have been codes to try to tell family unauthorized info, etc."
The writer must not mention any incident or attitude that would be of value were it to be known to the enemy. Poor morale, weapons functioning, casualties, specific locations, forthcoming operations, and even the numbers of facing enemy units were not to be told. The writer could not for other reasons describe hostile relations among officers and men, mistakes of judgment, embarrassing incidents of many kinds, and the heroism of the enemy when it might occur, nor could he criticize the leaders of the war effort.
The censor also keeps an eye peeled for material that might be exploited by an unfriendly newspaper back home, and thence, indirectly, lend aid and comfort to the enemy. If not the enemy, then one's generals and other officers, the Congress, the Department of War, the President of the United States.

Many, many soldiers received and sent what our USA government called" V-MAIL". Everyone who sent or received "V-MAIL" were encouraged and were valued for their participation in lifting each other during such trying times in their nation.

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We can all come together, and all we want it seems is to just bless ourselves.


In the Battles we all have, are you getting weary?
If you weary with foot men, what are you going to do when the horsemen come?
Foot men are the battles we are having today.
Horsemen are the heavy fighters.
They will be coming in the years ahead.
God planned for you to be born in these end times. You are an honored generation.  But the battles will get stronger as the great day of the return of our Saviour, Jesus gets closer.

You have been given the capacity to hear and obey.  Prepare yourselves daily for the coming times of combat. Walk the LOVE walk and you will see most devils and demons tremble and flee.  Others go with a command.  You are equip for battle. Fight the Good fight of FAITH.
Receive ye your orders:

Command your soul to stand in FAITH as David did in the Ps.  

Fill your thoughts with the Lords thoughts. And when the horsemen come you will be ready!

JRR note:  (see the last and present "Milestone" at the end of this web page.

I have a more V-Mail about the footman we battle

There are other V-Mails to encourage the Christian in the Lord's Army.  See link IN the index above.

V-Mail to U
Before U were thought of or time had begun, God even stuck U in the name of His son. And each time U pray-you’ll see it true-You can’t spell out JesUs and not include U.You’re a pretty big part of His wonderful name, For you He as born that’s why He came. And His great love for U is the reason He died. It even takes U to spell crUcified.Isn’t it thrilling and splendidly grand-He rose from the dead, with U in His plan. The stones split away, the gold trUmpet blew, and this word resUrrection is spelled with a U.When Jesus left earth at His upward ascension, He felt there was one thing He just had to mention. “Go into the world and tell them it’s true That I love them all-Just like I love U So many great people are spelled with a U, Don’t they have a right to know JesUs too?It all depends now on what U will do, He’d like them to know-But it all starts with U.  from  JESUS

[IMAGE]Goodness me! MAIL CALL! MAIL CALL!                                                   

Lots of V-Mail came in today, yours might be in click HERE> V-Mail Updated OFTEN

Yes, there are more V-MAILS waiting just to U.  For More V-Mail.

Click HERE V-Mail Updated OFTEN

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Keep reading for my Personals and other web page links

Links, Personals, Picture of ME and very interesting.  Milestones of my Christian life on the rest of this page.


                                                        I love to dance for the Lord!                                                    

In the 70's I didn't know it was the start of something WONDERFUL.


As the Word given on the start of this page says "we are in many battles today", I believe in "Spiritual warfare" in the dance of proclamation of the truth that                              

Jesus is VICTOR!

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  Misc. Christian Links

Christian Links

  Free Christian downloads:
Healing for Windows Web Site
Welcome to Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) Christian Links
The Christian Broadcasting Network Alpha & Omega AlmightyWind Holy Ghost Fire Church
Freedom in Christ Home page Kim Clement's Detroit Flame
MorningStar Ministries/ Rick Joyner web pg Campus Crusade for Christ International
Nicky Cruz Outreach Home Page Benny Hinn Media Ministries
Reverend David Wilkerson Jesus Christ Saves Ministries (Study of God's Truths
Chick Pub. Online Reading (Been around a long time now.) Whoami.htm at www.freedominchrist.com
Welcome to Christians Online! Reasons To Believe -- Home Page
Children Links: Macros Links:
Keys For Kids - Daily.   BPSCo Tigr's HomePage -Macro Mother load Collection
Story Creations Joan Stark's Home Page  
MY home town stuff: Wren's Graphics
HotChicks here)~~>Birmingham Zoo - The Animal Omnibus
A Brief Guide to State Facts
Interesting places:
Silent Scream Home Page
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

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Don't stop now I'm on a roll.

"MILESTONES" "Seed Planters" in my life.

[IMAGE]  Jan 1998

Bill Medima my first Pastor in 1960,
Eldorado Park Community Church, Cerritoes Ca.
Taught me basics of my Christian belief
and who Jesus is. "GOD".
Bill Bright Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ Arrowhead Ca. He taught me Evangelism
Campus Crusade for Christ International  http://www.ccci.org/
Kathern Kulhman Evangelist.
Well known in the late 50'-60's .
She taught me God is a Healing God and purity in the Lord.
Kenneth Hagan Evangelist
Faith movement. Ok.
He taught me how to use Faith and to speak to move mountains. Around this time I learned there really were demons, I saw some! If they were real then how much more is the angels of God and His workings in and around us.
Oral Roberts Evangelist Tulsa Ok.
He taught me healing is for now & for whosoever will ask.
Ralph Wilkerson Pastor
Melodyland Christian Center Anaheim, Ca. He taught me about Charismatic flowing in God (Malcom led me in the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)
Supplied me with teaching from many good teachers. And is a place to ask for prayer.
(Started in 1975 my supporting of TBN)

Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)
Marilyn Hickey TV teacher Co.
Taught me how to organize teach and study the truths of the Bible in out-line form and built me up in more faith.
She has lots of out lines to order for very little money. Marilyn Hickey Ministries Home Page  http://www.mhmin.org/Scripts/ndCGI.exe/MHM/pgHome
Kenneth Copeland TV Evangelist Tx.
He taught me how to read the Bible, walk in faith, also that life and death is in the tongue.

Kenneth Copeland Ministries  http://www.kcm.org/
Rick Joyner - Author
of "The Final Quest"
Learn about you as a Christian and  about the Hordes of Hell.

 MorningStar Ministries/ Rick Joyner web pg  http://www.eaglestar.org/
Jesse Duplantis TV evangelist La.
He taught me to be be bold, anywhere and have fun doing it.

 Jesse Duplantis Ministries  http://www.jdm.org/

Francis Frangipane - Author
of "The Three Battles Grounds".
"The Battle grounds of the Mind, of the Church and  of the Heavenly Places".
He has a web page but I can't find it right off hand.

 Check back another time.

Jayne Esther Overcomer & my Christian friend. She imparted to me the gift of free style dancing and worshiping unto God as David did.
  1. Bill French Counselor to the captive
    "Advocate Ministries" Birmingham, Al.
    Taught me God Has the provisions for All
  2. our needs, and there is Freedom from oppression.
Rob Parsley Church & TV pastor Ohio
He taught me the importance of interccessory prayer thus, Repairing the Breach
World Harvest Church    http://www.breakthrough.net/mainjub.htm
Joe Medina Evangelist
Advocate Ministries Birmingham, Al.  Refreshed me in the "Authority of the Believer", healing and to  "Never" forget the "Basics of your belief in Christ".
Joyce Myers Evangelist & TV ministry
Showed me You can rise above & get over it.

Joyce Meyer Ministries Home                             http://www.jmministries.org/
T. D. Jakes TV evangelist TV Ca
Showed me the compassion of God

T. D Jakes http://www.tdjakes.org
Rob Harmon Pastor my present pastor)
Trussville Christian Center Trussville Al.
Gave me freedom to praise and worship corporately, stepping in and taking the place God has for me in the body of Christ in our services.  And to listen for God to speak through his people. Most of all He showed me there is MORE much more in Jesus to walk in.
Liberty S. Savard Author of
"Shattering YOUR Strongholds"
Showed me how to use the
"Keys of the Kingdom"
Matt. 16:16, 18:18.
in "Binding & Loosing" in the positive way, using the word of God in binding God's will, purpose and the mind of Christ and loosing the influence of the demonic (
= the footmen) in my life
and in

Liberty Savard Ministries WebPage


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We Christians are at WAR!  We need encouraging news.

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Just a Note To Invite you Personally

Knowing of the "War" ____Christians are in, _____God sparked the idea of "V-MAIL" to me___for the war____torn soldiers and ___volunteers ____"of" ___Gods' ____Army of Warriors.

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