Welcome to my Guestbook!

Vickie Lynn Hearn - 08/04/00 00:57:16
My Email:mrgnhrs1@aol.com
Farm Name: Bootjack Farm
Street Address: 625 Bayard Road
City: Kennett Square
State: PA
Zip: 19348
Country: usa
I have had Morgan horses since 1971, and sadly I am down to the last two geldings. They will be with me for their lifetime, and we love them. My sister lives up near you in Orangeville. If it is alright with you I will give her your phone number and she can get in touch with you. She misses the horses here so much, and I know she would love to call you some time and talk Morgan horses. Her name is Mary DiPasquale. Thanks so much. Vickie Hearn

NORA DICKEY - 07/30/00 22:16:55
Street Address: 4030 TIGER CREEK FOREST
State: FLA.
Zip: 33853
Country: USA

Shannon de Muinck - 06/08/00 21:23:28
My Email:shanny@mindspring.com
Farm Name: Candon Morgans
Street Address: 213-3261 Atlantic Ave
City: Raleigh
State: NC
Zip: 27604
Country: USA
This was a great sight to visit!! Lovely pictures of beautiful horses!! Thanks for representing yourselves, your horses and the Morgan breed with such pride and joy!! Keep it going!

Marja-Riitta - 05/28/00 20:20:57
My URL:http://www.saunalahti.fi/~deveri1/
Country: Finland
I had a great time visiting your site.
Greetings from Finland!

Catherine Manley - 05/22/00 19:45:46
My Email:cmanley@mesa.K12.co.us
Farm Name: Manley Morgans
Street Address: 226 31 Road

Debbie Smith - 04/16/00 04:20:47
My URL:/Yosemite/Gorge/5454
My Email:DesertRyder@msn.com
City: Arlington
State: Arizona
Hi, You have a very nice site and some very nice horses. I was wondering what it is like to have horses in Pennsylvania. Is there places to ride? My husband is working in your area and we are thinking of relocating if we could find a farm reasonable nough. It sure would be coming home for me since I was born in Danville. I hope to get an email back from you! Thanks

Meg - 04/11/00 21:33:16
My Email:mdurham@nni.com
Farm Name: Meg's Meadows
City: Harleysville
State: Pa
Zip: 19438
Country: USA
I'm so happy that I found someone in PA that have Morgans like me!!!!

Jayne Henderson - 02/16/00 02:32:28
My Email:ofm@execpc.com
Farm Name: Our Farm Morgans
Street Address: 8022 Sandy Ridge Rd
City: Kewaskum
State: Wisconsin
Zip: 53040-9474
Country: USA

Jeanne Slominski - 02/13/00 17:10:26
My Email:EnduranceMorgan@aol.com
Street Address: 116 Verde Court
City: Petaluma
State: CA
Zip: 94954
Helga, Nice web site. Sorry it took me so long to check it out. Happy Trails, Jeanne

Renee Rhodes - 01/31/00 17:50:21
My Email:ruf_aqh@hotmail.com
Farm Name: Hincston Manor Morgans
Street Address: 409 N. 6th Street
City: Altoona
State: PA
Zip: 16601
Country: usa
Hello Im in search of someone interested in purchasing a pro trained huntseat reg Morgan gelding with an impressive show record.If you know anyone please write me Thank You Renee

diana - 01/19/00 09:58:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pointe/9771
My Email:dverburg@wxs.nl
Farm Name: Friesian Stud Kattendijke
Country: Holland
Hi there, wonderful page. I hope you have the time to ride to my page also someday.

Gerald De Lorenzo - 01/01/00 23:26:33
My Email:deloregr@ptd.net
Farm Name: Roaring Creek Paso Fino
Street Address: 2082 Creek Rd
City: Catawissa
State: Pa
Zip: 17820
Country: USA
Great Web site Good Job.. Thanks for sharing it.

Patti Dolezal - 12/30/99 01:29:27
My Email:mdrealty@nls.net
Farm Name: Spring Ridge Farms
Street Address: P.O. Box 794
City: Middlefield
State: Oh
Zip: 44062
Country: usa
I have two 1/2 Morgan Mares I got from Manitoba Canada, and just love them. I am working on get- ting their breeding from the farm where I got them. They are 1/2 Old style Morgan 1/4 Thoroughbred and 1/4 Percheoron. Quite a combonation! They ride & Drive and are very sen-s sible animals.

MaryAnn - 09/28/99 12:31:34
My Email:strmswpt@aol.com
Farm Name: Stormswept Morgans
Street Address: 3314 Cottman Ave.
City: Phila.,
State: PA
Zip: 19149
Hey Helga! I finally got my home computer to let me on you site! Later, Mare

walbear - 06/30/99 00:20:15
My Email:surprise! for some
Farm Name: unkniown reason I
Street Address: got my page back--
City: guessed at ID & pass
State: (couldn't wait for
Zip: your message area..

SHERILYN MOORE - 06/12/99 13:55:06
My Email:FOXFIRE_FARM webtv.net
Street Address: 18263 brushy fork rd
State: OHIO
Zip: 43055
Country: U.S.A
HELLO HELGA!!!!!!! It's SHERI how are you let's work out our drill team pattern. My horses are all together and waiting to learn the drill!!!!They are very excited about next years Equine Affaire!!!We want to do a better job for you next time!!! My love t you and your mom. CALL ME!!!!

Cathy Sabe - 04/02/99 15:07:25
My Email:csabe@servicepaper.com
Farm Name: Morgan Meadows Farm
Street Address: 28220 SE 424th ST
City: Enumclaw
State: WA
Zip: 98022
Country: USA
Your Morgans are beautiful!! All my life I've owned Arabs, then I got my first Morgan literally by accident, and I was hooked!! We now have three, two of which are Beckridge breeding by Leo and Louise Beckley. This is their first year compteting in end rance/ctr and we are very excited!!! We hope to someday expand our stock as they are doing very well. I believe at this point Morgans will be the only horses for us from now on! Cathy.

Ingrid Barnes - 03/23/99 01:23:48
My Email:i17red@yahoo.com
Street Address: 346 South Hall
City: Hazleton
State: PA
Zip: 18201
Country: USA
Great Page Helga. I will come back again to see waht else you have done.

MaryAnn Schafer - 03/06/99 21:30:39
Farm Name: Stormswept Morgans
Street Address: 3314 Cottman Ave.
City: Philadelphia
State: PA
Zip: 19149-1601
Country: USA
Howdy Hop-A-Long!! Nice site!! MaryAnn

Sue McInnis - 03/05/99 17:15:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/1437
My Email:mcinnis@junction.net
Farm Name: Brookewind
State: BC
Country: Canada

Kate Lorenzen - 03/04/99 19:03:15
My URL:http:// (soon to come)
My Email:StarMStables@WebTV.net
Farm Name: Star M Stables
Street Address: 519 1/2 North Lane
City: Marathon
State: Wi
Zip: 54448
Country: USA
Helga, Now I can relate more to this lady I've been talking thru email to!! Nice, bright site... like the links, too (specially the one getting into 'The Registry'! :=) Your "sites to view" on Blue Hills wouldn't open, tho - says "restricted access". Was disappointed! Kate @ Star M

The Jonkers - 02/13/99 02:31:56
My Email:hgjonker@aol.com
Farm Name: Nobleman Morgan Farm
Street Address: 10400 Hambright Rd.
City: Huntersville
State: NC
Zip: 28078
Country: USA
Your list of activities sounds like ours!

Stacie Cearley - 02/09/99 22:39:15
My Email:cearley@net-nw.com
City: Burley
State: Wa
Country: USA
Great Site!! It's been very helpful in tracing my mare's pedagree, as well as learning about the Morgan breed. Thanks!

Don Prohaska - 02/09/99 21:29:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BuckSnortMorgans
My Email:rbs@means.net
Farm Name: BuckSnort Morgans
Street Address: RR 2 Box 194
City: Kasson
State: MN
Zip: 55944
Country: USA
Nice site! Sure liked the sport Morgan logo on your site. What is the pedigree of the Morgan standing behind Jada Topaz. Come visit our web site. Thanks for sharing with us you nice Morgans!!! Don

Jennifer - 02/09/99 12:50:30
State: NY
Like the colorful morgans!

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