There seems to be two schools of thought on the ancestors of Anthony2 Hatch; therefore the other alleged ancestors will be displayed here and the below chart will not be changed until some further verification is received.
If anyone can provide corroboration from either side, please feel free to do so.
1. Anthony1 Hatch died November 27, 1689. He married (1) Margaret Lawrence. He married (2) Rebeckah.
Notes for Anthony Hatch: Lived in St Olave Old Jewry, London. Will dtd 23 Jul 1689 written in St Olave Old Jewry. Names wife Margaret; sons William & Anthony. Leaves Anthony the sum of ten pounds and declares that my said son Anthony Hatch hath already received of me and been fully advanced out of my estate far above and beyond what his part and share will amount unto or ever be obtained by him. Note date of will and death could be about time of death of son Anthony.
Children of Anthony Hatch and Rebeckah are:
2. i. Anthony2 Hatch, b. November 24, 1654, St Olave Old Jewry, London, England;
d. December 1688/9, Albemarle County, Province of North Carolina.
ii. William Hatch.
2. Anthony2 Hatch (Anthony1) was born November 24, 1654 in St Olave Old Jewry, London, England, and died December 1688 in Albemarle County, Province of North Carolina. He married Elizabeth Workman.
Notes for Elizabeth Workman: She is the alleged daughter of Arthur Workman whose will dtd Aug 1 1695 leaves his plantation on Little River to Anthony Hatch son of Elizabeth Hunt, wife of Captain John Hunt. Marriage information to John Hunt from Whitfield, Bryan, Smith and Related Familes by Emma Morehead Whtifield.
Child of Anthony Hatch and Elizabeth Workman is:
i. Anthony3 Hatch, b. 1675, Virginia; d. October 06, 1726, Perquimans County,
NC; M. Elizabeth Durant.
1. John1 Hatch was born 1612 in Devonshire, England, and Died 1682 in Charles County, MD. He married Alice Dent 1638.
Notes for John Hatch:
Born in Devonshire, England and Immigrated to Maryland in 1632. Some evidence he lived in
York County,
Va as early as 1654 and late as 1674. One John Hatch listed in Virginia Magazine Vol XIX, pg
3 as Master of
Ship Plymouth Merchant. Uncertain if he is same. The Hatch family is said to have taken its
name from a place
in Devonshire, England. John Hatch is the earliest Hatch recorded as living in America. From
Heritage of
Craven County, NC. Info from NC Gen Soc Typescript of Hatch Family (unverified). Marriage
info from
Hatch Gen Soc, Utah.
Children of John Hatch and Alice Dent are
2. i. Anthony2 Hatch, b. Abt. 1640, Charles County, Md; d. Abt. 1688, Norfolk County,
ii. Charles Hatch.
iii. Daughter Hatch.
iv. Henry Hatch.
v. John Hatch, b. 1638.
2. Anthony2 Hatch (John1) was born Abt. 1640 in Charles County, Md, and Died Abt. 1688 in Norfolk County, Va. He married Elizabeth.
Notes for Anthony Hatch:
Seems to have been first Hatch to settle in NC. First lived in Charles Co, Va,. later in 1654 York
Co, Va and
finally Albemarle Co, NC. From article from Heritage of Craven County by Francis Rhodes.
Will dtd Dec 10,
1688, proved Jan 17, 1689, Province of NC, county of Arbermarle. (sic) Mentions wife
Elizabeth, son
Exec wife Elizabeth. Wts Wm Cornick, Martin Cornick, Francis Morse.
Notes for Elizabeth
While her maiden name is Unknown, it is believed that she came from England as a member of
the SwAnn
household, which was known as one of the most prominent Colonial families in America. From
Heritage of
Craven County, Francis Rhodes. It is believed that Elizabeth Hatch married 2d Capt John Hunt.
Listed in
Arthur Workman's Will dtd Aug 1, 1695-->To Capt John Hunt one silver tankard of twelve
pounds value, Mrs.
Elizabeth Hunt, gold mourning ring, Anthony Hatch, son of Mrs Elizabeth Hunt, plantation on
Workman does not further describe his relationship with John Hunt or Mrs Elizabeth Hunt.
claim Elizabeth is the Daughter of Arthur Workman.
Child of Anthony Hatch and Elizabeth is
3. i. Anthony3 Hatch, JR, b. 1675, Virginia; D. October 06, 1726, Perquimans, N.C..
3. Anthony3 Hatch, JR (Anthony2, John1) was born 1675 in Virginia, and Died October 06, 1726 in Perquimans, N.C.1. He married Elizabeth Durant 1711 in Perquimans, N. C., Daughter of John Durant and Sarah Cooke.
Notes for Anthony Hatch, JR
Anthony Hatch appears on the scene when he purchases land from Arthur Workman in 1696. He
was Associate
Justice of the General Court in 1714 and after that date was Treasurer of the Province in 1722.
He is referred to
as Colonel Anthony Hatch by Jesse Pugh in "Three Hundred Years along the Pasquatank." Will
dated Aug 1,
1726 and proved Nov 16, 1726, mentions sons Edmund and Lamb (Lemuel) and Anthony.
Mentions wife
Elizabeth and Daughter Elizabeth, brothers-in-law Richard Whidbey and George Durant.
Mentioned in
bro in
law George Durant's will dtd 25 May 1730. Land to be sold and "one half of the Money to Paid
to Anthony
Hatch's Estate. " Deed book Chowan District, NC 1696-1723 -->Anthony Hatch, Esq and George
Gentleman received 570 Acres from Capt John Pettwir In PCNC 27 Mar 1713 for transporting
one person for
every 50 acres.
Notes for Elizabeth Durant
GrandDaughter of George Durant and Ann Marwood. Mentioned in husband Anthony Hatch's
will. Believed
she married Zebulon Clayton upon death of Anthony. Brother George Durant's will dated 25
May 1730 proved
29 Sep 1730 leaves land to Anthony Hatch's Estate (Anthony Hatch who died l726 was husband
of George's
sister Elizabeth Durant) and mentions Loveing brothers (brothers-in law?) Zebulun Clayton and
Whidbee to be executors. From this it is assumed that Zebulun Clayton was second husband of
George's sister
Elizabeth Durant Hatch) Will of Elizabeth Clayton dtd Jan 13, 1737, proved Feb 2, l737
Mary Clayton . Execs John Stevenson, John Barclift. Wit Christian Reed, Benjamin Baptiste,
Mary Durant.
From NC Wills by Grimes.
Children of Anthony Hatch and Elizabeth Durant are
4. I. Lemuel4 Hatch, b. Abt. 1720, Perquimans, N. C.; d. Abt. 1777, Craven County, N.
5. ii. Anthony Hatch, b. Perquimans County, N.C.; d. January 14, 1744/45.
6. iii. Edmund Hatch, b. Abt. 1718, Perquimans County, N.C.; d. June 1770, Craven County,
N. C..
7. iv. Elizabeth Hatch, b. Abt. 1715, Perquimans County, N. C.
4. Lemuel4 Hatch (Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born Abt. 1720 in Perquimans, N. C., and Died Abt. 1777 in Craven County, N. C. He married Mary Fonvielle.
Notes for Lemuel Hatch
Member of Provincial Congress from Craven County on 8/25/1774. Provincial Congress met at
Halifax, NC
4/4/1776, Lemuel Hatch representing Craven County. Field Officers appointed for each county.
Craven=Lt Col
Lemuel Hatch (History Sketches of NC, Wheeler) listed in DAR Patriot Index for Patriotic
Service and as Lt
Col, NC. Date of birth listed as circa 1730.. Will proved 3 Feb 1777. Mentioned in father
Anthony's will 1
Aug 1726. In will dated April 2, 1774, he mentions wife Mary, sons Lemuel, John, Edmund,
Durant, Asa, Ivy
and Anthony; and Daughters Elizabeth and Mary. Mentions father in law John Fonville. Same
9 children of
Lemuel and Mary Fonvielle listed in Whitfield, Bryan, Smith by Emma Whitfield. Order:
Lemuel, John,
Edmund, Durant, Asa, Anthony, Ivy, Elizabeth, Mary.
Old Albemarle Court Minutes. Jul l738- On a motion of Edm Hatch and Lamb Hatch, orphans of Anthony Hatch late of said precinct Deceased and by consent of their friends, It was ordered that Anthony Hatch be Guardian to them and take their Estate into his hand wheresoever in this precinct to be for and first giving security of two thousand pounds which said security was given by Thomas Callaway and John Wilcocks.
Children of Lemuel Hatch and Mary Fonvielle are
8. i. Elizabeth5 Hatch, b. Craven County, N. C.; D. 1819, Carteret County, N. C..
9. ii. John Hatch, b. Craven County, N. C.; d. 1798, Jones County, NC.
10. iii. Lemuel Hatch, b. Craven County, N. C.; D. November 09, 1807, Jones, County,
11. iv. Anthony Hatch, b. Craven County, N. C.; d. October 01, 1810, Jones County, NC.
12. v. Asa Hatch, B. Craven County, N. C.; D. 1814, Onslow County, N. C.
13. vi. Mary Hatch, b. Craven County, N. C..
14. vii. Durant Hatch, b. 1765, Craven County, N. C.; d. March 27, 1830.
15. viii. Edmund Hatch, b. 1763, Craven County, N. C.; D. January 28, 1821, Craven County,
16. ix. Ivey Hatch, b. Craven County, N. C.; d. November 1807, Craven Co, N C.
5. Anthony4 Hatch (Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born in Perquimans County, N.C., and died January 14, 1744/45. He married Elizabeth Dickson, (Dickerson) June 12, 1735 in Perquimans County, N.C.
Notes for Anthony Hatch
From History of Perquimmons County, Mrs Watson Winsow. Anthony Hatch and Elizabeth
Dickson was
joined together in Holy Estate of Matrimony on the 12th day of June, by Joseph Sutton, on his
Justices of the Peace--1735. Test' James Craven, Reg.
Notes for Elizabeth Dickson
NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway has her listed as Elizabeth Dickerson with date of marriage
to Anthony
Hatch as Jun 12, 1735. Will of Elizabeth Dickson Hatch Williams dtd Nov 8, 1745, proved Dec
3, 1745,
mentions sons John and Anthony Hatch and dau Penelope Williams. Executors: McRoray
Scarbrough and my
loveing brother Edmund Hatch (Brother in law?). Two sisters.
Children of Anthony Hatch and Elizabeth Dickson are
17. i. John5 Hatch, b. Abt. 1740, Perquimans County, NC; d. Onlsow County, N.C..
ii. Joy Hatch, b. April 11, 1736.
Notes for Joy Hatch
Listed by NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway as son of Anthony and Elizabeth. Listed in The
Register of
Berkerly as Ivy? Hach borne ye llth of Aaprill Anno dom 1736.
iii. Elizabeth Hatch, b. January 27, 1737/38; m. William Reed.
Notes for Elizabeth Hatch
Listed in NC Hist & Gen Records, Hathaway as Daughter of Anthony Hatch and Elizabeth.
18. iv. Anthony Hatch, b. Abt. 1739.
6. Edmund4 Hatch (Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born Abt. 1718 in Perquimans County, N.C., and Died June 1770 in Craven County, N. C.. He married Lucy Richard March 15, 1741/42 in Chowan County, N. C.2, Daughter of Andre Richard and Hepsebah.
Notes for Edmund Hatch
Mentioned in father's will. Listed in DAR Patriots Index. born 1708 died 1778 married to Lucy
Patriotic Service, NC. Info on Edmund and descendants from family Bible in 1928 in possession
of Mrs James
Rhodes Hatch of Goldsboro, NC
Notes for Lucy Richard
According to Marriage & Death Notices, Raleigh Newspapers, she of Chowan County. Listed
both as Richard
and Richards
Children of Edmund Hatch and Lucy Richard are
19. i. Benjamin5 Hatch, b. January 03, 1746/47, Perquimans County, NC James Hardy Bryan's
Bible; d.
November 29, 1777, Craven Co, N C - James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
20. ii. Edmund Hatch, b. February 08, 1748/49, Perquimans County, NC James Hardy Bryan's
Bible; d.
January 21, 1789, Jones County, NC.
21. iii. Sarah Hatch, b. August 21, 1751, Perquimans County, NC James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d
09, 1787, Craven Co, N C - James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
22. iv. Lemuel Hatch, b. May 13, 1754, Perquimans County, NC James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d.
Jones County, N.C..
23. v. Lucy LouisE Hatch, b. November 13, 1756, Craven County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's
Bible; d.
July 23, 1789, Wayne County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
vi. Jane Hatch, b. March 27, 1759, Craven County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d.
Notes for Jane Hatch
Died at about age 5 weeks. James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
24. vii. Elizabeth Hatch, b. September 03, 1760, Craven County, NC; d. Wayne County,
25. viii. Joseph Hatch, b. December 02, 1762, Craven County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's
Bible; d.
August 1819, Jones County, N. C..
26. ix. Charles Hatch, b. February 08, 1765, Craven County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible;
d. 1809,
Craven Co, N C.
27. x. Hepsebah Hatch, b. May 21, 1768, Craven County, NC; d. Wayne County, NC.
7. Elizabeth4 Hatch (Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born Abt. 1715 in Perquimans County, N. C.. She married (1) McRora Scarborough, son of William Scarborough and Frances McRora. She married (2) Joseph Blount, son of John Blount and Elizabeth Davis. She married (3) William Reed, son of William Reed and Jane.
Notes for Elizabeth Hatch
Mentioned in father's will. Whitfield, Bryan, Smith by Emma Whitfield gives date of birth as
abt 1722 Notes
for McRora Scarborough: From Hatch Typescript, NCGS - His will dated Jan 31, l752 proved
Feb l8,
l752. Wife Elizabeth, son Benjamin, son McRora and William, dau Elizabeth. exrs Brother John
Bro in law Edmund Hatch, William Burgess, Sr.
Notes for Joseph Blount
Will probated 1777. Son of John Blount and Elizabeth Davis. From Whitfield, Bryan Smith by
Whitfield. Same info from Hatch Typescript
Notes for William Reed
Son of Governor William Reed and Jane Reed From Hatch Typescript NCGS
Children of Elizabeth Hatch and McRora Scarborough are
i. Elizabeth5 Scarborough, b. 1741.
Notes for Elizabeth Scarborough
Date of Birth from Hatch Typescript and Whitfield, Bryan, Smith
ii. McRora Scarborough, b. 1746.
Notes for McRora Scarborough
Date of Birth from Hatch Typescript & Whitfield, Bryan, Smith
iii. William Scarborough, b. 1749.
Notes for William Scarborough
Date of birth from Hatch Typescript & Whitfield, Bryan, Smith
iv. Benjamin Scarborough.
Children of Elizabeth Hatch and Joseph Blount are
v. Joseph5 Blount, d. 1792, Chowan County, NC; m. (1) Anne Gray; m. (2) Elizabeth
Bonner, 1775.
Notes for Joseph Blount
Hatch Typescript has wife as Elizabeth Bonner. Whitfield, Bryan, Smith has wife as Lydia
vi. Lemuel Edward Blount.
Notes for Lemuel Edward Blount
Died at sea. From Hatch Typescript and Whitfield, Bryan, Smith
Child of Elizabeth Hatch and William Reed is
vii. William5 Reed.
8. Elizabeth5 Hatch (Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born in Craven County, N. C., and Died 1819 in Carteret County, N.C.. She married Isaac Hill, son of Richard Hill and Catherine.
Notes for Isaac Hill
He son of Richard & Catherine Hill; supposedly had 8 other children. From Hatch
Child of Elizabeth Hatch and Isaac Hill is
i. Isaac6 Hill.
9. John5 Hatch (Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born in Craven County, N. C., and died 1798 in Jones County, NC. He married Penelope Bryan, Daughter of Thomas Bryan and Rachel Lavender.
Notes for Penelope Bryan
She dau of Thomas and Rachel (Lavender) Bryan and sister of Sarah Bryan Hatch who married
Lemuel Hatch,
son of Edmund Hatch and Lucy Richard
Children of John Hatch and Penelope Bryan are
i. Anthony6 Hatch.
ii. Haskell Freeman Hatch.
iii. Mary Hatch, m. John T. Bryan.
10. Lemuel5 Hatch (Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born in Craven County, N. C., and died November 09, 1807 in Jones, County, N C. He married (1) Anna Bryan Jaspar September 26, 1798, Daughter of John Bryan. He married (2) Hollon Caswell May 20, 1801.
Notes for Lemuel Hatch
Mentioned in father's will.
Notes for Anna Bryan Jaspar
Name listed as Anna Jespar in NC Marriages, Craven County. She dau of John Bryan and widow
of James
Child of Lemuel Hatch and Anna Jaspar is
i. Mary6 Hatch, b. 1798; d. 1814; m. John Pugh Daves, February 04, 1813, Craven County,
Notes for Mary Hatch
She listed as Mary B. Hatch, NC Marriages, Craven County
11. Anthony5 Hatch (Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born in Craven County, N. C., and died October 01, 1810 in Jones County, NC3. He married Susannah Hazard December 15, 1792 in Onlsow County, NC.
Notes for Anthony Hatch
From Hatch Typescritp
Children of Anthony Hatch and Susannah Hazard are:
i. Durant Anthony6 Hatch, b. Bef. 1800; m. Thurza Humprhey, 1824.
Notes for Durant Anthony Hatch
In l826 Durant A. Hatch sold property inherited by Thursa Humphrey. He listed as living in
Alabama. Filed
deeds in Oct 1818 about land from Mary Davis dau of Lemuel Hatch, Filed another deed in
1819 (Nancy
28. ii. George Calvin Hatch, b. December 29, 1799, Perquimans County, NC; d. September 05,
Portland, Tx.
iii. Anthony Hatch, d. Bef. 1810.
iv. James Hatch, d. Bef. 1810.
v. Elizabeth Hatch.
12. Asa5 Hatch (Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born in Craven County, N. C., and died 1814 in Onslow County, NC. He married (1) Hope Borden, Daughter of William Borden and Comfort Small. He married (2) Milla Spicer, Daughter of John Spicer.
Notes for Asa Hatch
From records of Jones County, NC. Nov 3, l788, Asa Hatch, planter of Onslow County NC to
Lemuel Hatch
for 150 pounds, a lot in Newbern NC which was willed to Asa Hatch by his father Lemuel
Hatch. In father
Lemuel's will he leaves Asa "one piece of land in Onslow County on the N side of New River
which I bought
from Eleas Edens, also one lot on Newbern conveyed to me from my father-in law Mr. John
Notes for Hope Borden
Dau of William & Comfort (Small) Borden
Children of ASA Hatch and Hope Borden are
29. i. Alice6 Hatch, b. October 18, 1794.
ii. William Borden Hatch, m. Elizabeth Cobb.
iii. Christopher Asa Hatch.
Iv. Mehetable Hatch.
v. Hope Hatch.
vi. George Hatch.
vii. Mary Hatch, m. Albert G Anderson.
13. Mary5 Hatch (Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born in Craven County, N. C.. She married William Lanier Bef. 1777.
Notes for William Lanier
From Hatch Typescript
Child of Mary Hatch and William Lanier is
i. Asa6 Lanier.
14. Durant5 Hatch (Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born 1765 in Craven County, N. C., and died March 27, 1830. He married (1) Elizabeth Norman. He married (2) Elizabeth West June 05, 1822 in Craven County, N. C..
Notes for Durant Hatch
Will proved Craven Co, NC May 1830. Mentions wife Elizabeth, son Durant, Lemuel, Alfred,
dau Harriet
Daves, wife of Thomas H. Daves, grandsons Alfred Parker, Durant son of Alfred., grandaughters
Caroline E.
Hatch, Elizabeth West Hatch, Mary Sidney Hatch, Catherine Elizabeth Hatch, dau of Lemuel,
Jane dau of
Alfred and Mary Maria Nelson, wife of Francis W. Nelson. General in NC Militia, State Senator
from Jones
County, Vestryman of Christ Episcopal Church.
Children of Durant Hatch and Elizabeth Norman are
i. Elizabeth6 Hatch, b. Craven County, NC; d. March 25, 1816.
ii. Durant Hatch, JR, b. 1785, Craven County, NC; m. Mary R. West, June 15, 1809.
Iii. Nancy Hatch, b. 1787, Craven County, NC.
iv. Sarah Hatch, b. 1790, Craven County, NC.
30. v. Lemuel Durant Hatch, b. May 10, 1793, Craven County, NC.
31. vi. Harriet Hatch, b. December 01, 1796, Craven County, NC..
32. vii. Alfred Hatch, b. October 14, 1799, Craven County, NC.
15. Edmund5 Hatch (Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born 1763 in Craven County, N. C., and Died January 28, 1821 in Craven County, N. C.. He married (1) Elizabeth Fonvielle August 20, 1784 in Craven Co, N C. He married (2) Miriam Simmons Aft. 1785 in Craven Co, N C, Daughter of Emanuel Simmons. He married (3) Betsy West February 15, 1809.
Notes for Edmund Hatch
May have been married to Miriam Simmons dau of Emanuel Simmons who May be the mother
of these
children. Will of Emanuel Simmons dtd 29 Dec 1806 lists 5 grandchildren sons and Daughters
of Edmund
Hatch, name of mother not listed in will. From the Bible of Buckner Hatch: Buckner Hatch the son of Edmund Hatch & Marian Hatch his wife was born Oct l8th AD 1789. Marriage bond between Edmund Hatch Jun. and
dated Aug 20, 1784, witnessed by John Hatch. Will dated 26 Jan 1821, Edmund Hatch, Jun.,
names no wife,
sons Buckner, Lemuel and John. Daughter Mary Blackledge. proved March term 1821. Listed
in Marriages,
Craven County NC in marriage to Elizabeth Fonvielle as Edmund Hatch, Jr.
Notes for Elizabeth Fonvielle
It is believed that no children were born of this marriage.
Notes for Miriam Simmons
She probably dead by Dec 29, 1806 as not listed in Father Emanuel Simmons will of this date.
Durant and Arseneth (Aseneth) grandson and grandDaughter are listed as well as 5 children (3
unamed) of
Edmund Hatch. Not certain that her name is Miriam but several researchers refer to wife of
Edmund Hatch as
Miriam Simmons.
Notes for Betsy West
She listed Elizabeth West in Marriages, Craven NC 1773-1850
Children of Edmund Hatch and Miriam Simmons are
i. Lemuel6 Hatch, d. 1824; m. (1) Richard Jane Hooks, October 09, 1820, Duplin County,
NC; m.
(2) Ann Simmons, February 20, 1821, Jones County, N.C..
Notes for Lemuel Hatch
Mentioned in father's will. From Hatch Typescript
33. ii. Buckner Hatch, b. July 26, 1789; d. December 15, 1824.
iii. Arsenath Hatch, d. Bef. 1821.
Notes for Arsenath Hatch
Not mentioned in father's will dtd Jan 26, 1821, mentioned in grandfather, Emanuel Simmons
Will Dec 29,
iv. John Stanley Hatch, d. August 05, 1824.
Notes for John Stanley Hatch
Mentioned in father's will. Executors of Will brothers Buckner and Lemuel appointed guardians
to John.
34. v. Mary Fonvielle Hatch.
16. Ivey5 Hatch (Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born in Craven County, N C., and died November 1807 in Craven Co, N C. He married (1) Clarissa Nixon Bef. 1797, Daughter of Thomas Nixon and Christian. He married (2) Sarah Parsons June 22, 1807, Daughter of Jeremiah Parsons and ABIA.
Notes for Sarah Parsons
Dau of Jeremiah & Abia Parsons
Child of Ivey Hatch and Clarissa Nixon is
i. Lemuel Nixon6 Hatch.
17. John5 Hatch (Anthony4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born Abt. 1740 in Perquimans County, NC, and died in Onlsow County, N.C.. He married Elizabeth Fonvielle, Daughter of John Fonvielle and Mary.
Notes for John Hatch
From Hatch Typescript
Child of John Hatch and Elizabeth Fonvielle is
35. i. Elizabeth6 Hatch.
18. Anthony5 Hatch (Anthony4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born Abt. 1739. He married Unknown.
Notes for Anthony Hatch
Info on Anthony from Whitfield, Bryan Smith by Emma Whitfield.
Children of Anthony Hatch and Unknown are
i. Anthony6 Hatch.
Notes for Anthony Hatch
In will mentions brothers Asa and Edmund. From Whitfield, Bryan, Smith by Emma
ii. Edmund Hatch.
iii. ASA Hatch.
19. Benjamin5 Hatch (Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born January 03, 1746/47 in Perquimans County, NC James Hardy Bryan's Bible, and died November 29, 1777 in Craven Co, N C - James Hardy Bryan's Bible. He married Sarah Williams Abt. 1768, Daughter of James Williams and Sarah.
Child of Benjamin Hatch and Sarah Williams is
i. Narcissa6 Hatch, b. May 05, 1771, James Hardy Bryan's Bible; m. Thomas Lee
Harramond, October 04, 1788, Craven County, N. C..
20. Edmund5 Hatch (Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born February 08, 1748/49 in Perquimans County, NC James Hardy Bryan's Bible, and died January 21, 1789 in Jones County, NC. He married Mary Bryan March 05, 1772 in James Hardy Bryan's Bible, Daughter of Hardy Bryan and Sarah Bonner.
Notes for Edmund Hatch
Will dated Nov 8, 1788. Mar term 1789. Mentions wife Mary, children Lucy, Polly Bryan,
Hatch, Hardy,
Edmund and Andrew, brother Lemuel, Lewis & Charles. Bro-in-law Lewis Bryan as executor
Notes for Mary Bryan
Listed in husband Edmund's will.
Children of Edmund Hatch and Mary Bryan are
36. i. Lucy6 Hatch, b. January 19, 1773, Craven County, NC; d. September 07, 1818, James
Bryan's Bible.
ii. Narcissa Hatch, b. October 21, 1774, James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d. November 03, 1776,
Hardy Bryan's Bible.
iii. Mary Bryan Hatch, b. December 13, 1776, Craven County, NC - James Hardy
Bryan's Bible; d. January 17, 1845, Natchez, Miss; m. Henry Tooley, December 20, 1793,
Craven County,
Notes for Mary Bryan Hatch
Mentioned in fathers will. She listed as Polly Hatch in NC Marriages, Craven County. Listed as
Polly Bryan
Hatch in James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
Notes for Henry Tooley
Listed as Adam Tooley, Jr in Whitfield,Bryan, Smith by Emma Whitfield.
iv. Sarah Hatch, b. May 09, 1779, Jones County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d. November 03, 1780, James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
Notes for Sarah Hatch
Not listed in father's will dated 1788. Listed as Sally Hatch in James Hardy Bryan's Bible
v. Hardy Hatch, b. March 28, 1781, Jones County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d. February 17, 1801, James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
Notes for Hardy Hatch
Mentioned in father's will. Killed day before was to be married. Whitfield, Bryan, Smith by
vi. Edmund Hatch, b. March 28, 1783, Jones County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
Notes for Edmund Hatch
Listed in father's will.
vii. AndreW Hatch, b. October 10, 1785, Jones County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d. August 1792, James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
Notes for AndreW Hatch
Listed in father's will.
viii. Elizabeth Hatch, b. March 03, 1788, Jones County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d. October 26, 1788, James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
Notes for Elizabeth Hatch
Not listed in father's will dated 1788. Twin to Lewis, Whitfield, Bryan, Smith by Emma
ix. LEWIS Hatch, b. March 03, 1788, Jones County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d. March 05, 1788, James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
Notes for LEWIS Hatch
Twin to Elizabeth. Whitfield, Bryan, Smith by Emma Whitfield
21. Sarah5 Hatch (Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born August 21, 1751 in Perquimans County, NC James Hardy Bryan's Bible, and died February 09, 1787 in Craven Co, N C - James Hardy Bryan's Bible. She married (1) Hardy Bryan. She married (2) Obed Roundtree March 22, 1783.
Notes for Sarah Hatch
Date of birth given by Whitfield, Bryan, Smith by Emma Whitfield as 8/02/1751
Children of Sarah Hatch and Hardy Bryan are
i. William Hatch6 Bryan, b. February 18, 1781; m. Elizabeth Heritage.
ii. Asa Bryan.
iii. Edmund Bryan, b. 1777; d. 1817.
iv. Thomas Bryan, b. 1779.
37. v. James Hardy Bryan, b. June 03, 1769, James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d. March 22, 1844,
Co, Tenn -James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
Children of Sarah Hatch and Obed Roundtree are
vi. Allen6 Roundtree, D. 1809.
Vii. Lemuel Hatch Roundtree.
22. Lemuel5 Hatch (Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born May 13, 1754 in Perquimans County, NC James Hardy Bryan's Bible, and died 1791 in Jones County, N.C.. He married Sarah Bryan, Daughter of Thomas Bryan and Rachel Lavender.
Notes for Lemuel Hatch
Mentioned in brother Edmund's will Nov 8, 1788. Lemuel's will dated Oct 8, 1790, Dec term
1791, mentions
wife Sarah, Daughters Mary, Sarah, Lucy and sons Edmond, Lemuel and Benjamin, Brothers
Joseph and
Charles , Nephew James Hardy Bryan. Witness sister Hephsibah Hatch. Listed in DAR Patriot
Index born May
1754, died 1790, married to Sarah Bryan.
Children of Lemuel Hatch and Sarah Bryan are
i. Mary6 Hatch.
Notes for Mary Hatch
Mentioned in father's will.
ii. Edmund Hatch.
Notes for Edmund Hatch
Mentioned in fathers will.
iii. Lemuel Hatch.
Notes for Lemuel Hatch
Mentioned in father's will.
iv. Lucy Hatch.
Notes for Lucy Hatch
Mentioned in father's will.
38. v. Benjamin Hatch, b. March 05, 1781; d. September 15, 1843, Huntsville, Walker, Texas.
vi. Sarah Bryan Hatch, m. (1) William Whitfield; m. (2) William Whitfield.
Notes for Sarah Bryan Hatch
Mentioned in father's will.
23. Lucy LouisE5 Hatch (Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born November 13, 1756 in Craven County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible, and died July 23, 1789 in Wayne County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible. She married Needham Whitfield.
Children of Lucy Hatch and Needham Whitfield are
i. Rachel6 Whitfield, b. 1781; d. 1862; m. John Thomas Bryan.
Notes for John Thomas Bryan
From Hatch Typescript
ii. Lucy Whitfield, b. November 18, 1783; d. February 06, 1879; m. Allen Wooten.
iii. Sarah Catherine Whitfield, b. March 24, 1785; d. April 15, 1821; m. Benjamin
iv. William Whitfield, b. 1787; d. June 20, 1864; m. Ann Turner, November 1812.
v. Needham Whitfield, b. June 21, 1789; d. Aft. 1850; m. (1) Alice James Hall; m. (2)
Elizabeth Hatch; m. (3) Sarah Watkins; m. (4) Penelope Lane Bush.
24. Elizabeth5 Hatch (Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born September 03, 1760 in Craven County, NC, and died in Wayne County, NC. She married Needham Whitfield.
Children of Elizabeth Hatch and Needham Whitfield are
i. Edmund6 Whitfield, b. December 09, 1793; d. September 03, 1867, Aberdeen, Miss; m.
Susan Matilda Croom, March 08, 1816; m. (2) Penelope Clinton Holmes, January 23, 1821.
Notes for Edmund Whitfield
Moved to Mississippi in 1840
ii. Hepzibah Whitfield, b. 1792; m. Hatch Whitfield.
Notes for Hatch Whitfield
Went to Aberdeen, Miss 1835
25. Joseph5 Hatch (Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born December 02, 1762 in Craven County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible, and died August 1819 in Jones County, N. C.. He married (1) Phebe Frazier. He married (2) Anne Blackledge February 06, 1787 in Craven Co, N C, Daughter of Richard Blackledge and Ann Bass.
Notes for Joseph Hatch
Listed in DAR Patriot Index as soldier NC born Dec 2, 1762 married Anne Blackledge. Jul 9.
1808 Joseph
Hatch to his children Lucy L. Lamont, Fanny Grant, Ann B. Hatch, Richard B. Hatch, Joseph
Hatch, Jr, a deed
of gift. From Records of Jones County, NC. Marriage date in Whitfield, Bryan, Smith by Emma
listed as 6 Feb 1786/87 also in Hatch Typescript. Richard B. Hatch's Bible list date of Marriage
for Joseph to
Ann Blackledge as 6th July 1787. Richard B. Hatch states in his Bible there were 5 other
children , all of
whom died under age or before the day of marriage.
Children of Joseph Hatch and Anne Blackledge are
i. Lucy LouisA6 Hatch, b. July 21, 1788, Richard B. Hatch's Bible; m. Francis Lamont.
Notes for Francis Lamont:
Aa gentleman from the island of Santa Domingo (Richard B. Hatch's Bible)
ii. Ann Bass Hatch, b. 1792; M. Ivy Watson.
iii. FAnnY Hatch, b. 1795; m. Solomon E. Grant.
39. iv. Richard Blackledge Hatch, b. October 08, 1797; d. 1835, Onslow County, NC.
v. Joseph Hatch, b. 1806; d. January 02, 1818, Pitt Co, N C.
vi. Charles Hatch, b. Abt. 1810.
26. Charles5 Hatch (Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born February 08, 1765 in Craven County, NC - James Hardy Bryan's Bible, and died 1809 in Craven Co, N C. He married (1) Lydia Saunders. He married (2) SusannAH Saunders February 24, 1802.
Notes for Charles Hatch
Mentioned in brother Edmund's Will. Second wife Susanna Saunders sister of first wife
Notes for Susannah Saunders
Sister of 1st wife Lydia
Child of Charles Hatch and Lydia Saunders is
i. Henry Charles6 Hatch.
27. Hepsebah5 Hatch (Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born May 21, 1768 in Craven County, NC, and died in Wayne County, NC. She married William Whitfield.
Notes for Hepsebah Hatch
Witnessed brother Edmund's Will.
Children of Hepsebah Hatch and William Whitfield are
i. Charles6 Whitfield, m. Hester Whitfield.
ii. Hatch Whitfield, b. Abt. 1793; d. Abt. 1883; m. Hepzibah Whitfield.
Notes for Hatch Whitfield
Went to Aberdeen, Miss 1835
iii. William Whitfield, m. (1) Sarah Bryan Hatch; m. (2) Hester Williams; m. (3) Sarah Oliver Hurst; m. (4) Hepsibah Hatch.
Notes for Sarah Bryan Hatch
Mentioned in father's will.
28. George Calvin6 Hatch (Anthony5, Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born December 29, 1799 in Perquimans County, NC, and died September 05, 1872 in Portland, Tx. He married Mary Ann Simmons March 14, 1821 in Charleston, S. C., Daughter of Needham Simmons and Elizabeth Rhem.
Notes for Mary Ann Simmons
Also known as Polly
Children of George Hatch and Mary Simmons are
i. Betsy Jane7 Hatch.
ii. Richard Ann Hatch.
iii. John Hatch.
iv. James Hatch.
40. v. Lemuel Simmons Hatch, b. July 18, 1833, Dyer, Tn; d. April 04, 1904, Kerr Co,
vi. Amos Hatch.
vii. William Hatch.
viii. Henry Hatch.
ix. Mary Susan Hatch, b. January 22, 1821, Jones County, NC; d. October 01, 1893, Borden
Station, tx; m. John Petit Borden, November 14, 1843.
29. Alice6 Hatch (ASA5, Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born October 18, 1794. She married William Borden.
Children of Alice Hatch and William Borden are
i. Alice7 Borden.
ii. Christopher Asa Borden.
iii. Mehetable Borden.
Iv. Hope Borden.
v. George Borden.
vi. Mary Borden.
30. Lemuel Durant6 Hatch (Durant5, Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born May 10, 1793 in Craven County, NC. He married Martha Hill Dixon.
Children of Lemuel Hatch and Martha Dixon are
i. Catherine Elizabeth7 Hatch.
ii. FAnnY Hatch.
iii. AnnIE Hatch, b. May 15, 1881, Greensboro, Ala.
31. Harriet6 Hatch (Durant5, Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born December 01, 1796 in Craven County, NC.. She married Thomas Haynes Daves March 11, 1812 in Craven County, NC.
Children of Harriet Hatch and Thomas Daves are
i. Durant H.7 Daves.
ii. Thomas H. Daves.
iii. Eaton P. Daves.
iv. Lemuel H. Daves.
v. John Daves.
32. Alfred6 Hatch (Durant5, Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born October 14, 1799 in Craven County, NC. He married (1) Victoria Walker. He married (2) Elizabeth B. VAIL May 08, 1822.
Notes for Alfred Hatch
Carolina Sentinel. Md in Craven Co on Thursday evening last, by Rev Lemuel D Hatch, Mr
Alfred Hatch to
Miss Elizabeth Vail, Daughter of John Vail, Esq. May 11, l822
Child of Alfred Hatch and Victoria Walker is
i. Evelyn7 Hatch.
Child of Alfred Hatch and Elizabeth Vail is
ii. Durant7 Hatch.
33. Buckner6 Hatch (Edmund5, Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born July 26, 1789, and died December 15, 1824. He married Alice Hatch March 01, 1810, Daughter of Asa Hatch and Hopey.
Notes for Buckner Hatch
Mentioned in father's will. From Richard F. Hatch's Bible. Buckner Hatch, the son of Edmund
Hatch and
Mariam Hatch, his wife was born July the 26th l789.
Children of Buckner Hatch and Alice Hatch are
i. Edmund7 Hatch, b. December 10, 1810.
ii. Mary Elizabeth Hatch, b. September 10, 1812; d. October 23, 1813.
iii. Aseneth Richard Hatch, b. September 07, 1814; d. October 07, 1818.
iv. Elizabeth Mehetable Hatch, b. December 28, 1818; d. March 29, 1819.
v. Richard West Hatch, b. July 07, 1816; d. March 22, 1896; m. Elizabeth Nelson,
April 26, 1843.
vi. William Hatch, b. December 31, 1819; d. April 16, 1823.
vii. Lemuel Hatch, b. April 16, 1823.
34. Mary Fonvielle6 Hatch (Edmund5, Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born 4. She married William Salter Blackledge April 25, 1815 in Craven Co, N.C..
Notes for Mary Fonvielle Hatch
She listed in 1860 census, 1 Jun 1860 as being 60 years of age, living in house of son-in-law,
John M F Harrison
, Virginia (Blackledge) age 24 and son Richard age 21. Mentioned in fathers will as Mary
Notes for William SALTER Blackledge
Buried Newbern Cemetery. U. S. Congressman 16 & 17th Congresses. Will proved Craven Co,
N C Dec term
1856. Names wife Mary, son Richard, dau Virginia wife of John M. F. Harrison, exec. Grad
UNC 1813.
Child of Mary Hatch and William Blackledge is
41. i. Richard Burkhead7 Blackledge, b. June 10, 1838, Craven Co, N C; d. January 14,
1916, Newbern, N C.
35. Elizabeth6 Hatch (John5, Anthony4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1). She married Woodhouse Rhodes.
Children of Elizabeth Hatch and Woodhouse Rhodes are
i. Exelina7 Rhodes, b. May 29, 1782, Onlsow County, NC.
ii. John Hatch Rhodes, b. Onslow County, NC.
iii. Mary Fonvielle Rhodes, b. Onslow County, NC.
iv. Woodhouse Rhodes, b. Onslow County, NC.
v. Lemuel Rhodes, b. Onslow County, NC.
vi. Henry Rhodes, b. Onlsow County, NC.
vii. Durant Hatch Rhodes, b. Onlsow County, NC.
viii. NARCISSA Hatch Rhodes, b. Onslow County, NC.
42. ix. Anthony Hatch Rhodes, b. April 07, 1801, Onslow County, NC; d. May 11, 1865.
x. Edward Rhodes, b. Onlsow County, NC.
xi. Margaret Rhodes, b. Onslow County, NC.
xii. ASA Hatch Rhodes, b. January 06, 1790, Onslow County, NC; d. 1837,
Tallahassee Fla.
36. Lucy6 Hatch (Edmund5, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born January 19, 1773 in Craven County, NC, and died September 07, 1818 in James Hardy Bryan's Bible. She married James Hardy Bryan August 30, 1789 in James Hardy Bryan's Bible, son of Hardy Bryan and Sarah Hatch.
Notes for Lucy Hatch
Listed in father's will.
Notes for James Hardy Bryan
From Whitfield, Bryan, Smith by Emma Whitfield.
Children of Lucy Hatch and James Bryan are
i. Lewis CAnnON7 Bryan, b. August 19, 1790, James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d. October 29,
James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
ii. James Hardy Bryan, b. October 12, 1792; d. January 14, 1821.
iii. Elizabeth Bryan, b. March 07, 1795; d. June 22, 1863.
iv. POLLY Bryan, b. June 08, 1798; d. February 02, 1878; m. Charles Bailey.
v. Wealthy Sanders Bryan, b. November 27, 1800; d. June 04, 1830.
vi. William Hatch Bryan, b. August 18, 1803; d. April 17, 1837.
vii. Sally Bryan, b. February 07, 1805; d. November 02, 1867.
viii. Edmund Bryan, b. May 02, 1806; d. July 04, 1807.
ix. Henrietta Bryan, b. January 15, 1810.
x. John Wesley Bryan, b. June 06, 1812; d. November 09, 1812.
43. xi. Willie Blount Bryan, b. January 27, 1814.
xii. Lucy Ann Bryan, b. January 18, 1817.
37. James Hardy6 Bryan (Sarah5 Hatch, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born June 03, 1769 in James Hardy Bryan's Bible, and died March 22, 1844 in Robeson Co, Tenn -James Hardy Bryan's Bible. He married (1) Lucy Hatch August 30, 1789 in James Hardy Bryan's Bible, Daughter of Edmund Hatch and Mary Bryan. He married (2) Margaret Bailey May 08, 1821.
Notes for James Hardy Bryan
From Whitfield, Bryan, Smith by Emma Whitfield.
Notes for Lucy Hatch
Listed in father's will.
Children of James Bryan and Lucy Hatch are
i. Lewis CAnnON7 Bryan, b. August 19, 1790, James Hardy Bryan's Bible; d. October 29,
1814, James Hardy Bryan's Bible.
ii. James Hardy Bryan, b. October 12, 1792; d. January 14, 1821.
iii. Elizabeth Bryan, b. March 07, 1795; d. June 22, 1863.
iv. Polly Bryan, b. June 08, 1798; d. February 02, 1878; m. Charles Bailey.
v. Wealthy Sanders Bryan, b. November 27, 1800; d. June 04, 1830.
vi. William Hatch Bryan, b. August 18, 1803; d. April 17, 1837.
vii. Sally Bryan, b. February 07, 1805; d. November 02, 1867.
viii. Edmund Bryan, b. May 02, 1806; d. July 04, 1807.
ix. Henrietta Bryan, b. January 15, 1810.
x. John Wesley Bryan, b. June 06, 1812; d. November 09, 1812.
43. xi. Willie Blount Bryan, b. January 27, 1814.
xii. Lucy Ann Bryan, b. January 18, 1817.
Children of James Bryan and Margaret Bailey are
xiii. Margaret Jane7 Bryan, b. July 20, 1822.
xiv. David Bailey Bryan, b. February 28, 1824.
xv. James Hardy Bryan, b. February 04, 1826.
xvi. Hardy Bryan, b. April 18, 1828.
xvii. Charles Bailey Bryan, b. May 22, 1832; d. August 1911.
xviii. Henrietta T. Bryan, b. June 15, 1835; d. September 11, 1840.
38. Benjamin6 Hatch (Lemuel5, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born March 05, 1781, and died September 15, 1843 in Huntsville, Walker, Texas. He married (1) Catherine Richard Green. He married (2) ??? Howard.
Notes for Benjamin Hatch
Mentioned in father's will. Probably was also married to Sarah Catherine Whitfield.
Children of Benjamin Hatch and Catherine Green are
i. Lucy Richard7 Hatch, m. Benjamin Whitfield, August 21, 1824, Clarke
County, Ala.
ii. Joseph Green Hatch.
iii. Lemuel Hatch.
44. iv. Junius Augustus Hatch, b. Abt. 1831, Washington County, Miss; d. Abt. 1863,
Walker County, Tx.
v. Thomas Hatch, b. Abt. 1832.
vi. William Hatch, b. January 04, 1803.
vii. Needham Whitfield Hatch, b. January 11, 1807.
viii. Benjamin Lemuel Hatch, b. March 05, 1812; m. Lucy Amelia Whitfield, North
ix. Sarah Bryan Hatch, b. March 31, 1815.
x. Bryan Whitfield Hatch, b. February 17, 1817.
xi. Laura Hatch, b. August 13, 1833; d. Abt. 1927, Waco, Texas.
39. Richard Blackledge6 Hatch (Joseph5, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born October 08, 1797, and died 1835 in Onslow County, NC. He married Rhodes Clarissa Rhodes December 26, 1820 in Richard Blackledge Hatch's Bible, Daughter of James Rhodes and Ann Bass.
Notes for Rhodes Clarissa Rhodes
From Marriage & Death Notices, Raleigh Newspapers = Richard B. Hatch of Jones to Clarrisa
of General Rhodes of Wayne 12/26/1820 at residence of General Edward Ward of Onslow
Children of Richard Hatch and Rhodes Rhodes are
45. i. Joseph Rhodes7 Hatch, b. October 17, 1821, Jones County, NC; d. February 09,
ii. James Edward Hatch, b. May 04, 1824, Richard B. Hatch's Bible; d. August 04, 1827.
46. iii. Ann Blackledge Hatch, b. August 28, 1827, Richard B. Hatch's Bible.
47. iv. Maria LouisA Hatch, b. October 19, 1829, Richard B. Hatch's Bible.
48. v. Richard Blackledge Hatch, b. December 26, 1831, Richard B. Hatch's Bible Florence,
40. Lemuel Simmons7 Hatch (George Calvin6, Anthony5, Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born July 18, 1833 in Dyer, Tn, and died April 04, 1904 in Kerr Co, Tx. He married Mary California Guthrie.
Children of Lemuel Hatch and Mary Guthrie are
i. Mary Georgiana8 Hatch, b. 1870.
ii. Robert Lee Hatch, b. 1871.
iii. Zula E. Hatch, b. 1873.
iv. Henrietta Hatch, b. 1876.
v. Pinkney E. Hatch, b. 1877.
vi. John Marvin Hatch, b. 1878.
vii. May Susan Hatch, b. 1880.
viii. Henry Enoch Hatch, b. 1883.
ix. Amos Frank Hatch, b. 1885.
49. x. William Nelson Hatch, b. 1889; d. 1968.
41. Richard Burkhead7 Blackledge (Mary Fonvielle6 Hatch, Edmund5, Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born June 10, 1838 in Craven Co, N C, and died January 14, 1916 in Newbern, N C. He married Pinkey S. Russell July 10, 1863 in Mecklenberg Co, NC.
Child of Richard Blackledge and Pinkey Russell is
50. i. Mary Fonvielle8 Blackledge, b. June 18, 1864, Mecklenberg Co, NC; d. February 15,
1931, Greenville, N C.
42. Anthony Hatch7 Rhodes (Richard6 Hatch, John5, Anthony4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born April 07, 1801 in Onslow County, NC, and died May 11, 1865. He married Richard Simmons.
Notes for Anthony Hatch Rhodes
Information from William Kassens.
Child of Anthony Rhodes and Richard Simmons is
51. i. Aliff Simmons8 Rhodes, b. May 15, 1840; d. May 20, 1906.
43. Willie Blount7 Bryan (James Hardy6, Sarah5 Hatch, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born January 27, 1814. He married Mary Williamson Bailey.
Child of Willie Bryan and Mary Bailey is
i. Lucinda BROWN8 Bryan, b. August 28, 1838.
44. Junius Augustus7 Hatch (Benjamin6, Lemuel5, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born Abt. 1831 in Washington County, Miss, and Died Abt. 1863 in Walker County, tx. He married Emma Tyler Norris Abt. 1857.
Notes for Emma Tyler Norris
Daughter of Sewell Norris and Margaret Richard Parker.
Children of Junius Hatch and Emma Norris are
i. Sewella8 Margaret, m. Balus Reuben Darwin, December 04, 1878, Walker
Co, Tx.
ii. Katharine Hatch, b. Walker County, TX.
iii. Junius Augustus Hatch, b. Walker County, TX; d. Walker County, TX.
iv. Mollie Hume Hatch, b. March 09, 1860, Walker County, TX; d. January 28, 1937,
Chaves co, NM; m. Charles Henry Britton, Walker County, TX.
45. Joseph Rhodes7 Hatch (Richard Blackledge6, Joseph5, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born October 17, 1821 in Jones County, NC, and died February 09, 1884. He married Anne Richard Williams June 13, 1850.
Children of Joseph Hatch and Anne Williams are
52. i. Ira W.8 Hatch, b. June 04, 1851; d. 1908.
ii. James Rhodes Hatch, b. February 03, 1853; m. Glendora Kornegay, October 22,
iii. Winnei W. Hatch, b. February 13, 1855; d. June 22, 1938.
iv. Buckner Hill Hatch, b. February 05, 1857; d. January 25, 1928; m. Hattie Bethea.
v. William B. Hatch, b. November 17, 1858; d. July 21, 1860.
vi. AnnIE Maria Hatch, b. May 18, 1860; d. June 28, 1965, Los Angeles, CA; m. John
vii. Malvina T. Hatch, b. February 12, 1862; d. July 06, 1930; m. Edward Brice
viii. Richard B. Hatch, b. April 28, 1867.
ix. Joseph Eugene Hatch, b. March 09, 1869; d. August 02, 1952; m. Mary Richard
Rouse, January 19, 1892.
53. x. Cullen Blackman Hatch, b. February 16, 1871; d. August 22, 1912.
xi. Robert Walton Hatch, b. April 12, 1874.
xii. Francis Marion Hatch, b. August 11, 1876; m. Nellie Anderson.
46. Ann Blackledge7 Hatch (Richard Blackledge6, Joseph5, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born August 28, 1827 in Richard B. Hatch's Bible. She married Benjamin J. Griswold October 12, 1847 in Richard B. Hatch's Bible.
Children of Ann Hatch and Benjamin Griswold are
i. James Edward8 Griswold, b. August 08, 1848.
ii. Buckner Griswold, b. August 31, 1850.
iii. Benjamin J. Griswold, b. June 05, 1852, Richard B. Hatch's Bible; d. June 13, 1856,
Richard B. Hatch's Bible.
47. Maria LouisA7 Hatch (Richard Blackledge6, Joseph5, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born October 19, 1829 in Richard B. Hatch's Bible. She married Daniel E. Smith May 25, 1847 in Richard B. Hatch's Bible.
Child of Maria Hatch and Daniel Smith is
i. Fountail Jacob.8 Smith, b. July 03, 1848, Richard B. Hatch's Bible; d. July 02, 1850,
Richard B. Hatch's Bible.
48. Richard Blackledge7 Hatch (Richard Blackledge6, Joseph5, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born December 26, 1831 in Richard B. Hatch's Bible Florence, SC. He married Julia Kornegay December 08, 1853.
Children of Richard Hatch and Julia Kornegay are
i. Ida8 Hatch.
ii. Susan Virginia Hatch, m. Frank Meier.
iii. Clarissa Rhodes Hatch, b. September 10, 1854; m. Isaac Wiggs.
iv. Mary Richard Hatch, b. February 04, 1856; m. Henry Martin.
v. Joseph Rhodes Hatch, b. November 1858; m. Maggie Smith.
vi. Sarah Hatch, b. February 17, 1860.
vii. Margaret Hatch, b. May 14, 1863.
viii. Richard Blackledge Hatch, b. March 19, 1865; m. Martha Byrd.
ix. Mary LouisE Hatch, b. 1870; d. 1947, Wilmington, N. C.; m. Joseph Robert Davis.
Notes for Joseph Robert Davis
Great Uncle of Edward Lee Davis
49. William Nelson8 Hatch (Lemuel Simmons7, George Calvin6, Anthony5, Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born 1889, and died 1968. He married Mary Belle Conn.
Child of William Hatch and Mary Conn is
i. Arlton Nelson9 Hatch, b. 1920
. 50. Mary Fonvielle8 Blackledge (Richard Burkhead7, Mary Fonvielle6 Hatch, Edmund5, Lemuel4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born June 18, 1864 in Mecklenberg Co, NC, and died February 15, 1931 in Greenville, N C. She married Harry Huntley Roberts October 08, 1883 in Newbern, N C.
Child of Mary Blackledge and Harry Roberts is
i. Anna Bessie9 Roberts, b. November 28, 1894, Raleigh, N C; d. February 28, 1981,
Wilmington, N C; m. Louis Thames Davis, May 20, 1917.
51. Aliff Simmons8 Rhodes (Anthony Hatch7, Richard6 Hatch, John5, Anthony4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born May 15, 1840, and died May 20, 1906. She married Nathan Williams Humphrey.
Notes for Nathan Williams Humphrey
Info from William Kassens
Child of Aliff Rhodes and Nathan Humphrey is
i. Nathan 9 Humphrey, b. July 19, 1870; d. January 14, 1931; m. Sarah Richard Pope.
Notes for Nathan Humphrey
Info from William Kassens
52. Ira W.8 Hatch (Joseph Rhodes7, Richard Blackledge6, Joseph5, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born June 04, 1851, and died 1908. He married Richard Summerlin.
Children of Ira Hatch and Richard Summerlin are
i. Edwy Grattan9 Hatch, b. December 07, 1889.
ii. Ethel Lisle Hatch, b. August 03, 1892.
iii. Lola Mae Hatch, b. May 22, 1894.
iv. Anna Belle Hatch, b. January 01, 1898.
v. Mabel Anna Hatch, b. January 01, 1899.
vi. Helen Pattie Hatch, b. January 05, 1904.
53. Cullen Blackman8 Hatch (Joseph Rhodes7, Richard Blackledge6, Joseph5, Edmund4, Anthony3, Anthony2, John1) was born February 16, 1871, and died August 22, 1912. He married Richard Holmes October 21, 1901 in Mt Olive, NC.
Children of Cullen Hatch and Richard Holmes are
i. Ruth E.9 Hatch, b. August 08, 1903.
ii. Cullen B. Hatch, b. January 03, 1904.
iii. ESTER Hatch, b. May 10, 1905.
iv. William Holmes Hatch, b. August 20, 1906; d. October 1974.
v. Rachel Hatch, b. January 03, 1908; d. July 15, 1908.
vi. Christine Hatch Hatch, b. September 02, 1909; d. May 03, 1911.
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