Cyber Cattery

Come on in and adopt cyber catz.

this is how many people have been to this site as of March 10, 1998.
Welcome to Cyber Cattery! We have many different breeds of kittens. Note: you must have a web page to adopt a pet. (remember, these are just pictures, they are not actually the real Catz program downloads, you can see those at Please put a link to this site on your page(s). If you already have a cyber catz,join cyber CLAW
Register for a kitten or screen mate poo
See others who have adopted
Meet my petz


Beware of Cat! Sittin' Pretty Award

Cockatiels in Cyberspace~Watership Down and Rabbits~

This CyberCLAW Ring site is owned by
Anna Castagna .

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This Catz Web Ring site is owned by _Anna_Castagna_.

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