Frackville Schools

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In 1925, the schools in Frackville, which prior to that time were referred to by number, were named after noted patriots.  The new names and locations of the schools are below.  Click on the photos to see more information on each school.

Roosevelt Building, more commonly known as Town Clock School, built 1887.


Franklin Building, Frack Street and Broad Mountain Ave., built 1893

Jefferson Building, North Nice Street, Built 1906

Lincoln Building, Center and Frack Streets, built 1913 as a high school, used as elementary school after Washington Building was erected

Washington Building, Oak and Center Streets, built 1925 as a high school

In 1966, Frackville Schools were incorporated into the newly organized North Schuylkill School District. The Washington School Building at Oak and Center Streets was converted into use as the Frackville Elementary School and is presently the only public school within the borough limits.

History and photographs courtesy of Lorraine Stanton and Jean Dellock.  Excerps from "History of Frackville" Schuylkill Co., PA
by Rev. Jonathan W. Miller, 1904 reprinted for the Frackville Free Public Library, 1998

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