Featured Sites
of Frackville
Welcome to the Frackville Area Historical Society.
little bit about us
The mission of the Frackville Area Historical Society
is to collect, preserve and maintain items relating to the history of the
area, including artifacts, physical structures and the stories of the community
and its people; and to promote an appreciation and sense of pride in local
To get an appreciation for how much the town of Frackville has changed
and grown over the years, read the "History
of Frackville" and also see a picture of the gentleman who
started it all, Daniel Frack.
The "Coal
Region" site will introduce you to the significant role
that coal mining played in the history and the development of the area.
This "initial" collection of information and pictures focuses on the "Mahanoy
Plane" and the impact of coal mining operations in the region. More information
and photo's will be added on different aspects of the coal region soon.
Take a nostalgic tour of Frackville's first "Schools."
The "Society
Headquarters" fomerly the Good Will Hose Company will be
the headquarters of the Frackville Area Historical Society. Renovations
are underway to restore this 1911 building. The society plans a museum
for showcasing artifacts and information pertaining to the region. A photo
and description of this historic building is also featured.
Visit the "photo archives" and step
back into the past. A great place to see some pictures of the town
and it's residents.