So you want to Clean-Up your Machine

You should know where you put applications !

Now go to the Windows Explorer i.e. File Manager and look to see if the entire folder which contained the application is gone if not you may delete the entire folder as LONG AS THERE ARE NO OTHER NEEDED APPLICATION IN THAT FOLDER !!! IF I DOUBT DO NOT DELETE

Next it time to clean up Netscape

Open Netscape Select the option Command Select General Preferences Select the Appearance folder Go to the bottom right and click the expire button

Boom the history file is gone !

Next its time to clear Netscape's cache

Again select the Options Command Select Network Preferences Select Cache Locate the two buttons on the right Click Clear Cache Memory then OK Click Clear Hard Drive then OK

Now back out of all applications and select the Recycle Bin and double click If there are files in it use the Select all from the command bar when all turn blue strike the delete key.

Again you think they are gone but they are not Close the recycle bin

Push the windows 95 start button Go to RUN Type in defrag in the window and click OK Select C Drive Click OK WAIT THIS WILL TAKE A WHILE

When this finishes exit defrag and shut down your computer and restart .