Dora Smith's genealogy, with Burkharts, Deharts of Berks County and Quaker Thompson, Chambers, Miller of Chester County, Pennsylvania and Delaware

Welcome to my web page.


This site now exists at
What remains here is a skeleton of the former site, kept in case I ever cannot keep up a paid web site. Geocities does not allow links to another site - but if you follow the link above the former site exists in its entirety.

Click here for most pages related to my father's family, including his ancestry, Dehaven and Dehart genealogy and family history files, documents and maps related to London Britain, Chester County, PA.

Click here for my mother's genealogy.
Warning; these pages are a bit strange. Some vicious mental health genes run in her Old New England and Irish and French Canadian family lines. The trail runs through 17th century Salem, Massachusetts, and some strangely feathered founders of Sudbury, Massachusetts. There are all sorts of witches and birds batting around on these pages.

These pages are no longer being kept updated, and in fact most of the actual genealogical pages have been replaced by those at my Rootsweb site. I also have my databases at Rootsweb Worldconnect.

Family and Ancestral Pictures

I have a photo album.

I used to have a different site at Angelfire but when I updated it they made me set up a new web site. If someone finds another site with some pictures, it is out of date.

Click here for ancestral and family pictures Warning, this page can take time to load.

Click here for ancestral Readio family photos.

Click here for older and childhood family pictures

Click here for recent pictures of my family.

Click here for photos of my dahling budgies.

Click here for photos of my room.

Hillary Clinton must NOT become Barack Obama's running mate for Vice President. See my letter to Barack Obama explaining why not, and also why a quick decision is necessary for party unity.

See my set of pages on environmental conditions and chemical pollution in China. It explains why we should not be using ingredients imported from China in pet food, or any other food.

Texas Snowmen are Very Small. (If y'all didn't already know that.)

What is the size of a gynecological grapefruit"? If you need to make decisions about how to treat uterine fibroids, read this informative page that gives the details on common gynecological units of measurement (fruit, sports equipment, and weeks of "pregnancy").

Other Pages


Google fires Brian Reid for being middle aged and diabetic, and seeks genetic database to eliminate people with common medical conditions

Googlean Engineer Chris Wetherell explains what the new Google Reader will do for you (Google Reader further exceeds limits of interplanetary Earth - Google culture)

"The Windsor Report as British Elitism: Excerpts on Elitism from Watkins' "Stand by your God: An American Schoolboy at Eton"

On this page are links to excerpts from Paul Watkins book on his experiences as a schoolboy at Eton from about 1978 until 1993. These are very pertinent to the Anglican Communion's Windsor Report on homosexuality, which condescendingly orders Americans to quit randomely substituting ideas into sentences and leave thinking to their betters. Watkins' book sheds valuable light on what goes on in the minds of the English upper classes - including the Church of England.

This book is also invaluable for those wondering what kind of a school Prince William and Prince Harry were sent to. In fact, Prince Charles is surrounded with "Old Etonians", and they were behind the decision to send William and Harry to Eton. That is highly significant for public policy, and for the future of the British monarchy. Eton is at the center of an extremely corrupt as well as out of touch wing of the British aristocracy.

The published work of my grandmother, Helen R. Lowe, on the whole word/ word recognition vs phonics issue of how to teach reading, a Scientific American article on the subject, and the words from my grandmother's Wordcaster phonetic rhyming word family exercises.

Dora the Explorer's Earthquake Page my web page on the science of the Indian Ocean/ Banda Aceh Earthquake of December 26, 2004. I found clear explanation explaining the quake and the violent tectonics of that region hard to find - so when I eventually found answers, I made my own page. I have links to technical and good media analyses of the quake, scholarly papers on the tectonics of the region, maps and charts of the tectonics of the region, basic related terminology, and tsunami safety. I also have information on the most noted other geological events of history.

Dora the Explorer's catastrophic volcanos and earthquakes page

A REALLY good student bloopers History of the World. This one is hysterical.

My links and books on type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. Type 2 diabetes runs in my mother's family. Her father had it. I'm guessing it came from the Miles family because Edmund Miles' son died of kidney disease after a period of invalidism. We know little of my grandfather's father's medical history. His father died in middle age of heart disease, which might or might not involve diabetes. Most of that family died of tuberculosis before whatever else they would have died of became known.

Windows Hosts file that blocks adservers Download, rename "Hosts" with no extension, put in Windows folder. Replace teh Hosts file that is already there, or open your Hosts file, which is a text file, and which you may need to temporarily rename with a .txt extension to be able to open and edit - and copy and paste the contents of my file into it.

This will work atleast in older versions of Windows, like Windows 95 and Windows 98; don't know about newer ones. It blocks nuisance ads. It tells your web browser to find popup and other nuisance (like flash) ads on your own hard drive instead of on the server wehre it actually is. It doesn't find it, so instead of taking a long time to load a goofy graphic, it takes a short time to load a window saying it can't find the server, without using your computer resources, hanging up your browser, and crashing your computer like popup ads and flash ads often do. Periodically the ads appear on servers with new names, and you have to identify its url and add it to your hosts file.

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