The Cultivated Acre...the personal website of John Abrams.

My Acre and Welcome to It
(apologies to James Thurber)

Thank you for visiting my personal website. Using original content and outside links, The Cultivated Acre covers a number of topics that I hope you will find of interest. Please note that these pages aren't meant to be comprehensive treatments of the various subjects. You can look up a topic on the search page if you would like to go into more detail. You can also take a look at what's new on The Cultivated Acre.

Why the "Cultivated" Acre? Well, as you will discover if you visit my agriculture page, I do have some "field" experience with cultivation. But also, another definition of "cultivate" is "to cause to grow by special attention or by studying, advancing, developing, practicing, or publicizing." I have given special attention to the creation of this site, and I am hopeful that it will continue to develop and advance over the course of time. Yet another definition of "cultivate" is "to seek the society of; make friends with." The WWW provides the means to seek the society (the virtual society, anyway) of people around the world. As for "cultivated" meaning "cultured and refined"...well, that proves one shouldn't carry the point too far!

I have tried to keep this site relatively simple, to make it easy to load and navigate as well as accessible to users of many different browsers. (Perhaps one day, a second version with more graphics and HTML bells and whistles will be forthcoming--until then, hopefully the current version will do.) To return to this main page from anywhere else on the website, just click on the title banner which you will find at the top of every page. You will also find a link to an attribution page for each of my pages containing outside links. There, you will find more information on each of the other sites and their creators/administrators. (That's the least I can do for the courtesy of letting me link to their sites, I think.)

Your comments on this website would be appreciated. Once again, thanks for stopping by my little corner (or acre) of the WWW.

* Agriculture--It's not just a job, it's an adventure.

* Chess--You would think I'd have this down after 30 such luck.

* HTML--How I learned to write HTML (not necessarily well, mind you).

* Nautilus--What's that mollusk doing on your page, young man?

* Pine Barrens--Learn about my home turf.

* Search--More in depth information is just a click away.

* Site Map--Check all the nooks and crannies of my site.

* Sports--Nobody said being a Philadelphia fan would be easy.

* Television--A few of my favorite shows over the years.

* Travel--My Alaska pictures & journal, plus general travel information.

"I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered around me."

--Sir Isaac Newton

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Copyright © 1998-9 John Abrams. All rights reserved.
Last modified on June 3, 1999

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