I am Sailing ........

............... boonk!!

 (Sound of the Boom hitting your HEAD)

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Corrine & her cousin Grace didn't know what hit them. One minute they were rolling all around in the small laser sailboat, coordinating their hand-leg vs the mainsheet & tiller. Going through their mind was: Ready, ready ....... tack! 1. Push the tiller. 2. Shift your leg into position. 3. Watch out for the ......... Boonk!! 

After one shiner on their heads each (plus a few stitches for poor cousin Grace) both were ready to throw in the towel. Enough of sailing & that stupid piece of aluminium aptly named the "Boom" (Remember the song which goes: ...... the thing that goes boom..... 

Both had enough of the salty taste in their mouth and suffered enough head knocks to kick them into the following week. 

Meanwhile, another situation was developing on the same waterfront: Crazyhorse brother of mine, was harnessing more wind than he can handle. The laser sailboat was cutting throught the water like a pair of scissor throught silk. However, he never really like to step away from trouble ...... Extreme sports the ultimate, he said. 

So you see this guy in the middle of the channel, speeding along the coastline. Next few seconds would become a blur of a flipping sailboat with a human figure being flung from the boat to the water: "Whaaooohh!!!". Next minute, you'll see the same idiot uprighting the boat, struggling to get his bump out of the water. It'll be a few more minutes before he catch his breath, sense of direction & gather his brain matter. This pattern will go on for the rest of the afternoon. Be sure to get out of his way, if you're sailing in the vincinity. 

All these happened back in Apr 98.
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