Beatriz's First 12 months
These pictures were taken at different times during Year 2000. Enjoy!!
4 am in the morning on the 15th of Feb 2000.  The labor begins .....
1 month before birth during Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner
Proud Parents of Beatriz
Beatriz - 1 day old
The fun begins
Father burping beatriz after the feed
Beatriz 1st day at home
Mom & Beatriz
Rocking Beatriz to sleep
1st Month celebrations ......
1st month celebration cake
Beatriz staring hard at her maternal Great-grand mother
Beatriz screaming with excitement
lots & lots of fun
Potty training starts early
Trying to prop her up with pillows for this shot
A very giggly Beatriz - Bringer of Joy
Bath time
A pretty hyperactive kid!!
Beatriz with Mom.
Attempts at crawling
Playtime with Mom
Beatriz in the tub
Beatriz preparing for her date with her boyfriend - Joash
Going nude? Don't think so little girl. Better not see too much flesh
Nice mid-drift, but think you have to work on that waist of yours
Initial Introduction
trying to get cosy
Pictures from Sept 2000
Beatriz in the tub ..... again
First assisted steps in a walker
Proud Paternal Grandparents of Beatriz
Beatriz & Mom at the Bedok Jetty
Pics from Nov 2000
Beatriz's favourite toy. She uses it to pull herself up.
Beatriz & her 'SuperGirl' Stance
Beatriz & her doggies (kidnapped from her grandparent's home
Beatriz & her maternal grandparents
Family Outing Pictures
Adapts to the water well
Family at the Botanical Gardens ... hate the afternoon sun
Family at the Jurong Birdpark
Peter, Joash, Beatriz & Arthur

Beatriz Photo Series 2
More pics at

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