This web page is dedicated to all my Portuguese ancestors who struggled in so many ways to survive and forge a better life for themselves and their descendants. Almost all of them were poor, almost all until recent times were illiterate, some may have been Sephardic Jews first forced to convert to Christianity and then later persecuted by the officials of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions, and all have a story to tell.
Antonio was born on December 7, 1878 in Agua d'Alto, Sao Miguel. Francisca was born on November 20, 1885 in Lagoa, Sao Miguel. Antonio came to this country around 1900 as a single man to make his fortune. He returned to Sao Miguel to marry Francisca in 1907 and they sailed to America that year to raise a family. In 1914 they returned to Sao Miguel because Antonio was ill and wanted to die in "the old country". He recovered from his illness, returned alone to the United States with Francisca to follow later. World War I precluded her leaving Sao Miguel so she and the children were forced to stay until after the war. They set sail in 1919 and arrived on Columbus Day. After brief stays at various Rhode Island addresses they bought a 100 acre farm on Middle Street in Dighton, MA. Unfortunately, Francisca died shortly after in 1923 leaving 7 children. Antonio soon remarried and he and his new wife continued operation of the farm until his death in 1947.
For more on Antonio Jacinto Pereira plus his many ancestors, go to Pereira
For more on Francisca dos Santos do Rego Coelho and her many ancestors, go to do Rego
Joseph was born on May 31, 1878 in Faial da Terra, Sao Miguel. He came to this country around 1900 and settled down in Taunton, MA. Elizabeth Tavares was born in Hawaii on April 5, 1886. After returning to Sao Miguel with her father and siblings, they came to Taunton, MA around 1891. Joseph and Elizabeth were married in 1904 and eventually moved to 44 Cherry Street in Taunton into a house built by Elizabeth's father Manoel. Elizabeth died in 1955 and Joseph died in 1970 both in Taunton, MA.
For more on Joseph de Medeiros Cuarta and his ancestors, go to Medeiros Cuarta
For more on Elizabeth Tavares and her ancestors, go to Tavares
If you think you are related to me or to any of these individuals, please e-mail me at the address below. I would be pleased to exchange information with any distant relative. Also, if you note errors or if you have a different interpretation of events in these peoples' lives, please let me know so we can exchange information. David Perry
© 1997