Descendants of George FOX Sr.

Ray worked on his genealogy back in the 1960s, while still a teenager, but hasn't had time to do much in recent decades. One of these days Ray and Rita hope to get back to Bucks County to do primary research. In the meantime, if you descend from this line or can help us connect George with his parents (we think his father was a Jacob), we'd love to hear from you.

Table of Contents

BulletDescendants of George FOX Sr.
BulletSurname List
BulletIndex of Names
BulletSources (Bibliography) (We don't have much original source material yet, but hope to confirm some of this information with source details when we have time to sort through Ray's notes and various Bucks County books in his library.)
BulletDownload a GEDCOM file of this data (7851 bytes)

Write to Ray for more information or to share what you have!

Email Send E-mail to
Send mail to:
Raymond I. Fox
11200 Highway 52 West
Paint Lick, KY 40461

Created 21 Jul 1998 with Family Origins 6.0 from Parsons Technology