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Hey! My name is Sara. I live in Kentucky now for about three years. I lived in New York before I moved here. And I never been to New York City. Just in the country. I'm thirteen years old and my birthday is in October. I also have a ten-year-old brother. He is a real pain sometimes. My mother goes to college now and I don't see her too much because of her homework.

I like cats and dolphins. I collect Puffkins. They are cute little stuffed animals. If you love Beanie Babies, you should like Puffkins. And they are around $6.00. Pretty cheap. Right! I have a couple links about Puffkins that you should look at up above. I also collect spoons. I have around twelve of them. I have some from Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Washington D.C.

You can e-mail me at
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