Isn't she cute!

This area is completely dedicated to my daughter, Tayler Mae Elizabeth, who is the driving force of my existence, without which life would hold much less meaning to me. Her mother and I are separated now, and it is difficult for me to see Tay these days, but I want this to be a way for me to show her I think of her every minute of every day.

Check out these pics of her below!
click on an image to see it larger


Howdy, Y'all!

Talk to the Hand!!


As a Baby

A Little Older

Sleepy Daddy!

First Christmas

Wild Baby from Borneo

Soon I hope to have more pics to put up on here.

Tayler turned 8 on Feb 3rd. She is quite amazing, and I must say, her mother and I take great pride in the way she has grown. While still in the womb, we would play music for her, and as an infant we would dance with her, and sing along and rock her to sleep with music. All kinds of music, from Enya to Mozart to Garth Brooks to Alanis Morrisset and lots of others. We wanted her to have an appreciation for music, and I must say it worked well, because she loves to dance around the house and knows the lyrics to some songs much better than I do!!

She loved to wake me up every morning to watch her favorite cartoon, Sailor Moon, which of course was bright and early at 6:00 am. I did not mind much—her enthusiasm about the cartoon managed to get me excited as well, and I took great efforts to learn the lyrics to the theme song so that we could dance around and sing it each time it played! Thank you Nick Jr!

Before she could walk we had her outside, playing in the leaves, and going to the park to see the flocks of gulls and ducks, and to splash in the waves of Lake Superior. We had a child seat on my bike and so we would bike all over the place. we played with whichever critters we could find—usually a snail or some ants, or minnows or shrimps in the pools. With all the aquariums in the house, she would always want to help feed them (sometimes her PBJ sandwiches!). She had some fish of her very own, and she could name many of the fish by their common name, as well as the pet names she or I had given them. She would also help water the many plants we kept in the house. Along with her dog Lakota, a blue merle sheltie, we tried to give her an appreciation for nature and other living things, and it too worked out well—the last time I was able to visit her, it was raining a bit, and there were earthworms out on the sidewalks, and she wanted to help all of them off into the grass. I was very proud of her.

Currently she is enrolled in an exclusive school, and enjoys it very much. She gets to play on a computer, is taking dance classes for jazz, tap, and ballet, and all sorts of other activities that gives her a wide exposure to many diverse subjects and continues her artistic developement.
She is also taking violin lessons!

She is very confident and outgoing, and she will help other kids in her school in trying to read and write, and learn math. She is very observant, witty, caring, and intelligent, and so you can see why she is such a powerful influence on me. Everything I have ever done for her, she has given back to me a thousandfold, simply by being such a smart and beautiful little girl.

There will be lots of changes to this page as I keep it updated, and add more pics and such. Thank you for visiting and I hope you will stop by again.

I know this background is on the "Friends" page of mine too, but I will change it--I like it here better
BTW--what do you think of this background?--my little sister made it for me