World of Fish!

Hello there. Fish (and by that I am referring to the keeping of fish in an artificial environment) is my one major hobby.
This site is a way for me to share my interest and experiences with others.

Until I get more work on this page, here are some links to pages I have found and frequently visit!

Terra et Mare
This site is produced and run by a friend of mine. It means "Land and Sea" and it is full of very good articles contributed from a wide source of professionals.
for ichthyologists, professionals, and advanced aquarists, you can hardly beat this site for reference on complete taxonomy, dichotomy, distribution and life history, for freshwater and marine fishes all over the world. A definite to add to your bookmarks unless it is already there.
Fish Information Service (FINS)
full of information for beginners as well as more advanced aquarists, and links
Fish Link Central
Your Guide to Aquarium Resources on the Internet
Labyrinth Fishes
There will always be a soft spot in my heart for labyrinthine fishes
Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine
a Magazine Dedicated To The Tropical Fish Enthusiast
A Catalogue of the Species of Fishes
Brought to you by the California Academy of Sciences
American Society of Icthyologists and Herpetologists
Dedicated to the Scientific study of fishes, as well as reptiles and amphibians. A nice site.
Cichlid Research Home Page
very informative
The Cichlid Center
If you like cichlids, (which I do!) you have to go here