Danny Prescott
September 24, 1976 - February 18, 2000.

He was more than simply my cousin, he was my friend.
He was amazing, and I admired him for his lifestyle, his ideals, and the strength of his character.

My Uncle Ricky has created a very nice memorial site for him that excellently describes him pictorially. Please follow this link and see for yourself what a great-looking guy he was. But first, I have a story to tell you.

I used to avoid telling people because I was embarrassed by it, but it really was pretty damn funny. See, one time during the summer, when he was visiting (as he often did--as kids we were always trying to get together in the summers), Danny and I went climbing up on Ragged Rock. We were coming around the back of the bluff towards the spot where it is easiest to reach the top, and Danny had a little bit of a head start on me, so I was racing to catch up. I rounded a corner onto a path that leads up to that spot, and he was not in sight. Well, he was not that far ahead of me, so the only thing I could think of was that he kept on and was already around the next corner, so I hollared out for him. Well, he did not go on around the next corner. I felt something hit me, and I thought he had spit on me, and I started to cuss him out, but...it was not spit. It continued to fall on me, and he began laughing rather uproarously as he kept right on pissing on me from above on this little crop of rock that sticks out. With the loose sand and jumbled rocks on that slope, I could not just jump away--he got me pretty damn good before I was out of range and chucking stones at him. Good thing we went swimming out at Mill Bluff Pond later that day. That was a long-standing inside joke between us. Whenever the phrase "it is better to be pissed off than pissed on" or some other such reference came up, he would say something like, "Just ask Dave--he knows first-hand."

I hope he still gets to laugh about that one.