Howdy, Y'all!
I'm SuperDave!
click here for some pics of me

This page is dedicated to my beautiful daughter Tayler Mae Elizabeth
Click on the collage below to go to the section I have created especially for her!

As I mentioned above, this page is first and foremost dedicated to my daughter Tayler.
But I would also like to have sections in here to show some of the other things that are important to me, such as aquarium fish keeping, wildlife and nature, Biology, and of course, my friends and family.

My cousin Daniel Prescott died in a snowmobiling accident.
Please click here to view a short tribute to him

Hey! Did you happen to see the most beautiful girl in the world?
We were married June 2nd, 2001 !!!

This is a collection I am making of my favorite proverbs, koans, and other sayings that mean a lot to me. I also added my own cartoons to some of them. Please feel free to check them out.

Here is a section about my fish and loaded with links

This section has a list of friends and family and how to contact some of them

Terra et Mare
A cool website that I make a small contribution to.

This is my Uncle Ricky's web site.
His site is really cool and has a lot of better information about our family on there.

Click here to email me

[View My Guestbook] [Sign My Guestbook]

Click for Camp Douglas, Wisconsin Forecast

Click for Bogota, New Jersey Forecast

Click for Inverness, Florida Forecast

Take yore shoes off
Set a spell
Y'all come back now, ya hear?

I recieved this Heartland Acres GOOD CITIZEN Award!

everything contained herein:

Tayler's Page - - - My stats - - - A tribute to my cousin Danny Prescott - - - Dayna's HomePage - - - Our wedding pictures - - - my fish page - - - my friends - - - Zen, koans, poems, and proverbs - - - 9/11/01 - - - my Uncle Ricky's HomePage - - - - - - View My Guestbook - - - Sign My Guestbook - - - eMail me - - -

my page host: - - - the weather banners source page - - - my guestbook source  

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