Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with M

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Mace, Unk (-)
Madison, Margaret (Swick) (BET. 1819 - 1843-BET. 1866 - 1932)
Magaw, Isabel (McQuisten) (1793-AFT. 1850)
Magers, Leslie Allen (17 SEP 1958-)
Magers, Robert Edward (8 MAR 1935-)
Magers, Robin Elizabeth (9 AUG 1965-)
Mahoney, Aleta Jeanie (Rowland) (Hardy) (28 OCT 1944-)
Mains, Lisa (McAdoo) (-)
Malissa, (-)
Manak, Adolph Frank (-)
Manak, Kenneth Franklin (16 JAN 1942-)
Manak, Linda Gail (11 MAY 1940-)
Mancill, Anna Marguerite (Fetters) (1890-)
MANGUM, Mary Adelaide (-)
Manley, Betty Lou (Maxwell) (12 MAR 1916-)
Maple, Mary (Welsh) (1850-1925)
March, Catherine (Laubaugh) (-)
Marcy, Ashley Michelle (19 SEP 1987-)
Marcy, Delbert Richard (6 SEP 1942-)
Marcy, Jon Randall (25 MAY 1962-)
Marcy, Megan Alicia (23 DEC 1992-)
Marette, Jamie Jayle (-)
Marette, Robert "Bubba" (-)
Marez, Don Allan (6 JUN 1952-)
Marez, Jacob Allen (15 MAY 1984-)
Marez, Jason Micheal (10 APR 1978-)
Marsh, Bette (Cheatham) (1884-)
Martin, Gladys (Jones) (-)
Martin, Tima Jane (Allen) (27 APR 1886-26 NOV 1926)
Martin, Unknown (-)
Mary, (ABT. 1793-1863)
Mary, (-)
Mascaro, Brittany Michelle (7 JUL 1989-)
Mascaro, Jessica Nicole (16 SEP 1987-)
Mascaro, Justin Lucas (18 SEP 1993-)
Mascorro, Angela Kay (Thompson) (17 MAR 1970-)
Mascorro, Jesse Ray (-)
Mascorro, Jesse Ray (17 MAR 1970-)
Mason, Keith Eugene (27 FEB 1960-)
Massey, John Marshall (2 SEP 1957-)
Massey, Rachel Arlene (12 DEC 1987-)
Master, Carmen Lea (Barber) (19 JAN 1925-8 OCT 1993)
Masters, Bart Eugene (15 MAR 1981-)
Masters, Ben Alan (29 JAN 1985-)
Masters, Dawn Delaine (Lothringer) (24 FEB 1950-)
Masters, Gerald Eugene , Jr. (4 JUL 1953-)
Masters, Gerald Eugene (11 FEB 1927-)
Masters, Mattie Viola (Park) (-)
Masters, Norma Jean (29 MAR 1957-)
Matchett, Joseph (1790-)
Matchett, Mary E. (ABT. 1830-ABT. 1860)
Mathews, Mary (Bunch) (-)
Matt, Ida Bell (Belle) Mapp or (-)
Mattson, John Harold (1 DEC 1971-)
Mattson, Tyler Anthony (20 AUG 1994-)
Maurer, Brenda Elaine (Bade) (9 NOV 1951-)
Maurer, Herbert Henry (7 APR 1911-30 DEC 1986)
Maurer, Herbie Allen (16 AUG 1940-)
Maurer, Judy Marie (12 APR 1942-)
Maurer, Kenneth Melton (23 DEC 1937-)
Maurer, Valarie Jean (21 MAR 1936-)
Maxwell, Amber Dawn (2 JAN 1980-)
Maxwell, Betty Codeene (Tikker) (2 DEC 1937-)
Maxwell, Carl Cody (2 JUL 1915-21 NOV 1989)
Maxwell, Carl Plummer (23 JAN 1891-11 APR 1959)
Maxwell, Carl Wayne (28 MAR 1959-)
Maxwell, Jeff Davis , Jr. (30 MAR 1949-)
Maxwell, Jeff Davis (12 JUL 1917-1 DEC 1990)
Maxwell, Jeffery Allen (23 SEP 1957-)
Maxwell, Jimmy Froman (2 DEC 1952-)
Maxwell, John Raymond (2 DEC 1913-21 OCT 1978)
Maxwell, Joyce Raylene (Hughes) (12 OCT 1935-)
Maxwell, Loretta Cristine (Brazael) (9 SEP 1939-)
Maxwell, Marie (Waller)(Cliffton) (21 SEP 1919-23 SEP 1996)
Maxwell, Matthew Wayne (18 SEP 1983-)
Maxwell, Morton Smith (31 OCT 1923-)
Maxwell, Roger Arlen (2 JUN 1948-)
Maxwell, Ruth (12 OCT 1912-5 DEC 1915)
Maxwell, Vinson Laurence (13 DEC 1974-)
Maxwell, Von Scott (27 FEB 1981-)
Maxwell, Wayne Allen (19 MAY 1925-)
May, David Garrett (3 JAN 1986-)
May, David Paul (26 OCT 1953-)
May, Paul Weston (5 MAY 1982-)
Mayberry, Homer (-)
Mayfield, Carrie (Kiebler) (-)
Mayfield, Phillip Richard (-)
Mayfield, Robert (-)
Mayfield, Robert George (-)
Mc Cants, Jack (-)
Mc Cants, Lester (-)
Mc Cants, Virginia Lee (-)
Mc Donald, Eva Alice (Mell) (-)
Mc Masters, Moses (-)
McAdoo, Hunter Lee (26 MAR 1996-)
McAdoo, James Alexander (-)
McAdoo, James Alexander (29 DEC 1994-)
McAdoo, Larry Walter (9 APR 1941-)
McAnear, Kelly (Neves) (-)
McCants, (-)
McCants, Orvil (-)
McCarley, Boy Infant (20 AUG 1941-22 AUG 1941)
McCarley, Girl Infant (21 AUG 1941-22 AUG 1941)
McCarley, Janie Irene (27 OCT 1957-)
McCarley, Jerry Lynn (17 MAR 1955-)
McCarley, Mark David (8 JUL 1965-)
McCarley, Sam David (-)
McCarley, Susan Marie (23 JUN 1968-)
McCarley, Thomas (21 OCT 1911-)
McCarley, Thomas David (29 NOV 1942-)
McCenny, T. B. (-)
McClennan, Walter (1873-)
McCollum, Maude (Hoagland) (BET. 1856 - 1876-BET. 1877 - 1960)
McCormick, Ella E. (Fetters) (1892-)
McCowen, Rosa F. (Swick) (-)
McCready, Amanda (1866-)
McCready, Emma (27 JAN 1855-1923)
McCready, Ida (OCT 1869-)
McCready, James Henry (5 JAN 1868-12 FEB 1906)
McCready, John D. (22 OCT 1829-12 FEB 1912)
McCready, John W. (1859-)
McCready, Joseph W.P. (1856-)
McCready, Mary E. (1850-)
McCready, Olive (-)
McCready, Olonzo (-)
McDaniels, Nellie Maureen (Henderson) (-)
McElroy, Laura (20 FEB 1963-)
McElroy, Nina (30 DEC 1989-)
McFarland, (-)
McGaugh, boy1 (-)
McGaugh, Boy2 (-)
McGaugh, Franklin Dean (18 APR-)
McGee, Mattie Pearl (Gilbert) (-)
McGuire, Charles (1844-1876)
McGuire, Edith L. (1892-)
McGuire, Frances Pauline (-)
McIntire, Janie (Ewing) (10 NOV 1933-22 APR 1891)
McIntyre, John (BET. 1840 - 1860-BET. 1874 - 1946)
McInvale, Bernice Allene (Hardy) (17 AUG 1919-)
McInvale, Charlie Malcolm (11 NOV 1939-)
McInvale, Charlie Wayne (21 JUN 1969-)
McInvale, George Wesley (5 MAR 1970-)
McInvale, James Wesley (9 APR 1880-4 AUG 1963)
McInvale, Joe Wesley (26 AUG 1937-)
McInvale, Joellen Ray (Sanchez) (7 SEP 1966-)
McInvale, Nanette Fay (Ullmann) (5 JAN 1964-)
McInvale, Sally Louise (Cooper) (15 APR 1969-)
McInvale, Sherry Jo (Davidson) (19 OCT 1961-)
McInvale, Thelma Ray (11 OCT 1926-)
McInvale, William "Bud" Izak Jasper (5 FEB 1884-15 NOV 1959)
Mckeand, Willa Dean (Shy) (Allen) (18 NOV 1931-)
McKELVEY, Mary Jane (-)
McLain, Florence Rebecca (Turner) (-)
Mclure, Ida Mae (Woodul) (-)
McMeans, Cleora (Sutherland) (22 AUG 1914-)
McMinimy, Deanna (-)
McMinimy, Gerri (-)
McMinimy, J.T. (-)
McMinimy, Misha (7 OCT 1992-)
McMinimy, Randy (-)
McMinimy, Richard Paul (6 APR 1957-)
McMinimy, Richard Wayne (-)
McMinimy, Trish (8 JAN 1980-)
McNeil, Mary E (Swick) (-)
McNerlin, Dennis Lannette (-)
McNerlin, unk (-)
McQuisten, David (1854-)
McQuisten, David H.? (1786-AFT. 1850)
McQuisten, Eunice A. Rebecca (Swick) (13 APR 1823-27 JUN 1882)
McQuisten, Isabel (Scurlock) (1858-)
McQuisten, James (1827-)
McQuisten, John (1830-)
McQuisten, Richard (1867-)
McQuisten, Vonice (1864-)
McQuisten, William (1841-)
Meador, Betty Caryl (Swick) (-)
Meadows, Elizia Amanda (Allen) (5 JUN 1832-17 JUN 1900)
Medlin, Benjamin (-)
Medlin, Brian (-)
Medlin, Edwin (-)
Medlin, Laurel (-)
Medlin, Ted (-)
Medlin, Terrie (-)
Medlock, (-)
Meek, Marie (Robertson) (-)
Meek, Martha (8 OCT 1814-AFT. 1854)
Meek, Ruby (-)
Meixel, Rebecca (Robertson) (-BEF. 1863)
Melcher, Desiree Michele (4 APR 1995-)
Melcher, Edgar Paul (6 DEC 1913-)
Melcher, Harold Timothy (26 APR 1949-)
Melcher, Jeffery Scott (23 FEB 1970-)
Melcher, Jennifer Marie (17 MAR 1980-)
Melcher, Shirleen Delinda (Shaffer) (28 JUN 1982-)
Mell, Billie Mabeh (Robertson) (25 MAR 1928-)
Mell, Laud Henry (-)
Mello, Vicki Lee (Adams) (5 OCT 1953-)
Melton, Bruce (-)
Melton, Bruce Wayne Bryan (-)
Melton, Robert Vernon (-)
Melton, Vema Faye (-)
Meredith, Judith Ann (-)
Methews, (-)
Metsgar, Carina Marie (9 FEB 1983-)
Metsgar, Danny (11 MAY 1958-)
Metsgar, Jared Dee (12 NOV 1992-)
Metsgar, Lee Armor (-FEB 1963)
Migura, David Wayne (25 NOV 1955-)
Migura, Eugene Lewis (6 SEP 1933-)
Millard, Howard (-)
Miller, Bettye Jean (Myers) (26 OCT 1929-)
Miller, Cassius M.C. (AFT. 1859-)
Miller, Charles Milton (-)
Miller, Charles S. (AFT. 1859-)
Miller, Cora M. (1869-BET. 1870 - 1963)
Miller, Donna Kay (Barber) (8 FEB 1957-)
Miller, Elbert (1838-1872)
Miller, Emma (AFT. 1859-)
Miller, Frank (-)
Miller, John (1860-BET. 1861 - 1950)
Miller, Kathleen Elizabeth (-)
Miller, Kimbely Sue (-)
Miller, Kristin Ann (-)
Miller, Minor S. (1876-1889)
Miller, Patricia Ann (8 FEB 1944-16 FEB 1967)
Miller, Riley (BET. 1816 - 1840-BET. 1878 - 1933)
Miller, Sarah (1871-1874)
Miller, Susan A. (1874-BET. 1875 - 1968)
Miller, Wilbert W. (-)
Millican, Josephine (Brett) (-1926)
Mills, (BET. 1856 - 1876-BET. 1890 - 1962)
Mills, Gabriella (Swick) (1874-1958)
Mills, Ida Mae (-)
Mills, Jay (-)
Mills, Lester (13 MAY 1891-4 FEB 1950)
Missmer, Albert (-)
Moncrief, Billy Jo (14 JAN 1923-)
Moncrief, Flora Belle (30 APR 1912-)
Moncrief, Hayward Allen (21 APR 1905-)
Moncrief, Henry Authur (1 DEC 1878-2 APR 1963)
Moncrief, James Burton (6 JUN 1917-)
Moncrief, Jessie Irene (3 JUL 1903-)
Moncrief, Leland Arther (29 OCT 1914-15 AUG 1929)
Moncrief, Stillborn 1 (-)
Moncrief, Stillborn 2 (-)
Mondie, John C. , Jr. (-)
Money, Owen Earl (22 JUN 1911-30 JUN 1964)
Monroe, Jeff (-)
Montgomery, Dixie Josophine (-)
Montgomery, Jane (Davis) (22 MAY 1791-9 NOV 1874)
Moore, Author S. (22 FEB 1878-1949)
Moore, Earle Wayne (8 DEC 1900-20 FEB 1954)
Moore, Edward (ABT. 1874-ABT. 1874)
Moore, Enoch (24 DEC 1818-ABT. 1879)
Moore, Frank (ABT. 1867-)
Moore, Hudson (-)
Moore, Judith (BEF. 1770-)
Moore, Martha (Barber) (-)
Moore, Martin (ABT. 1866-1903)
Moore, Peter Charles Woods (4 NOV 1869-10 NOV 1918)
Moore, Richard A. "Button" "Smith" (1 MAY 1947-)
Moore, Samuel Tucker (17 NOV 1871-24 DEC 1953)
Moore, Terry Clifton (5 NOV 1924-)
Moppins, Charley (-)
Moppins, Lee (-)
Moppins, Marie (-)
Morgan, (-)
Morgan, Frances Annjeanette (Holtry) (-)
Morgan, Freddie Alyse (Sammons) (13 OCT 1910-)
Morgan, Ida (-)
Morgan, Jimmy Dewayne (30 SEP 1971-)
Morgan, Joann (Click) (4 MAR 1931-)
Morgan, Samueul Irvin (-)
Morris, (-)
Morris, Cecil (-)
Morris, Hazel (Davis) (-)
Morris, Jeffrey Stephen (24 OCT 1969-)
Morris, Mikeala Leigh (10 NOV 1997-)
Morris, Tom L. (-)
Morse, Asenath (Smedley) (ABT. 1785-)
Morse, Mary (Smedley) (-)
Moses, Mary (Fetters) (-14 JAN 1889)
Mountford, Bruce (-)
Mountford, Dana Flavilla-Lynn (4 OCT 1956-)
Mueller, Civilla (Franck) (ABT. 1694-)
Murphy, James Irving (ABT. 1944-)
Murphy, Patrick (-)
Myers, Cheryl Marie (Jones) (23 JAN 1947-)
Myers, Christian Andrew (10 DEC 1976-)
Myers, Debra Lea (13 JUN 1952-)
Myers, Donna Lyn (9 MAY 1956-)
Myers, Erwin Richard (2 APR 1929-)
Myers, Jacob Ray (14 NOV 1979-)
Myers, James M. (-)
Myers, Justin Nicholas (23 SEP 1983-)
Myers, Kathy Ann (Real) (30 NOV 1961-)
Myers, Marshall McKinley III (22 APR 1950-)
Myers, Marshell McKinley Jr. (9 SEP 1922-)
Myers, Marshell McKinley Sr. (1 JAN 1894-JAN 1929)
Myers, Phyllis (Bigbee) (-)
Myers, Rex Eugene (-)
Myers, Richard Ray (5 MAY 1959-)
Myers, Robert Peyton (9 JUL 1936-)
Myers, Tracy Rene (Powell) (1 FEB 1968-)
Myers, Unkown (-)
Myers, William F. (-)
Myrtle, (-)

This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are © 1999 James D. Allen (

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