Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with A

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ABSTON, Sophia Luanzy (Robertson) (-)
Acker, Barbara (-)
Acker, Catherine (Laubaugh) (-)
Acker, Conrad (-)
Acker, Conrad II (-)
Acker, Elizabeth (1800-19 JUN 1882)
Acker, Elizabeth (-)
Acker, Henry (-)
Acker, Jacob (-)
Acker, John (-)
Acker, John II (-)
Acker, Mary (Fetters) (-20 AUG 1871)
Acker, Peter (-)
Ackley, Bryan Kenneth (-)
Adams, Amanda Marie (21 JAN 1977-)
Adams, Ashley April (26 MAR 1979-)
Adams, Baby Boy (-)
Adams, Beverly Jo (Clayton)(Pugh) (19 APR 1947-)
Adams, Coy (15 JAN 1886-6 JAN 1898)
Adams, David Wayne (25 NOV 1955-)
Adams, Foy Lee "Rusty" (19 NOV 1903-1953)
Adams, Frances Evelyn (Toler) (24 MAR 1955-)
Adams, James "Jimmie" Edgar (18 AUG 1896-1976)
Adams, James A. (1832-1865)
Adams, James Hugh (19 AUG 1928-15 DEC 1987)
Adams, James Hugh , Jr. (24 JUN 1951-)
Adams, Jennifer Paige (9 FEB 1992-)
Adams, Jimmie Marie (Kemmerer) (-)
Adams, John Benjamin , Jr. (JAN 1924-12 OCT 1942)
Adams, John Benjamin "Red" (25 FEB 1899-7 MAR 1948)
Adams, John Homer (2 JAN 1863-1 MAY 1935)
Adams, Joyce Elaine (Clark)(Jackowski) (3 MAR 1942-)
Adams, Linda Diane (Bain) (14 NOV 1945-)
Adams, Melonie Coleen (4 JUL 1974-)
Adams, Nora Elizabeth (6 JUL 1888-18 OCT 1903)
Adams, Scott Alan (15 APR 1964-)
Adams, Shane (11 MAR 1986-)
Adams, Stella May (Maxwell) (22 FEB 1890-23 DEC 1983)
Adams, Thomas E. (APR 1866-)
Adams, Vera Verna (Rowold) (10 FEB 1918-22 JUN 1994)
Adams, Wilfred Edgar (23 JUN 1920-3 NOV 1975)
Adams, William A. (MAY 1860-)
Adams, Winfred Edgar Jr. (24 FEB 1954-)
Adkins, Ida Mae (Chancellor) (-)
Adsit, 2nd Child (-)
Adsit, 3rd Child (-)
Adsit, 4th Child (-)
Adsit, 6th Child (-)
Adsit, Charlotte Belle (Holtry) (-)
Adsit, Darlene Gay (-)
Adsit, Darrel Guy (1 JUN 1921-)
Adsit, Darrel Lee (7 AUG 1948-)
Adsit, Jeanette Mary (8 APR 1947-)
Adsit, Raymond Lee (16 APR 1953-)
Adsit, Unk (Viola Holtry) (-)
Albert, Erna (Allen) (28 SEP 1889-)
Albright, Alpha (-)
Albright, Fern (Foley) (-)
Albright, Goldie (Pruner) (-)
Albright, Opal (Worth) (-)
Albright, Ted (-)
Albright, William (-)
Alcorn, David (-)
Alfred, Ruth A. (Swick) (-)
Allbright, Eunice Ann (Bunch) (Smith) (Sierks) (-BEF. 1961)
Allbright, Infant (-17 MAR 1925)
Allbright, Jesse (27 NOV 1877-17 SEP 1961)
Allbright, Jobe (16 OCT 1851-19 NOV 1937)
Allbright, Mary Jane (Wilmoth) (-BEF. 1961)
Allbright, Olive Catherine (Moore) (-1 NOV 1924)
Allbright, Ramah J. (-)
Allbright, William Henry (-AFT. 1961)
Allbright, William Henry (-28 OCT 1958)
Allen, (-)
Allen, Agnes Gene (20 OCT 1944-)
Allen, Alice Eugenia (20 MAR 1891-)
Allen, Amanda Amolia (ABT. 1874-ABT. 1874)
Allen, Amanrantha "Amy or Amie" (21 JAN 1884-2 NOV 1962)
Allen, Amos William (AUG 1863-)
Allen, Andrew Godfrey (30 NOV 1930-)
Allen, Andrew Gordon , Sr (21 JUL 1892-22 MAR 1922)
Allen, Andrew Gordon Jr. (28 JAN 1922-)
Allen, Annie Laura (18 NOV 1970-)
Allen, Autry Deloach (10 JUL 1922-)
Allen, Bivian Mozelle (15 FEB 1922-8 SEP 1990)
Allen, Buren (-)
Allen, Calvin A. (14 JUL 1895-16 JUL 1969)
Allen, Candis Paige (Ewing) (8 AUG 1870-)
Allen, Carl Charley (1 DEC 1896-20 DEC 1972)
Allen, Carrie Louisa (17 MAY 1930-)
Allen, Charles Edgar (-)
Allen, Charles Tillman (20 DEC 1926-)
Allen, Charlie Alto (26 JAN 1887-16 NOV 1982)
Allen, Chester Graves (-)
Allen, Christina Virginia (8 JUN 1958-)
Allen, Coy Emitt (20 JUN 1920-3 MAR 1988)
Allen, Coy Tolbert Tyler (19 MAR 1996-)
Allen, Cynthia Lanette (Metsgar) (28 JAN 1958-)
Allen, Darace Marie (20 AUG 1920-)
Allen, David (Stillborn) (1884-1884)
Allen, Dell (-)
Allen, Don Wilson (7 JUL 1947-)
Allen, Donald (-)
Allen, Donna Marie (20 MAR 1956-)
Allen, Dora Ella (30 JAN 1882-16 FEB 1972)
Allen, Dorothy Mauarene (Vergakis) (8 AUG 1919-)
Allen, Douglas (-)
Allen, Easter Analissa "Malissa" (Sasser) (24 JUL 1858-14 NOV 1918)
Allen, Elaine Melba (Rambo) (28 JAN 1921-)
Allen, Elizabeth "Betsy" (Blackshear) (28 OCT 1827-1 NOV 1904)
Allen, Elvin Carl (5 APR 1924-NOV 1943)
Allen, Elvin Harvey (15 JAN 1972-)
Allen, Eric Jeffery (18 APR 1973-13 OCT 1988)
Allen, Estella "Stella" May (11 APR 1886-ABT. 1980)
Allen, Esther (Ola Ethel) (18 SEP 1891-19 SEP 1896)
Allen, Eunice Daisy (10 NOV 1882-20 NOV 1882)
Allen, Eveyln (-)
Allen, Gaynelle (-)
Allen, Gene (-)
Allen, George Montie (30 APR 1899-19 SEP 1965)
Allen, Girl (22 MAR 1998-)
Allen, Gregory Wade (29 SEP 1956-)
Allen, Harland Lloyd (5 FEB 1932-)
Allen, Harland Odge (5 OCT 1898-21 FEB 1981)
Allen, Harriet Cornelis "Hattie" (Godfrey) (26 APR 1886-)
Allen, Harriett Ann (23 APR 1934-10 JUL 1994)
Allen, Helen Victoria (31 AUG 1966-)
Allen, Henry (1800-)
Allen, Henry Hill (2 JAN 1889-24 JUL 1892)
Allen, Henry Hill (22 OCT 1861-27 NOV 1919)
Allen, Hermon Martin (7 AUG 1906-14 APR 1998)
Allen, Hermon Martin , Jr. (4 MAR 1929-26 MAY 1929)
Allen, Homer Eugene (7 DEC 1914-16 JUL 1957)
Allen, Homer Wade (25 SEP 1897-)
Allen, Infant (ABT. 1864-)
Allen, Infant (22 OCT 1893-22 OCT 1893)
Allen, Iowa Gertrude (14 FEB 1881-26 DEC 1964)
Allen, Irell (17 MAR 1910-MAR 1973)
Allen, Isa Nola (22 MAR 1879-8 NOV 1897)
Allen, J. T. (28 DEC 1926-)
Allen, Jack Rodney (2 APR 1925-)
Allen, James Blackshear (28 JAN 1910-5 OCT 1959)
Allen, James Daniel "Bubba" II (21 APR 1975-)
Allen, James Daniel "Jimmy" (25 MAR 1944-)
Allen, James David "Jimmie" (25 OCT 1860-29 JAN 1941)
Allen, James Herman (18 SEP 1888-2 MAR 1958)
Allen, James Hiyan (10 JUN 1923-)
Allen, Jamie Dawn (7 NOV 1973-8 NOV 1973)
Allen, Jane Lee (ABT. 1821-)
Allen, Janie Loyce (Read) (13 SEP 1913-)
Allen, Jeremy Wayne (1 JUN 1987-)
Allen, Jodie Shawn (21 OCT 1969-)
Allen, Joe Stanley (18 FEB 1954-)
Allen, John Tillman (18 DEC 1883-5 MAY 1905)
Allen, John Tillman (1 APR 1833-12 APR 1867)
Allen, Johnnie Clyde (Flowers) (25 APR 1890-MAY 1970)
Allen, Joy Olan (24 JUL 1937-)
Allen, Judy Gayle (18 JUL 1955-)
Allen, Judy Jane (1 JUN 1976-)
Allen, Katherine Elaine (13 MAR 1960-)
Allen, Kelly Tanya (30 AUG 1967-)
Allen, Lester D. (-)
Allen, Linda Gayle (20 NOV 1950-)
Allen, Lisa (ABT. 1822-)
Allen, Lou Vera Alberta (31 DEC 1897-MAR 1986)
Allen, Louisa Frances "Fanney" (Waller) (15 MAR 1856-16 SEP 1934)
Allen, Lowell Reese (20 AUG 1941-)
Allen, Lowell Wilson (29 MAR 1917-)
Allen, Lucille (-)
Allen, Mac Clevelland (3 JUN 1942-)
Allen, Maggie Clayton (17 JUN 1880-29 JUN 1955)
Allen, Marcus Wilson (17 SEP 1920-)
Allen, Marie Rebecca (28 SEP 1906-)
Allen, Marion (-)
Allen, Martha Ella (Adams) (7 DEC 1862-NOV 1947)
Allen, Martha F. (BET. 1801 - 1830-)
Allen, Martha Susan "Mattie" (Bullock) (15 MAR 1891-10 JUN 1944)
Allen, Mary Eliza "Molly" (7 APR 1859-)
Allen, Mary Greene (19 JUL 1875-25 OCT 1960)
Allen, Matthew Tolbert (20 JUN 1829-31 MAY 1862)
Allen, Meredith Kathleen (Melcher) (18 AUG 1950-)
Allen, Merry Jacqueline (9 FEB 1947-)
Allen, Michael Stephen (5 MAY 1952-)
Allen, Mildred Dora (Nix) (10 JUL 1910-)
Allen, Myrtie Ella (Cooper) (27 FEB 1908-)
Allen, Nina Jo Wright (14 AUG 1922-)
Allen, Noah (9 FEB 1834-1 APR 1864)
Allen, Noah (ABT. 1780-BEF. 1860)
Allen, Noah Edgar (5 SEP 1884-1 NOV 1871)
Allen, Oreon (11 JUN 1888-15 AUG 1889)
Allen, Ouida (-)
Allen, Ozelle (-)
Allen, Patton Tolbert (7 OCT 1939-)
Allen, Richard Eugene (3 MAY 1962-)
Allen, Robert Olice (28 NOV 1928-)
Allen, Robert Wilson (20 SEP 1935-20 NOV 1935)
Allen, Rodney Keith (6 APR 1956-)
Allen, Roger William (19 OCT 1936-18 DEC 1936)
Allen, Rosa Epsie (29 SEP 1888-)
Allen, Rosyln Joyce (12 SEP 1947-)
Allen, Sandra LaNell (11 OCT 1951-)
Allen, Sarah Catherine "Salley" (Jones) (20 OCT 1854-31 DEC 1922)
Allen, Scot Tolbert (23 APR 1965-)
Allen, Sharon Elaine (Keller) (22 AUG 1969-)
Allen, Shirley Jean (11 JUL 1952-)
Allen, Susan Elizabeth (Barber) (20 NOV 1858-)
Allen, Susan Marie (9 DEC 1959-)
Allen, Thomas Jonathan (19 OCT 1882-29 AUG 1917)
Allen, Tracy Lyn (21 JUL 1964-)
Allen, Trot (17 NOV 1894-17 NOV 1894)
Allen, Troy Edgar (9 JUN 1936-)
Allen, William (-)
Allen, William Autry (27 FEB 1895-1 APR 1942)
Allen, William David (24 OCT 1882-24 MAR 1944)
Allen, William Hammon (16 APR 1886-24 DEC 1967)
Allen, William Thomas (13 JUL 1942-)
Allen, William Tolbert "Bill" (20 FEB 1856-8 AUG 1939)
Allen, William Wesley "Bill" (13 SEP 1858-)
Allen, Wilson Tolbert (25 NOV 1878-21 JUL 1965)
Allen, Winey J. (Bolton) (-)
Allen, Zura Frances (ABT. 1877-1947)
Allison, Lilly C. (Hatcher) (-)
Alspach, Evanell (Swick) (1882-1957)
Alter, Ella (Poffenberger) (-)
Altman, Connie (Goff) (-)
Anderson, Alice (-)
Anderson, Austin (1989-)
Anderson, Benjamin Craig (14 AUG 1985-)
Anderson, Donald Craig (-)
Anderson, Eugene W. (23 JUL 1893-)
Anderson, Frank (-)
Anderson, Hilmer (-)
Anderson, Jewell (Migura) (-)
Anderson, John Simpson (-)
Anderson, Joseph (-)
Anderson, Lance (BEF. 1976-)
Anderson, Marcella Ann (Johnson) (-)
Anderson, Nelly Jean (Young) (-)
Anderson, Ryan (-)
Anderson, Ted (-)
Andrews, Douglas (-)
Andrews, Marsha Cheryl (-)
Andrews, Patrick (-)
Anglin, Catherine (Blackshear) (BEF. 1800-BEF. 1840)
Anish, (-)
Anspaugh, Maria (Robinett) (-)
Archibald, Linda Colleen (Adams) (29 SEP 1954-)
Armstrong, Anna (Gordenier) (-)
Armstrong, Boris (-)
Armstrong, Clinton (-)
Armstrong, Danny Joe (-)
Armstrong, Darrel (-)
Armstrong, Essie (Sammons) (-)
Armstrong, Jim (-)
Armstrong, Waneta (-)
Ashcroft, Donald (-)
Ashley, Charles (-)
Ashley, Cordella (-)
Ashley, Joanne (AUG 1835-)
Ashley, John R. (11 MAR 1812-28 MAR 1888)
Ashley, Laura E. (-)
Ashley, Lott Warren (8 MAY 1852-16 JUN 1916)
Ashley, Lou Ann (-)
Ashley, Mary Jane (1792-)
Ashley, Mary S. (-)
Ashley, Nathaniel (-)
Ashley, Robert (-)
Ashley, William (-)
Askew, Benjamin (1752-)
Askew, David (1783-)
Askew, David (1794-)
Askew, Eli (1770-)
Askew, Elizabeth (1750-)
Askew, Elizabeth (ABT. 1833-1912)
Askew, Elizabeth R. (1796-)
Askew, Enos (1766-)
Askew, James (ABT. 1742-)
Askew, James (1792-)
Askew, James David (1824-)
Askew, John , Jr. (1748-)
Askew, John (1714-)
Askew, Josiah (1807-)
Askew, Josiah (1781-)
Askew, Josiah (ABT. 1740-1818)
Askew, Lucy (ABT. 1861-)
Askew, Lucy Jane (Burdeshaw) (10 AUG 1830-)
Askew, Mary (ABT. 1865-)
Askew, Mary (1744-)
Askew, Phillip Henry (22 MAR 1826-)
Askew, Polly (1768-)
Askew, Saleta (Howell) (1828-)
Askew, Sarah (1746-)
Askew, Sarah (1772-)
Askew, Uriah (ABT. 1779-1806)
Askew, William (1785-)
Askew, William D. (1870-)
Askew, William Daniel (1834-)
Askew, William Henry (1805-ABT. 1863)
Atkins, Barbara Ann (Hollon)(Atkinson)(Blair) (25 JAN 1938-)
Atkins, Brenda Lea (25 OCT 1944-)
Atkins, Deana Lynn (8 OCT 1968-)
Atkins, Jeffery Dean (21 JUL 1964-)
Atkins, Thomas Gilbert (-)
Atkins, William Dean (23 OCT 1939-)
Atkins, William Thomas "Pete" (8 FEB 1911-12 JAN 1971)
Atkinson, Thomas Reagan (25 JAN 1935-)
Atteroid, Hannah (1619-1695)
Augustine, Bonnie Jean (Gordenier) (-)
Autry, Rebecca (Hales) (ABT. 1832-)

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