Hello Everybody,
My name is Goh Kang Shiong. I am 5 years old and I live with my parents and nanny in Singapore. I am in Kindergarten 1 this year and attends the PAP Foundation Kindergarten. My school is just 3 minutes walk from Grandma's home.

Following are my favourite sites. It shows my current interest:

Hot Wheels


My current craze is Hot Wheels. My favourite playsets are Police Chase and Police Station!


Sony Playstation

Disney - Lion King

The above picutures were taken with a model of the Titanic, which mum assembled for me.

Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends

I was very crazy about Thomas and Friends. I have a couple of Thomas' videos, a few die-cast train sets, books and a whole series of Thomas Train Sets and Tracks.

Well, I would like to talk about one of my toys, Sony Playstation. To tell the truth, my mum is more keen on the video game than I. Actually, the games are a bit beyond me. My favourites are Parappa the Rapper, Gun Bullet, Hercules, Skull Monkeys and Tekken 3. I also love to see mum play Crash Bandicoot II.

I also spend a considerable amount of time on the comuputer. My favourite CDs are currently the Freddie the Fish Series and the Arthur series.
My favourite doll is Simaba, which I have with me since 1 year old.
My favourite movies are Anastasia, Small Soliders, Toy Story, Pocahontas and Godzilla.

Updated on 7 Nov 98

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