Here is Kamryn!
Here are all three of my babies!
It all started when I was given permission to come off of the Procardia at 36 weeks. The DAY I turned 36 weeks I stopped taking it. I was due at 6 am and skipped it. By 4 pm I was having contractions every 3 to 4 minutes and wasn't really in pain. I was shocked, thinking that when I was in labor with Christian that when my contractions were that close I was pretty much losing it. But I was staying on top of them! That gave me a false sense of confidence. ;) By 7 pm I was getting to be in pain, so I called the hospital and they told me to come on in to get checked out. I started all this out at 3 cm dilated thanks to preterm labor. For those of you that don't know, I was dealing with preterm labor and bedrest and drugs since 27 weeks.
At the hospital, I did the routine that I knew by heart by now. Getting naked and in a gown, getting on the monitors, etc. It was pretty uncomfortable for me to be monitored. I had the toco for my contractions, and an u/s heart rate for each of the girls. That is three belly straps on an already huge uncomfortable belly! I was contracting every two to three minutes by now. They come to check me and I am dilated to 4 cm. They say they are not sure if I am in labor or not. I was starting to really feel like it. An hour passes and I am starting to be in real pain. I remind them that I do want an epidural. They decide to check me again. The nurse says I am starting to "get more serious about it". And then I am now officially at 5 cm! They say I am in labor.
Off to L&D we go! They come in and start to hook me up with everything. I have an IV, I had to receive antibiotics because I was Strep B positive. Then I have an oxy sat. level "ET finger" put on. Then of course all the belts. And they start to get everything ready for the epidural. I was scared! But I had a really wonderful nurse named Melissa...LOL. She helped me through and held me while I got it. That was in, and I started feeling warm in my bottom...LOL. then that spread to my legs and I was in heaven! I was watching the contractions peak out on the monitor at 129, and didn't feel a thing! Then I got a catheter..OW. NOw, I could feel that and something had to give. So they upped my dose on the epi... :)
I was at six cm when the epidural was administered. I dilated one cm every half hour after that. So, almost two hours after getting it, I was feeling like I had to push BAD. They told me not to, they had to get me to the OR! I had to deliver in the OR just in case Kendyl decided to turn sideways after Kamryn was born. If she did and got stuck, I would need an emergency C-Section.
Off to the OR I go...doing my little "blow out the candle" pant. That got really old really quick. It took a couple people to transfer me to the delivery table. I was huge and not able to move by myself! So here I go with all the wires and everything connected to me. And I still feel Kamryn moving down! I tell them again and the doc announces as my legs are being placed in the stirrups, "I see dark hair!"
I have the ok to push now. I try one. I am flat on my back and it doesn't feel right. I tell them this and they give me two pillows under my back and head. That feels much better! During my next contraction, I give three more pushes, and the doc says, "That IS much better!" Kamryn is coming fast! With Christian I pushed for one and a half hours, and he was moving down very slow. But not this time! About seven more pushes and Kamryn Renee was born! All I saw was this little hand with vernix all over it. They were born at 36 weeks, so they had quite a bit of it on them.
Then all of a sudden it was like Kendyl went crazy! She was free to move, and boy did she! It felt like I had a thousand butterflies in my tummy! The nurse counting on my pushes jumped up and put her hands on my belly HARD, to try to keep Kendyl head down. It worked! Just about a minute later, the doc announces again, "I see more hair!!!" EVeryone in the OR cheers! There were about 13 people in there, with the two teams of peds for the babies. About five pushes later, Kendyl Marie was born! Again, all I saw was a little hand covered in white!
The delivery of the placenta was a little uncomfortable, as was getting stitched up. I tore a little, not much. I didn't need any stitches with Christian and he was 8 lb 9 oz! I am only guessing because he came so slow and the girls came so fast! I had time to stretch with him.
They were healthy little things! Kamryn was 5 lb 7 oz and 17.5 inches long! Kendyl was 5 lb 8 oz and 18 inches long! Kamryn was born at 3:39 am and Kendyl followed 5 minutes later at 3:44 am on Oct. 19, 1998. Kamryn's apgars were 7,8. Kendyl's were 8 and 9!!! Check here for more updates later on!