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The Kyle surname originated from the name of a district called Kyle, which is located in Ayshire, Scotland. Ayshire is a south-western county and was the birthplace of Robert Bruce, Robert Burns and Boswell. None of its rivers is navigable and Burn's famous verse has given pre-eminence to the Afton, the Cessnock and the Lugar. There has been little variation in the spelling of this surname throughout history, and in fact the original spelling "Kyle" still exists today. However, because of the very few people who could read or write when history was recorded, spellings of individual surnames were haphazard and accepted without question. In the case of Kyle only two variations, i.e. Kile and Kyll, exist in the records.
In the year 1424 we find a "Walter of Kyle" entered into the records as having been granted a document which would guarantee him safe conduct into England. These "safe conduct" passes were only given to people of importance. They were necessary because of the continuous battles which raged between the English and the Scots. With one of these "passes" a man's safety was respected by both sides, a situation which might seem unusual when we consider the lack of trust in modern warfare.
Many of the Kyles moved from Scotland and located in County Derry, Ireland. This was during the period which was known as the "Plantation of Ulster". In Ulster the family gained great prominience and the well known "Kyles of Laurel Hill" were originally of direct Scottich descent.
One of the Kyles was involved with the coopers trade in Edinburgh in the year 1662. In those days, and in fact up to twenty or thirty years ago, a cooper hand-carved the staves which went towards creating a barrel. When these barrels were completed they were completely water-tight, which indicates the skill necessary in this trade. The Kyle coat of arms has a silver background on which are three candlesticks beneath which is a red five pointed star.
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