Brother Knights, As time
rolls along, we are nearing the end of our Lenten journey. Easter will be
here before you know it. Let me take this time to wish all of my brother
Knights and their families a Happy and Blessed Easter! As all of
you know, our Council hosted a major degree (Second and Third Degrees) on
March 8, 2009. As usual, things came together slowly but as the degree came
closer everything fell into place. We ended up with 22 candidates for the
degrees. I had a handful of brother Knights who stepped in and did a
wonderful job in helping to set up for the degrees and also breaking down and
cleaning up after the degree work. Thank you all so much for your dedication
and hard work I could not have done it without you. I would also like to
thank the degree team for the wonderful job of putting on the degrees. Dinner
after the degree work was catered by It seems
we still have a few brother Knights who have not paid their dues for 2009.
Knight Alerts have gone out. Please send in your payments ASAP to avoid any
further actions. Thank you. The date
of the Detroit Tiger baseball game has been set for July 26, 2009. Seats are
in the lower deck. Price for the game and the bus excursion is $50. The price
breaks down to $18 for the bus ride and $32 for the ticket into As stated
in my last report, our Council will hold nominations and election of officers
earlier this year. Whether you plan to run for office or to nominate a
brother Knight for an office, please plan to attend our April 14, 2009
meeting and take an active part in our (your) Council. I have
named Matt and Maryann George for the March 2009 Family of the Month. I have
named DGK Samuel Sanchez, PGK Paul Drevon, Mark Davidek, Jack Tylus, PGK Dan
Jordan, Matt George and PGK Don Collins as March 2009 Knights of the Month. Happy
Easter. Fraternally,
Schilling, Grand
Knight April 2009 - Calendar of Events 1
April Fool's Day 3-5
Mentally Impaired Drive 5
Palm Sunday 9
Holy Thursday 9
Passover Begins 10
Good Friday 12
Easter 14
Council 695 Meeting, 7:30 p.m., St.
John Vianney Rectory Basement 15
Income Tax Day 17-18
Fourth Degree Exemplification, Holy
Redeemer Parish, 19
Divine Mercy Sunday 21
Holocaust Remembrance Day 22
Earth Day 24
National Arbor Day 25
Feast of St. Mark
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