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Club in 86, just after a Thanksgiving dinner. Don't we all look full? Some of these members are still with us but most have moved on, some are not with us in this world any longer.

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This is about the same time, 86. It was taken on Coal Knob, one of the highest mountains in WV. at over 4.000 feet. We had again just finished a big picnic meal, can't you tell? The tower in the back was a fire tower but has since been torn down. The club has had many outings like this to different places in southern WV.

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This was at one of our shooting matches this spring, as you can see everyone was wanting to get to the window to shoot, my job is to call the name of the next shooters and keep it going, it takes some time to get everyone up to shoot and we have 7 rounds so we need to keep them moving.

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This is the kitchen at the shooting match, we sell hot dogs, soft drinks, coffee, cakes and homemade candy. Sometimes the kitchen is busier than the shooting room.

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Sometimes it's not as you can see here, everyone needs a rest now and then.

I hope to add more photos from the past 25 years of fun and service in this area. Keep your eyes open for more.

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This was taken this past summer at our picnic, as you can see there was plenty to eat and no one went home hungery, I bet there were 100 pounds gained that day. I have more pictures to add when I get around to it, keep your eyes open for them.

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