HELLO - - My Name Is FREUD

I'm the Westie from Mexico City and I'm 2 years old. My Dad Carlos named me and we can all guess what he does!


I Live in Berlin, Germany. In case your wondering... I just came in from the rain.

I'm "KELSI" ........... from Victoria, Australia...Born June 28th, 1999

Here is a picture update of me (Oct, 2000) that my Mom Diana has taken.   I have a new trick that I have learned and that is I like to lay down in mud puddles...my Mom doesn't like that too much.   I also recently made friends with a horse...they can never be too big to be friends with a Westie :-)

I'm "GEORDIE" .... also from Victoria, Australia...born June 1st, 1999

I belong to Diana's parents (see Kelsi above).  Here is an up date picture of me taken in June, 2001.

Here's our representative from York, Pennsylvania, USA...
JOY (because that's what she is)

My Mom Barbara has me out in the garden protecting it from all invaders

From Holland we have:
NOEKA, age 4 and JESSY, age 3

Their mom Diane says they treat them like kids...does that sound familiar to anyone???

from Northwood, N.H. She is 2 1/2 years old and a love!  Her Mom Sue says "She is my best friend and her Hu-Dad loves her too! We go on long walks and have long talks"!

Here is a picture update of me visiting Santa at Christmas, 1999.

Say Hello to:   MAC

Hi my name is Mac born on 06/16/99.   I live with my Mom and Dad in Boynton Beach Fla.   I am a registered therapy dog.   Mom and I go visit nursing homes, they all love me there, I love to see the smiles on their faces when they touch me.   Mom is very proud of me.   It so nice to be love this much.
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Brian & Jan's Westie Pages

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Page 7 updated December 1st,  2002


Order your books here to answer many questions you may have about Westies.   We recommend an excellent book called "Westies from Head to Tail" written by Ruth Faherty (NOTE this book is now out of print but Ruth's new "Third" Addition is now out (see picture).   For your dogs health an excellent book is "Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, written by Richard H Pitcairn and Susan Hubble Pitcairn.   New books out are:   "A New Owners Guide to West Highland White Terriers" by Dawn Martin and "West Highland White Terriers" (Complete Pet Owners Manual) by Ingred Bolle-Kleinbub, Christine Metzger

For the children there is "THE McDUFF BOOKS"

You can purchase these books by following this link to Amazon Books mark this page for all your book and CD music needs through this link.   Thank you for your support of these web pages.

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