This is Morris

Morris lives in Gothenburg on the West Coast of Sweden with his Mom and Dad, Ulrica and Magnus

"Looks like a Squirrel with no fur to me"

This is Skye (5 month old female) "my little Mate" from Ron Davis in Tasmania, Australia

I'm Diarmid Mac Thomson Mor
I was 8 years old on July 26, 1999.   I live in Brooklyn, Ohio, USA and my Mom Laurie has now added a new puppy to our Family called Alexander MacTavish Mor.   Alexander is sitting in front of me in this picture and was born August 3rd, 1999.

Come and see me at my web page

Hamish and Friend
comes to us from Ballarat, Australia
Who said Westies don't like everyone?   and that everyone doesn't love Westies?

Thanks to Mick and Louise

I was born in Monpellier, France but now live in Milan Italy. I am 3 years old.

I live with and love Dominique

"Would the "Real" Westie please stand up"!

Guess which one is Booker C. McDuff...

Booker's Mom Sue says it is the one with the big heart.
Booker was born in May, 1992 and lives in Minneapolis MN

Come and see Booker at his Web Page


This is Andy (the Westie) born Dec 5, 1997 and his friend Zoe (the Shepherd/Akita) born in February, 1994. They live in Vancouver, WA, USA with their Mom Laurie.

Westies make the "biggest" friends

This space is reserved for a picture of your Westie so send a picture to: Brian & Jan's Westie Page

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Page 3 updated November 5th,  2002


Order your books here to answer many questions you may have about Westies.   We recommend an excellent book called "Westies from Head to Tail" written by Ruth Faherty (NOTE this book is now out of print but Ruth's new "Third" Addition is now out (see picture).   For your dogs health an excellent book is "Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, written by Richard H Pitcairn and Susan Hubble Pitcairn.   New books out are:   "A New Owners Guide to West Highland White Terriers" by Dawn Martin and "West Highland White Terriers" (Complete Pet Owners Manual) by Ingred Bolle-Kleinbub, Christine Metzger

For the children there is "THE McDUFF BOOKS"

You can purchase these books by following this link to Amazon Books mark this page for all your book and CD music needs through this link.   Thank you for your support of these web pages.

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