From near Kansas City, U.S.A., here is:BONNIE SUE

Or officially I'm known as "WEE BONNIE LASS" the head of the house.  I was born January 13, 1998 and live with Mark, Laura, Ashlee and Halie.  Here is a picture up-date of me with Halie (Dec. 2000).  You can see me on my own Web Page by clicking on this link.

KELSIE & SHANE...... I'm sorry, no picture of Kelsie and Shane together at the moment. Their ages are as follows:
KELSIE born May 25, 1999
SHANE born Feb. 8, 1995

We both live with our Mom Loren in "Sunny" Malibu, California, USA.   It is also with sadness we report that Heather (born March 18, 1987) and Kristy (born Jun 6, 1985) both passed away in May 2001.   They will be both missed by all, including all of us here at Sheena's Pages.
This is Kelsie..Shane is camera shy :-)

Hi...I'mHAGIS from Greenpark, Quebec, Canada I am 8 1/2 years old and I'm here with my friend Layla, a 4 1/2 year old minature Shih Tzu.

I love to lie out on the balcony in the sun, harassing the vacuum cleaner, chasing skateboards, squirrels and, of course, cats, lying in front of a blazing log fire, playing with Layla and my parents (Hilda and Tom) and lying on the couch or on my humans' pillows on the bed.   I'm recovering from surgery to repair a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament in my left hind leg and I have had to forego a lot of my favorite activities.   There's a four-month recovery period and we live on the third floor with no elevator and my humans have to carry me up and down the stairs.   I'm looking forward to my follow-up visit with the doctor in July so that I can remind those cats just who is the boss of the neighborhood.

Did I tell you the one about the traveling Westie who.....This is   SMIDGEN AND SKEETER   from Arkansas, USA.   These two girls have their own web page set up by their Mom Becky and their Dad Mark.   Be sure to go and see some more great pictures of us there.

This is FLUFFY from Michigan, USA sent by his best friend Jeni.   Fluffy is 2 years old and spends most of his time with 8 year old Sarah.   Just like a Westie,  he is best pals with another dog as you can see in the picture   :-)

From San Diego, California this is MANDY Mandy, when she isn't sleeping likes to watch television and looking out windows.   Sounds like a Westie "we" know!

Found outside in the courtyard at Sheena's home is:   HANK   visiting Edmonton from Silverthorne, Colorado.   Hank lives with Linn and Tim in Silverthorne and is 7 months old.   He was a "Christmas Present" - born December 24th, 1999.    Hank and Sheena had a good visit... see picture

The "Windy City" - Chicago sends us BAILEY who was born Oct 18, 2001.   He enjoys long walks, sleeping in late and "never" passes up a chewy toy.   His Mom Heather says "he is full of energy and we love him"..   p.s. put your cursor on the picture to find out which one is Bailey :-)   Click here to see my baby pictures.

Bailey's in the middle

The above spaces are reserved for a picture of your Westie so send a picture to:

Sheena's Westie Pages

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Also go to the Menubar Page for access to monthly winners and be sure to VOTE for your favorite Westie on GALLERY PAGE #1

    Page 11 updated November 5th,  2002


Order your books here to answer many questions you may have about Westies.   We recommend an excellent book called "Westies from Head to Tail" written by Ruth Faherty (NOTE this book is now out of print but Ruth's new "Third" Addition is now out (see picture).   For your dogs health an excellent book is "Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats, written by Richard H Pitcairn and Susan Hubble Pitcairn.   New books out are:   "A New Owners Guide to West Highland White Terriers" by Dawn Martin and "West Highland White Terriers" (Complete Pet Owners Manual) by Ingred Bolle-Kleinbub, Christine Metzger

For the children there is "THE McDUFF BOOKS"

You can purchase these books by following this link to Amazon Books mark this page for all your book and CD music needs through this link.   Thank you for your support of these web pages.

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