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Rich Creek is a small town in Giles County in southwest Virginia that was first occupied by Daniel and Millie Shumate in 1780. With all of it's 950 residents, Rich Creek sits on the border of Peterstown, West Virginia and 2 miles from another West Virginia border, thus calling itself the "Gateway To Giles County."
This cozy little town is nestled in between some of the most beautiful mountains in the country; the Appalachian Mountains. It also boasts one of the most unique Rivers in the world; the New River. The New is famous for its Cat and Bass fishing, and in the past few years, even Muskie fishing. It is also unique in that the New is one of the few rivers that actually flows north. Enjoy your visit here at "Rich Creek on the Web." Be sure and sign the Rich Creek guestbook and e-mail me with any comments or suggestions (both encouraged).
Map of Rich Creek, Va.
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It is hopeful that this page will enlighten it's viewers to how wonderful "small-town living" can be. The authors intent is to open to the world the Rich Creek community and it's small town life. If you wish to have information added to this page, please e-mail me.
This page is produced and maintained by Gary Fields. You may contact Gary at the e-mail below, or write to him by snail-mail at:
Gary L. Fields
P.O.Box 240
Peterstown, WV 24963
To send Gary e-mail, click here;
This page on Rich Creek, Va. is in no way endorsed by the Town of Rich Creek, the County of Giles, the State of Virginia or any of it's officials. Nothing you see on this page or any part thereof is intended to be "official." Any statistics, numbers or the like are absolutely UNOFFICIAL and should not be used as such. This page is for entertainment only and is strictly for the author's and its viewers enjoyment.
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