What is going on in the minds of children that want to hurt and strike out at others. Are they reaching out for attention? Are their lifes in disoder? Do they have the correct parental guidence? Are they learning self respect? Are we as parents teaching them morals? Better yet are we as parents setting good examples for them? Are we showing them love and affection in an everyday family enviorment? Do we teach them the difference between right and wrong? Everywhere you look in todays inviorment you see and read about childrens misbehavior. From Cursing, bullying, vandalisim, disrespect, steeling, threatening, and even murder. What is going on in these childrens lifes that is bringing out these kinds of hostilities? We as parents have duties to not only our children but to society to teach and show our children the difference between right and wrong. I'm a parent of five children. Two of them are raised and have babies of their own. I raised them all here in the same home for twenty five years. I have watched so many children grow up and have babies of their own. I have watched them stumble and fall and then pick themselves back up again. I have watched some of them go to colledge and unfortunately some of them go to jail and last of but not least I have watched some of them die. All children will make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. We are not perfect and neither are they. Raising children is not an easy task. Children need attention, love, disipline and most of all need to be taught self respect for without that. How can we expect them to respect anyone else. I, living in a middle class neighborhood still having three small children at home and I see the nature of some children being raised without disipline, morals, respect or parental guidenence. I have heard the parents of some of these children fight with neighbors, I have heard these parents curse and use vulgar launguage and listen to their samll babies and children repeat their every word. I have watched and listened to these same parents encourage their children to intimidate and harrase other children. Beat up other children and watched the mother of these same children stick up her middle finger and have her children do the same. I have watched this mother's seventeen year old son hit her and bloody her nose. I have watched this Mother's one 1/2 year old baby playing in the middle of the street five and six houses down from her home. I have seen her three and six her old daughters stick up their middle fingers at other little children and curse them. I have heard their ten year old son threaten other little boys with a butcher knife. These are just a few of the facts. The point is ! These are the type of children that will grow up to rob and kill. And the sad part is that they are only doing what they are taught. I feel for these children. Because they are the ones that will grow up to pay for their parents mistakes one day. It is the parents duty and obligations to teach and love and cherrish their children's innocense while they are still young.It is not their duty to teach them ugliness and hatefullnes and bullying and vulgarness and hatered. I look at these children and wonder why and how this Mother could be so cruel as to teach her precious little children do do such things. It makes me so thankful that I had parents that showed me disipline and love combined, for that is what not only made me want to be a good parent, But is the bases that will make my children want to be good parents to my grandchildren. I pray for these children that are raised in this sort of enviorment. For they know not what they are doing. But their parents do