"Family Communications"
Thank you for signing my Guest book. You will hear from me in return. Have a Wonderful day...San-d
William Vanover - 08/07/00 01:05:24
My URL:http://N/A
My Email:BVFla99@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: Sister
Favorite hobbies?: playing music&Fishing
Favorite child site?: N/A
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Blues Brothers &2000
Like to swap banners?: N/A
| Comments:
I think you did a great job . And I am glad that you talk me into buying a computer. Its been a great learning for me . I would like to say at this time iam sure glad that your my sister and that I Love You . And hope you keep up with your web page for other to see Please take care. And I will see you this year comming . Oh bye the way tell everybody i said hi. Well got to go now well talk soon love always Bill.....P.S See on the Enternet
Charles - 06/30/00 13:16:19
My Email:Karel.Verdeure@ping.be
How did you happen to visit my site?: white pages
Favorite hobbies?: dancing
| Comments:
your prayer of the day is ....one year ..late...
Marnie - 06/25/00 20:18:56
My Email:Fanta_C_Angel@hotmail
How did you happen to visit my site?: checking up on my family
| Comments:
just kinda wondered why you took my B-day off the list...did you forget me?
CHRIS KOPECY - 05/02/00 05:44:57
How did you happen to visit my site?: FROM YOU DAUGHTER KONI
Favorite hobbies?: READING ,COMPUTERS , NASCAR
Favorite child site?: NONE
Favorite Family orientated movie?: WIZZARD OF OZZ.
| Comments:
Michael Gaffney - 05/01/00 04:27:15
My Email:MGaffneyd@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: From Sandy
Favorite hobbies?: Computer, Rum&Cola
Like to swap banners?: Never Tried It
| Comments:
This is super got to tell me
how you made this,
And Old Freind from GHS who lives
In Good Old Germany
Hanna - 03/19/00 22:59:38
How did you happen to visit my site?: browseing
Favorite hobbies?: play with toy horses
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Bambi
| Comments:
maryellen - 03/12/00 22:18:56
My Email:mneib515@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: surfing
Favorite hobbies?: knitting
Favorite child site?: disney
Favorite Family orientated movie?: pg13
| Comments:
Sandra & Billy - 02/07/00 06:07:26
| Comments:
That is the most beautiful web site you've created.Special thanks to ya for all the helpful thing you have done for me & my family in the past.God Bless You.well be chating later.Sandra & Billy.
Sandi'e - 01/21/00 22:56:19
My URL:/Petsburgh/Zoo/5712
My Email:shags@earthlink.net
How did you happen to visit my site?: you're a friend
Favorite hobbies?: getting in trouble computer wise..giggle..
Favorite child site?: Shaggybear, Teaser,RJ and Pumba
Favorite Family orientated movie?: I love Lucy
Like to swap banners?: would love to!
How about applying for my award?: Can I have another???
| Comments:
Hey there girl,
Thought I would visit you again and had fun looking at your pages and listening to your mid.
Visted Lana also and enjoyed visit. Great pages as usual.
Have a nicer banner for swap..not so big..
Lawana - 01/08/00 01:21:07
My Email:Hilltoph1
| Comments:
New at the computer world but extremely happy to find sites such as this
Brandy - 11/10/99 21:39:28
My Email:marndy@email.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: search on the web
Favorite hobbies?: school
Favorite child site?: none
| Comments:
dana - 09/29/99 01:21:10
My Email:djones@pcfl.net
How did you happen to visit my site?: looking for children help
Favorite hobbies?: decorating, etc
| Comments:
Angie - 08/18/99 03:05:35
My Email:simicool_babe@yahoo.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: Wondering from Pictures link
Favorite hobbies?: Computer
| Comments:
Like the web page.
Judy - 07/09/99 04:53:03
My Email:JJ31894ark
How did you happen to visit my site?: I have it in favorites
Favorite hobbies?: Grandkids,beanie babies , and computer
Favorite child site?: your kids
Favorite Family orientated movie?: wizard of oz
| Comments:
Really proud you have turned your site to a christain one.And Im really proud now that I not only call you cousin but also I can call you sister(you are my sister in christ)And I do want to say Im really proud to watch you grow in christ.Keep it up girl!!
My prayers are with you.
Beckie - 07/03/99 11:21:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Farm/3174/index.html
My Email:beckied@psci.net
How did you happen to visit my site?: Through the Pup Webring!
Favorite hobbies?: Computer Stuff, My Dachshunds, Going to my Kids Athletic Activites
Favorite child site?: Hmmmm, anything related to Dachshunds
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Jungle Book, LIAR LIAR
Like to swap banners?: Don't have but one!
How about applying for my award?: SURE!
| Comments:
You have a great Website, a few of your Links brought me to an Oops page though, I have almost visited them all now. Your Graphics are well done too. Your Doggie Page has a few graphic missing. I like your Doggie of the month winner, it is cute! Keep
p the good work, your site is one of the best I've seen!
Betty Jo - 06/21/99 05:45:09
My Email:betty_boop46@yahoo.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: from Koni's page
Favorite hobbies?: crafts.golf.grandkids
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Lion King
Like to swap banners?: no
How about applying for my award?: no thx
| Comments:
Sandy you have a very nice web page. Keep up the good work
Kimmy Smith - 06/19/99 15:28:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kimmy322/
My Email:kimmy322@yahoo.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: Webring
Favorite hobbies?: Hard to Say
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Toy Story
Like to swap banners?: yes
How about applying for my award?: I don't think so; I don't really apply for awards
| Comments:
I am just getting around to visiting the lovely sites of the Women of Heartland Ring. I wanted to stop off and say hello and I hope that you will come and visit and meet me. You have a lovely site. I didn't apply for your award cause awards are more sp
cial when they are giving to you. Thanks for a great site.
Teri - 05/31/99 07:00:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Teri_5/index.html
My Email:tli3@webtv.net
How did you happen to visit my site?: surfing
Favorite hobbies?: church, my family, crocheting, sewing
Favorite child site?: Tyler's Place
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Beauty & The Beast
Like to swap banners?: yes
How about applying for my award?: ok
| Comments:
I loved you site, really enjoyed your poems. Thanx
for sharing.
Loraine - 05/28/99 16:53:19
My Email:rip142@webtv.net
How did you happen to visit my site?: Reviewing Pauls
How about applying for my award?: yes
| Comments:
Very nice, enjoyed it very much! Keep up the good
work. God Bless You!
Sam Spade - 05/28/99 04:20:46
"http://www.thenetdetective.com">Net Detective
Carolyn Reiber - 05/11/99 23:36:26
My Email:cre7746996@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: from my brother
Favorite hobbies?: movies, bowling, odds and ends....lol
Favorite child site?: unknown
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Old Yellow
Like to swap banners?: unknown
How about applying for my award?: unknown
| Comments:
Paul, still can't get some of this sites up...I'll just keep trying...lol
Love you
Dawn Farmer - 05/10/99 20:19:08
My Email:farmdog@aeroinc.net
How did you happen to visit my site?: were cousin!
Favorite hobbies?: sewing,diving,gardening
Favorite Family orientated movie?: where the red fern grows
| Comments:
Hi Sandy,
It's Monday afternoon and we've just returned from Indiana. I 've just read some of Lana's and your poetry. Pretty cool stuff, especially because I knew your mom and Dad. Love Dawn
michele thomas - 05/07/99 07:13:11
My URL:http://www.mishars-shih-tzu.com
My Email:mishars@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: just surfing
Favorite hobbies?: dog showing & gardening
Favorite child site?: nick's rug rats
Favorite Family orientated movie?: free willy
Like to swap banners?: sure
How about applying for my award?: okay
| Comments:
this is a wonderful site
Janet Jasunas - 05/04/99 18:34:20
My Email:JanetLuez@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: Link from Sandy
Favorite hobbies?: Photography
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Superman
How about applying for my award?: Sure
| Comments:
Very nice page. Looks as if a lot of work went into it!!! Maybe I will make one now :-)
Take care,
Paul - 05/04/99 04:03:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/2243/index.html
My Email:pejs@ictransnet.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: From "The Jackson Creed" Web Site on LINKS
Favorite hobbies?: Fishing and Wood Working
| Comments:
Just wanted to tell you that I just love coming to your Site from time to time and I wanted to check it out from my LINKS site to be sure I had it listed right.You sure do have a wonderful Site.Glad you are my Forever Friend;Paul
Nicole Littrell - 05/02/99 22:12:28
My Email:Littfam@AOL.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: You sent me an e-mail
Favorite hobbies?: decorating my cakes
Favorite child site?: so far disney
| Comments:
niki - 04/26/99 00:21:32
How did you happen to visit my site?: e mail hyperlink
Favorite hobbies?: camping
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Wizard of Oz
| Comments:
Hi San-d we have been talking for a year now, can't believe it. good luck in your life
Warmness - 04/14/99 18:41:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Maison/6114
My Email:shags@earthlink.net
How did you happen to visit my site?: Visited your Doggy site
Favorite hobbies?: meeting cyber friends and hockey
Favorite child site?: yours and sson to be my daughters site
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Free Willey
Like to swap banners?: love to
How about applying for my award?: already have
| Comments:
Hey San_d,
This site is a beautiful site. I enjoyed visiting you and meeting you in picture. Didn't visit this site before, but have been to your Doggy and Kitty site. Great going hon. Hugs
Sue Hunter - 04/14/99 12:51:54
My URL:http://cableone.net/hhunter
My Email:califbfh@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: Buddy sent me here
Favorite hobbies?: Computers and the Outdoors
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Matilda
| Comments:
What a nice site you have Sandy - Great Work, Thanks for sharing!!!!!
Foxy~ - 04/09/99 01:56:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/fxldy/index.html
My Email:foxylady_1@mailcity.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: Surfing
Favorite hobbies?: Computer web pages, crafts, gardening, reading
Favorite child site?: ???
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Free Willy
Like to swap banners?: Sure...lets do it!!!
How about applying for my award?: Yes!
| Comments:
Hi there Sandi...just dropped by to tell you that you have a very delightful site. I really enjoyed my time here this evening and will be back for another visit.
Lorie & Boys - 04/07/99 14:35:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Haven/1558
My Email:lorie@istar.ca
How did you happen to visit my site?: your e-mail brought me here
Favorite hobbies?: animals
How about applying for my award?: sure
| Comments:
Well what a great site ,so much to see and it is all so sweet .I would love to hug Mr Bear what a great looking boy he is .We really enjoyed being here so we had to bookmark .We shall return !
Susan Reyes - 03/09/99 02:24:48
My URL:http://www.webdesignsforyou.com
My Email:smreyes@mindspring.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: surfing..
Favorite hobbies?: computers and Internet
Favorite child site?: http://www.familyplay.com/
Favorite Family orientated movie?: parent trap
Like to swap banners?: yes
How about applying for my award?: okay
| Comments:
I love your site.. I found it a great site for the Internet community and very helpful.. great work..susan reyes
Pat & Wally Wojciechowski - 03/01/99 01:08:37
My Email:Patricia.wojciechowski@gte.net
How did you happen to visit my site?: Judy told me about it!!!
Favorite hobbies?: Computers
| Comments:
This is a beautiful page, Sandy!! Judy told me about it, and I had to visit!!! Hope to hear from you someday!!
Wally & Patty
helen probus - 02/28/99 20:15:22
My Email:shorty1929@webtv.net
How did you happen to visit my site?: by surfing
Favorite hobbies?: none
Favorite child site?: none
Favorite Family orientated movie?: none
Like to swap banners?: no
| Comments:
- 01/23/99 16:26:31
| Comments:
Lisa - 01/10/99 20:48:43
How did you happen to visit my site?: looking for poems
| Comments:
Your page is great. I love all the poems, they are beautiful. Keep up the great work. Thanks for my mother's get well wishes. I appreciate it.
Paul E. Jackson Sr. - 01/10/99 07:50:52
My URL:http://ictransnet.com/~pejs/
My Email:pejs@ictransnet.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: From An "Angel"
Favorite hobbies?: Fishing
Favorite Family orientated movie?: OLD YELLOW
How about applying for my award?: Would Love To
| Comments:
Now I can see why your Web Site is so Beautiful by
just looking at the Beauty in your eyes.Thank You for sharing Sandy,I have Bookmarked your site and will return each time you tell me of changes.Take Care Angel and GOD Bless!!"ALL MY BEST"; Paul
- 01/05/99 19:30:54
My Email:Robin.Zinaman@ZurichRe.Com
| Comments:
That was a lovely poem - beautiful - it made me cry. I lost my mother this
year and you touched my heart. Thank you.
Ozzieray - 01/03/99 01:32:35
My Email:Ozzieray @aol.com
| Comments:
My sis and I lost our Mother 4 years ago in Dec. We miss her very much. Oh I'm crying very much from this but maybe we will see her again. This was a very beautiful and touching poem. Ozzieray (Carol)
Debbie - 01/03/99 01:31:07
My Email:Star60@aol.com
| Comments:
I love your letters and poems,thanks !
- 01/02/99 00:26:03
My Email:134Dolly@aol.com
| Comments:
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your poems. You are very gifted please keep writing. thanks for sharing them with all of us.
Dawn - 01/01/99 18:13:27
My Email:dshawk@midusa.net
| Comments:
Just want to wish you and your family a Happy New Year. It is s sheet of ice here in Ks. I still enjoy looking at your web site. Wish I knew as much about doing it as you do. Any suggestions?
Take care.
- 12/31/98 01:10:54
My Email:Potofgold8@aol.com
| Comments:
Tootsie Maciel - 12/27/98 23:40:00
My Email:Ready22222@aol.com
| Comments:
Lookin good San-d
Dawn - 12/26/98 23:32:58
My Email:dshawk@midusa.net
How did you happen to visit my site?: Was emailed to me
Favorite hobbies?: Races, Grandkids
Favorite child site?: Colorado mountains
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Lion King
| Comments:
I am new at this, just got my computer 2 months ago. Do not have a web site. I have realy enjoyed yours. You have a nice family. We have 5 grandkids. They are the reason we get up every morning. Hope your holidays were all you wanted them to be, our were
ust lovely.
Linda - 12/24/98 03:17:40
My Email:ImaPainRU@aol.com
| Comments:
Just wanted to tell you that this poem is wonderful it hit home real fast and I just love it, I have read many poems on the net but nothing like this thank you for this you will never know what this has meant to me! Linda
harry - 12/07/98 08:21:20
My Email:fdmartin@netcarrier.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: dec 7,1998
Favorite hobbies?: horses
Favorite child site?: niagra falls
Favorite Family orientated movie?: benny
How about applying for my award?: yup
| Comments:
neat ckrets
Chrissy - 12/03/98 18:21:21
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Tweety830/welcome1.htm
My Email:Gro7@yahoo.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: Read your comments in my guestbook
Favorite hobbies?: Crocheting,computers
Favorite child site?: zoogdisney
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Good question LOL
Like to swap banners?: dont use them
How about applying for my award?: sure
| Comments:
The world needs more sites like yours! Thanks for making it possible.
Rudy /Lloyd to you - 11/16/98 23:54:50
My URL:http://not important
My Email:pilotbb@stealthantennainc.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: got caught by your page
Favorite hobbies?: Flying,flying,and somemore flying
Favorite child site?: ????
Favorite Family orientated movie?: ????
Like to swap banners?: ????
How about applying for my award?: I can guess what kind of award youd give me
| Comments:
You are never on the net anymore maybe you will see this. Happy Thanksgiving,Merry Christmas,and Happy New Year guess that bout covers it see you on the Net or when you come to Wisconsin Again.
Love your brother Lloyd
Ps guess Lenny dont want to or can't come Hunting
Meredith - 11/16/98 21:01:22
My URL:http://members.aol.com/pawprnt20/page.htm
My Email:Pawprnt20@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: Lots
Like to swap banners?: Sure, y not
| Comments:
Thought I would sign your guestbook this time, just to say hi, I love your contests!
Derrick - 10/30/98 05:07:51
My URL:/heartland/ridge/7535/slideshow.html
My Email:jtdmel12@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: Your my Gamma :o)
Favorite hobbies?: Playing with my toys
Favorite child site?: Mine
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Teleatubbies
Like to swap banners?: ah huh
| Comments:
I Love your site Gamma...You are so Neatoooo! Love Ya Derrick

Bon - 10/18/98 19:41:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Oklady43/personal.html
My Email:Oklady43@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: Award Centre
Favorite hobbies?: too many to list :)
Favorite Family orientated movie?: ALL Disney movies..
| Comments:
Great page! I loved it! :D Adorable graphics!
Keep up the good work..
10/02/98 11:25:18
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Taunya - 09/27/98 02:23:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ridge/7535/
My Email:jtdmel12@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: I know you! lol
Favorite hobbies?: Painting,Crafts,and Computer
Favorite child site?: Derricks! :o)
Favorite Family orientated movie?: The Sandlot
Like to swap banners?: Yeppers
How about applying for my award?: Sure!
| Comments:
I just love what you have done to your page!!!! It is looking better everytime I come to visit. But of course everything you do looks good!!!! After all you are my mom. Your page looks so pretty, Love Taunya
Lisa - 09/26/98 18:07:36
My URL:http://2lowriders.cjb.net
My Email:LD3D@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: HMMM.....A little birdie told me about it!!!LOL
Favorite hobbies?: Crafts, faux finish painting, riding the Harley, & Bassets!!
Favorite Family orientated movie?: The Toy Story
Like to swap banners?: When I make one!!!LOL
How about applying for my award?: I got 2, for winning the doggy contest!!!LOL
| Comments:
Your web site really looks great!! Keep up the good work!! Really enjoy everything you have on here!!!
Frank de Bot - 09/25/98 22:32:00
My URL:http://www.xs4all.nl/~debot/frank/
My Email:debot@xs4all.nl
How did you happen to visit my site?: Via a Guestbook
Favorite hobbies?: Surfing the Net. BuildingHomepage
Favorite child site?: Kids-planet
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Ducktales (Can't make an other Up)
Like to swap banners?: What are SWAP Banners?
How about applying for my award?: Sure I do. Will you want to apply for my award and Join the Community?
| Comments:
Very Nice Page. I've no comments at the moment about your page. Please visit my page and Sign my Guestbook and add your site to the comunity and win one of the 3 awards
C-Kret - 09/25/98 13:18:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9225
My Email:Tears4Latr@aol.com
How did you happen to visit my site?: ummmm thats a secret!!!
Favorite hobbies?: Internet... shooting skeet with my new Winchester .12guage
Favorite child site?: The free download page
Favorite Family orientated movie?: Well My Kids Love The Titanic.... I love the Wizzard of Oz.
Like to swap banners?: sure...
How about applying for my award?: yeppers, I sure did
| Comments:
Love the page, you've done a lot with it.. Ill visit often as long as you'll have the coffee brewing and have cream and sugar available!! (2 N 2 please) TOOTLES C-Kret
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