Cemetery Transcriptions
The cemetery transcriptions provided here are for genealogical information only and may not be reproduced in any public form for monetary gain or otherwise without my specific written consent.
My Cemetery Rating List
Liberty Hill United Methodist Church == Spartanburg County, S. C.
Fulton Presbyterian Church == Spartanburg County, S. C.
Green Pond Baptist Church == Spartanburg County, S. C. >>> partial
Ebenezer Methodist Church == Greenville County, S. C >>> partial
Anderson Family Cemetery>>> partial
Woods Chapel Methodist Church == Spartanburg County, S. C. >>> partial
Mayfield Cemetary == Spartanburg County, S. C.
Compton Graves at Cedar Shoals Baptist Church == Laurens County, S. C.
Some Compton Death Records from Kentucky
Shaw Family Cemetery == Laurens County, S. C.
Grace Chapel Cemetary == Spartanburg County, S. C.
North Carolina Cemeteries - - Alexandra's Tree House
North Carolina Cemeteries - - Bill Floyd
Hymn is "In The Garden"
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