I have quite a farm at home - inside and out. Many folks visiting my site have asked to see the "real" animals - so here they are. I only have pictures of a few so far but intend on getting each of my "babies" on the site.
This is Olivia - she is a 5 year old female ferret. My son bought her as a gift for his girlfriend. When they broke up I agreed to "foster" the animal for a very short time. My son is now engaged to the same girl - but I still have Olivia - we had gotten so attached to her that I couldn't give her up. She doesn't bite but does "steal" everything she can.
I have seen her drag a steel toed boot across the floor at a good speed; her favorite items to steal are foil wrapped candies, cigarette packs, makeup, styrofoam cups (full or otherwise), keys, and just about anything else she can get to. We adjust by watching her hidey holes and retrieving what we are missing.
After a bath she dances around the floor making her donk noises. She cuts flips and jumps around everywhere. She is a truly sweet animal who gives kisses and entertains us daily.
Sometime in 1998 I got the bright idea that I wanted to go back to my farm roots. I always spent weekends when I was growing up on my grandparents' farm. When I got married, my grandfather gave me some of his land to build a house. After he got too old to handle all the animals, he sold them little by little. The wonderful barns remained. My grandfather passed away in 1986 but I still remember him so well and all the fun times we had with all the animals - and all he taught me. So, I purchased a 3 day old calf, named him "Little Dude" fed him on the bottle, and made him a huge pet. He was my first baby cow and I showered him with love and kisses and he became known as Duddy. BUT, he is now a year and 1/2 old bull - a purebred Holstein bull - and unfortunately, since he isn't afraid of humans in the least, he is very dangerous. My sweet baby calf I dare not turn my back on anymore - he could kill easily without any warning. This picture was taken in a friend's pasture where Duddy is attempting to become a father with my friend's Angus heifer. My grandfather would probably tell me to send him to the slaughterhouse - but I can't do that - so I have a huge pet that eats alot.
Now, the most spoiled animal in our family is Buddy. I purchased a longcoat chihuahua for my daughter's 12th birthday. Little did I know that our entire lives would be turned upside down. My house had always been a haven for cats - not little yappy house dogs - but my daughter wanted a pet of her own and since I had 2 cats with feline leukemia - getting a kitten was not a possibility - so I opted for the dog. Now this rotten little animal controls our lives. I'm his "gandma" that's right "gandma" not "grandma" - anyway I used to make fun of those silly people who would talk baby talk to a dog - yech!!!!!! Well - never say never. He sleeps with us and begs food, rides on the jetski (he has his own lifejacket), He patrols the inside of the house keeping guard over his "family". Fortunately his bark is deeper than an actual yap - sounds bigger than he is.
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