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Greetings. We hope you enjoyed visiting our site.Below you will find entries left by some of our other visitors.As you can see you are not alone, there are countless others out there searching.

View archived guestbook No. 1 here.

View archived guestbook No. 2 here.

12/19/00 16:24:45
Name: ROSE M. MILLER My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: ADOPTEE Searching or Found?: SEARCHING Do you attend a support group?: NO
Do you assist others search?: LIVE OUT OF STATE


12/07/00 01:21:42
Name: Leslie Coker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Birth sibling
Searching or Found?: Searching

I am looking for my older sister who was born in Richmond,Va on 2/28/68. Birth mother was 16 and stayed at Seton House while she was pegnant and returned to South Carolina after the birth. I have birth mothers hosptial paper and one nursery sheet on my sister. She was released to a social worker on 3/4/ 8. The doctor who delievered her is Dr. D. Martin and a SR. Louise OB. I have been looking for 8 years and have hit to many dead ends. Please if this looks familiar please email. Also check out my website and please sign my guestbook.THANKS

11/23/00 17:50:08
Name: Michele My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee Searching or Found?: Searching Do you attend a support group?: No
Do you assist others search?: No

I am SO thankful you e-mailed me. This site is just what I need right now. I'm kind of lost in this whole process. I will definitely be visiting often. Thank you!

11/14/00 21:02:31
Name: Stacy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Birth sister Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: new to this not sure how

I am looking for my sister she was born may 1978 at the University of Virgina hospital. Bmothers name was Linda Bosnick. The adoption was Private. I have no other info, no name or anything . Jusst want to find my sister.

11/12/00 17:58:01
Name: Toni Soetaert My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: Searching
Do you attend a support group?: Use to have a group Do you assist others search?: Did with old group

Born 8-1-52, Fort Campbell, Virginia & Billy L. Pearson. Have a brother, Lawrence Edward adopted by same family. HIs bday 06-27-56, Massena, N.Y. MoM's father named Leo Leifester and may have had 2 brothers, Clay and Robert. Mother & her parents last seen in Chazy, N.Y. Father last seen in Equador, South America.

10/29/00 00:11:22
Name: sarita My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: bmom Searching or Found?: found If Found,are you reunited?: no
Do you attend a support group?: have online support groups! Do you assist others search?: when I can...

Tim, thank you for sharing your wonderful story..made me cry of course!! You are such a strong man...sarita

10/17/00 19:21:01
Name: debbie valentine My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee
Searching or Found?: searching


10/14/00 23:35:19
Name: Mark Thomas My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: online
Do you assist others search?: when possible

I am just beginning my search again. I searched 6 years ago when my daughter had 4 cornea transplants due to birth defect and reached dead end. Now I had a liver biopsy and told at 46yrs old I have the beginning stages of liver disease and I do not drink! All I know is that I, (male )was born in Staunton Virginia on 4/25/54 at King's Daughter's Hospital. My b/mom went to stay with Paul and Beth Henderson (unwed home) until my delivery. Social services told me that b/mom was 22yrs old. The Henderson's son old me b/mom was 17yrs old and b/father was married and baseball player. B/father not listed. B/mom was beautician and from Alexandria Virginia. B/father moved out of state when learned of pregnancy. B/father was married and had other children. I am searc ing for any and all information. My doctors seem to think medical information on my father's side is especially important at this time. So if anyone knows of anything that they remember like this story in 1954..........Please e-mail me

10/13/00 04:34:25
Name: jackie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: friend of adoptee Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: yes

My friends name at birth was Natalie Lynn Hill dob 2/19/1965 in Norfolk, VA. Her mother Linda Hill gave Natalie up for adoption at the age of 18mths.Her mothers address in 1967 was 656 Tyson Rd. Virginia Beach, VA. Linda had 2 brothers. How can I find out the 2 brothers first names?

10/06/00 21:48:07
Name: marsha montgomery My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: brith parent Searching or Found?: seaching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: if i can i would

i gave my son in norfolk va. those chatholic charities .DOB:03/05/1973 , i have allways called them to update any information 2years ago when the area codes changed i found out he went there and they didn't give him any information in 1994, and they have had my infor since he was born for the reason if he wanted all they had to do is call . well they did not help him at all , he left. so if you read this please Email me at

09/28/00 18:12:19
Name: Susie Collins My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: wife of adoptee Searching or Found?: found mom ,now search for father If Found,are you reunited?: yes!
If reunited,is it successful?: yes! Do you attend a support group?: no

I've been looking on the web for info, & so far yours is definitely the most comprehensive & helpful site I've found. My husband was ready to give up on it, but we're encouraged!

09/13/00 19:38:04
Name: H. Adam Williams, Jr. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Birth Parent
Searching or Found?: Searching Do you assist others search?: No, I live in NC

I'm looking for a birth daughter born in August or September of 1982 in Alexandria, Va. Birth Mother's name was: Rebecca Susan Warner from Blacksburg, Va. (I'm searching for her too!) Birth Fater's name: Herman "Adam" Williams, Jr. from Hamlet, NC Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

09/04/00 16:39:54
Name: Gael My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Birthmom Searching or Found?: Searching Do you attend a support group?: No
Do you assist others search?: Will be glad to try

Still searching for my daughter born 9/05/65 in Norfolk General Hospital. Thank you for this site.

08/30/00 15:53:04
Name: sue hoppel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: birth grandmom Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: i have just started one month

we found out 6 months ago that we have a birth grandson.. we know he was born in norfolk va. in depaul hospital and put up for adoption by birth mother thru catholic charities.. our son is deceased...april 29 2000... his son would be 21, 22, 23, or th fathers name might have been changed on birth cert...we want to search in a loving way and not hurt anyone..our son tried to tell us about his son,,but it was confirmed by a neighbor that he has a son... we have nine other grand children but we have ro m for one more......thank you for allowing me this opportunity to put a part of my heart on this search...sincerely, sue hoppel vb, va.

08/22/00 03:52:51
Name: Nancy Jenkins My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Birthmother Searching or Found?: Searching If Found,are you reunited?: NA
If reunited,is it successful?: NA Do you attend a support group?: no Do you assist others search?: no

DSS in Richmond has spoken to my son and sent him paperwork for disclosure of information 2-25-00. Apparently he has not sent it back in even though he had been in the DSS office and spoken on the phone in an attempt to locate me before I spoke to them 2-2

08/14/00 14:50:26
Name: Barrett Pope My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching If Found,are you reunited?: n/a
If reunited,is it successful?: n/a Do you attend a support group?: no Do you assist others search?: if possible

Born 12/25/54 Richmond, Va..Robert Russell Gordon I nave no info as to genetic parents and would greatly apreciate any help I can get. Just need a void filled.

08/08/00 16:59:55
Name: Mary My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: friend of birth sibling
Searching or Found?: searching Do you assist others search?: yes

I am helping a friend who is trying to locate her birth brother. He was named Anthony Dwayne Mason, born in Norfolk, VA on February 6, 1955 or 1956.

08/07/00 21:22:59
Name: Susan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee Searching or Found?: Searching Birthmom Do you attend a support group?: No
Do you assist others search?: No

My boyfriend is in search of his birthmom. He was born on August 2, 1965. His birthname was Roger Dale Edmondson. We believe he was born somewhere in Virginia because he was adopted 3 months after his birth from the Children's Home Society in Richmond, V . He now has 2 children of his own and his daughter has epilepsy. He would like to find out more about his medical background. If the information sounds familiar, please e-mail me. Any help would be great!!

07/27/00 04:28:20
Name: Richard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: both Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: no

I just want to say that Tim Morgan and Channing are wonderful. If it wasnt for this page I would not have found out where my birth parents are and I wouldnt have found out that I have 3 birthsiblings out there somewhere. Birth names were Ricky, Ernest, J and Debra Carol. Birth mom told me Ernest, Jr's name is now Dan and Debra Carol's name is now Ronwick. No one has heard from Ricky and I would love to find any of them. Mothers name is Linda Strode Creech Brown of Hampton, Va and birthfathers name is rnest Creech of North Carolina. We were placed for adoption in 1962. If your out there- please contact me. Again, thanks to Tim and Channing for all of your help. You both have been great!!

07/25/00 01:26:22
Name: glenn Nunn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee
Searching or Found?: searching

Looking for Birthparents in the Tidewater area of Virginia

07/14/00 11:49:21
Name: sandra My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: natural mother Searching or Found?: still searching Do you attend a support group?: yes
Do you assist others search?: not yet

iso baby boy Walker born in Lakeland,Fl on 05/05/65. Adoption finalized in the winter of 1965 in Polk County Florida.Attorney was Walter Bell.My name at time of birth was Sandra Ann Walker....Please contact

07/12/00 15:03:59
Name: Lori Wilson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: looking for adoptee Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: no

I have just recently found out I have a 1/2 brother. So this searching is all new to me. I need all the help I can get.

07/11/00 21:56:50
Name: donna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: not able to

4/22/38 looking for birth family of twin girls born in NC,, but adopted in VA

07/08/00 15:25:45
Name: Susan Clark My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: birth parent Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: no

I'm looking for Maggie Mae Clark and Crystal Nichole Clark. They were placed in foster care in Norfolk in 1987. I'm not sure if they were adopted. Maggie DOB 5/31/80 Crystal DOB 11/20/81

07/05/00 07:23:33
Name: Richard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: no

I am searching for my birthparents and a birth brother. I am a male born on April, 23, 1962 @ Dixie Hospital in Hampton, Va. At the age of approximately 3 months, I was taken by social Services. I was told that I also had a brother who was approx. 1 yea old or so and he was taken also. My adoptive parents tried to adopt the both of us, but due to there ages, could only adopt me. I was also told that my birth name may have been Creech/Creach. Both of my adoptive parents are deceased now, and I have no family left other than my wife and children. If ANYONE knows anything about my situation, please HELP... I also want to thank Tim Morgan for the wonderful work that he does. Good Luck to everyone who is searching...

06/30/00 02:28:05
Name: Sharon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: b/family Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: maybe

I'm an adoptee and am looking for my birthfamily. B/mom name was Glenda Ann Bradshaw. I was born in 1/1964, in Virginia. Mainly looking for medical info and just family knowledge. Good luck to everyone. God Bless, Sharon

06/25/00 23:54:02
Name: John My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching If Found,are you reunited?: n/a
If reunited,is it successful?: n/a Do you attend a support group?: no Do you assist others search?: no

Searching for birth family. Born May 12, 1966 in Richmond, Va. Adoption through Catholic Charities. Thank you for your site and assistance.

06/25/00 20:30:14
Name: lynn nelson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: searching
Do you attend a support group?: no Do you assist others search?: i can if they need me

i was born on 11-20-1959 in portsmouth naval hospital. im searching for my birth siblings. they are daniel 01-03-1957,kenneth 04-30-1958,me edna earl 11-20-1959, and barbara 1962. my fater was 12 yrs older then my mother. they were married on march 10-195 . mother kept 2 older boys. they are allen 10-18-1951, and ralph 02-14-1954. mother was english and father was scottish and irish. we were adoted thru the norfolk va. social services. father was retired from the service. was a car saleman and a constructi n worker. any help is needed. thxs lynn

06/19/00 15:02:19
Name: Lisa White My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee
Searching or Found?: iso birthmom & family Do you attend a support group?: ANPO occasionally

Hi Tim, I'm so excited that I just found your site. Some how I just knew it was you. You may not remember me. I live in Va Beach and only attend meetings occasionally. I really miss all of you though. I just wish I lived closer. As you can see I fina ly got a computer myself in april and have been searching like crazy. Unfortunately, I've had no luck. Maybe I'll make it to the July meeting. Just to refresh your memory I'm baby girl Manning, 6-7-66, Norfolk general hospital, bmom at Florence Critten on home in Norfolk. She received case work through Chesapeake soc serv. I was relinquished in chesapeake and adopted in va beach. Keep your eyes open for me and feel free to email me any time even just to chat. take care, Lisa

06/14/00 14:07:45
Name: Linda Boahn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: BirthParent Searching or Found?: searching If Found,are you reunited?: N/A
If reunited,is it successful?: N/A/ Do you attend a support group?: online Do you assist others search?: when I have info to offer

Thanks for another place to post my info. I am a bmother iso my daughter born in Richmond Memorial Hospital in Richmond, Va. on 12/02/1970. Her adoption was handled through Children's Home Society in North Carolina. I was told that she would be placed wi h an adoptive family in N.C. This has not been confirmed.Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

05/23/00 20:47:15
Name: Laurel Pyle My URL: Visit Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching
Do you attend a support group?: no Do you assist others search?: no

I have just begun my search for my birth mother who is Marjorie Boerner. I was born in Newport News Virginia on March 18, 1967 and thats about all I know. Hope to be visiting again, thanks

05/17/00 16:04:47
Name: Monica My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee
Searching or Found?: searching

BM-Marie Stacy lived in boardinghouse on 31st.Newport News, 1950's.Worked as a waitress.The owner of the boardinghouse also ran a restaurant(Ma Tate's)on Geo. Washington Hwy.In 1955 Marie was 5'3",green eyes,blonde hair& 23yrs.On 12/24/56 she gave bi th to a boy at Riverside Regional Hosp. in NN.If anyone can help me Please,please let me know. Thank you.

05/10/00 23:56:19
Name: SHERRY My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: BIRTHSIBLING Searching or Found?: SEARCHING Do you attend a support group?: NO
Do you assist others search?: YES


05/10/00 12:51:22
Name: Scott Hylton My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee Searching or Found?: Searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: Don't know how to assist myself

Born Scott David Jordan on Feb. 4, 1965 in/near Norfolk. Was adopted soon after. Looking for any information on bfamily. Thanks.

04/17/00 21:50:20
Name: Samantha Knott My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: do not know anyone searching

I am searching for any of my birth family (told was I have two older brothers). I was born in Winchester, VA on 9/11/70. I know my state birth number, the chancery number, the court and attorney. Hospital, Doctor....things such as that, but no informatio about who my family is. I wish everyone searching best of luck!

04/11/00 17:40:07
Name: Lisa Marie Blackerby My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee Searching or Found?: Searching If Found,are you reunited?: N/A
If reunited,is it successful?: N/A Do you attend a support group?: No Do you assist others search?: No

I was born in Altus OK on 24NOV73 and then adopted in Norfolk through Family Services in VA. My biological mother was 14 and my biological father was 17 years old. I believe they were married at some point--biological father joined the Armed Services (b anch unknown-Navy?). My State File No# on my birth certificate is 132-73-033072. Case No#23411 Familty Services.

04/11/00 13:20:35
Name: S.S. Parsons My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee
Searching or Found?: Searching


04/09/00 21:28:33
Name: KELLY RENE' MURDEN My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: ADOPTEE Searching or Found?: SEARCHING Do you attend a support group?: NO
Do you assist others search?: DON'T KNOW ANYONE SEARCHING


04/07/00 03:41:37
Name: Katie Moulder My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee Searching or Found?: Searching Do you attend a support group?: No
Do you assist others search?: If I can be of any help

I was born June 30, 1955 at Alexandria Hospital in Alexandria, Virgina. Dr. Martin D. Delaney, Jr. was the doctor who delivered me. I am in search of my birthmother for medical reasons and would also like to meet her if she wants to. My adoptive Parents were wonderful, but I still have a void in my heart. The only information I have about my Birthmother is that she was in the Army when she got pregnant with me and may be from Washington State or Oregon.

04/07/00 03:21:52
Name: Katie Moulder My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee
Searching or Found?: Searching Do you attend a support group?: No

I want to search for my Birthmother. I don't have much information to go on

03/29/00 00:56:34
Name: betty page green My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: would local

your name morgan me tooat birth do you know of gladys morgan my motherat birth in 1932 seeking her family richmond or new port news va.HELP

03/29/00 00:49:50
Name: betty page green My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: would local


03/26/00 17:17:01
Name: Arnold My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Harry Shaw
Searching or Found?: searching

My brother Harry Shaw was living in Disputanta VA with a army,in the year 1958 are 1959,his nickname is teddy,he was born to Pearl Shaw from Petersburg VA.He has alot of family that have been looking for him for years.The family that took him was suppose o be helping out,because the mother was very sick,they took him and never brought him back.

03/12/00 23:54:18
Name: Patricia Krabill My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee
Searching or Found?: Searching Do you assist others search?: Not as of yet.

My story is a bit different. My parents were married in Baltimore and I was born in Alexandria,Fairfax County, Va. in military hospital. When my mother divorced my father in Miami, she remarried when I was 3 or so, and had my military stepfather adopt me robably went through the courts anywhere from Maryland, Va. Florida or Louisiana. I would like to know if you will please. Do you know what the name of the military hospital in Fairfax county was in 1951, does it still exists and would you know the addres ? I think the name of it started with a "B" but I am not sure. Any information that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.Sincerely,Pat

03/10/00 04:48:17
Name: Lucinda Greely My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee
Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: not yet

I am very unsure where to go form here. I have obtained my non-identifying information. I am sending a letter to them waiving confindentiallity.My birth name was Gwendolyn Murphy DOB 10/28/67 Washington DC @ 11:12 am. I am relatively sure that my family w nts to reunite from what I was told and have read in my file.

03/05/00 13:22:21
Name: Sheila My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: no

I've just started my search again after thirty years. I have ovarian cancer and would like to find some of my family if they are still alive. My adoptive parents are both deceased. Bless you for this site.

03/03/00 05:16:57
Name: Jon Howard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee Searching or Found?: searchin Do you attend a support group?: No
Do you assist others search?: No

Born in Alexandria, VA on 11/05/1968

02/29/00 14:16:00
Name: Laura De Shazo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee Searching or Found?: Searching If Found,are you reunited?: no
Do you attend a support group?: no Do you assist others search?: yes

F Adoptee ISO Birth/Mother/Father/Family. Born 12/04/70 Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC. Adopted in Arlington, VA through Catholic Cahrities. Both parents were in the Armed Services at the time of my birth. I believe that they were bot in the Army. Mother was aprox 22 yrs old, 5'10", light brown hair, blue eyes, may have worn glasses. She come from a very large family with unique medical history. She never told her family of my birth, due to fincial hardships. Father was aprox 23 y s old, sandy blonde hair, blue eyes. He has an AS Degree, I do not know in what.

02/23/00 02:14:08
Name: Cynthia Louise Daivs My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: BirthParent Searching or Found?: Searching Do you attend a support group?: No
Do you assist others search?: No

2/22/2000.... I'm searching for my 21 year old daughter who was adopted as a baby. Her b.d. is 10/08/79 I think(close to the 8th) /anyway she was born in Seaside, Oregon and her adoption was handled by the state of Oregon. This is a difficult search becau e I have filled out quite a few registries but have not figure out how to access the date of birth or search by name categories> It isn't really straighforward about those tool. it is like put in computer terminology and that is not so great. Maybe it wil help her find me if she is looking. Good luck Angela Maria Davis B.D. 10/79 whereever u might be.

02/20/00 18:18:19
Name: Patricia Mcdowell My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee Searching or Found?: Searching If Found,are you reunited?: n/a
If reunited,is it successful?: n/a Do you attend a support group?: no Do you assist others search?: when I can

I was born 1-24-45 in Norfolk, Va. My bmothers name Florence Bradshaw. Grandparents name A.G. Bradshaw, from Suffolk, Va. I've been told. Any info would be appreciated.

02/14/00 05:06:01
Name: Joann Wade My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: no


02/10/00 16:25:30
Name: Barbara Bishop My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching for family If Found,are you reunited?: I hope to be
Do you attend a support group?: no Do you assist others search?: not yet

Hi, I was born in Norfolk, Va on May 22, 1961 at 1:37 am to a 17 y.o. mom who was the eldest of 3 kids in a Navy family. If you can help please contact me. Thanks.

12/01/99 21:25:57
Name: linda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: sister unknown Searching or Found?: seaching If Found,are you reunited?: yes
If reunited,is it successful?: yes Do you attend a support group?: no Do you assist others search?: no

it was my sister not me.she was taken when we were born a dr. took her away.a Dr. pinkaton in norfolk va. her name was brenda dale jacobs.b.d 12-28-47 in norfolk va. mother marie e watts,father william carl jacobs sr.

11/30/99 23:29:08
Name: Lois Cunningham My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: adoptee Searching or Found?: searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: no

I have been searching for some time. Adoption was finalized in Arlington, VA. Was born in Washington DC at Columbia Hospital. at 13 mths old I was sent to a family in Arlington.

11/23/99 22:32:16
My URL: Visit Me

hi. good work! I'm searching for a boy born in Richmond Va. on 10-11-76. His first name is Matthew....his middle name has 8 letters in it... and his last name has six. He has a sister who was adopted, also. Her dob is Jan. 28, 1973. At the time of the adoption in 1976, MATTHEW's adoptive father was a carpet installer. He came from a large family, as did the adoptive mother. They were married in Va. on Dec. 7, 1963. And, they are of the Presbyterian faith. If this sounds familiar to anyone, please contact me. thanks so much.

11/03/99 23:36:37
Name: Michelle Gregory My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee Searching or Found?: Searching Do you attend a support group?: no
Do you assist others search?: no

I was born 9-24-79, as Rachel Marie in Newport News. I don't know too much about either one of my birthparents. I think both of them were 21 when i was born. My birth father was from Puerto Rico, and shortly after i was born he returned there. I think i w s up for adoption by the time I was 3 days old. If you know anything about this, please contact me...thanks :)

10/25/99 22:41:18
Name: Sara Africa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Searching or Found?: Searching
Do you attend a support group?: No not one close Do you assist others search?: no

Im from Va but now live in CA . Im searching for two siblings from New port News and from Harrisonburgh. Your sight is very nice . Its nice that you are there to help people in there time of need . Searching can be so up setting

10/19/99 19:27:29
Name: Darren Reese My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Relative
Searching or Found?: Searching

I am searching for my wifes aunt. She was born Patricia Ann(e?) Atkins, in Richmond, VA in October (26th) of 1947. She may have married one James (Jimmy) Dale Vise. She was adopted out of a mother home in Richmond soon after birth. Any information wou d be greatly appreciated.

09/19/99 21:17:08
Name: Connie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Adoptee or BirthParent ?: Adoptee Searching or Found?: Both If Found,are you reunited?: No - Bmother Deceased
If reunited,is it successful?: N/A Do you attend a support group?: No Do you assist others search?: Yes

Feel free to register for free at the Virginia Adoption Registry -

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