
Here in Virginia an adoptee,once they reach the age of 18, can request a search to be done by Social Services, but once the search is done the adoptee must abide by the final decision made by the social worker involved..Most adoption search and support groups suggest you take some other steps first.

We would like to assist you in your search for your biological heritage, and suggest the following steps:

The MOST important step in your search is requesting and receiving your "non-identifying information" (non-id). This information will be the foundation of everything to follow. Non-id information varies from state to state but generally includes information on your birth parents, their relationship, their families, and the circumstances of your birth.

To request your non-id contact the adoption reports agency. The number for the adoption reports agency in Virginia is (804) 692-1286.This is a voice mail! Leave your name, phone #, date of birth, place of birth, and your adopted name.(ladies remember to use maiden name!) We have found that Virginia has a "centralized state department" that keeps non-id information IN ADDITION to that kept at the local level. You can also contact the agency that handled your adoption, or if yours was a private adoption the lawyer/doctor that was involved (although we find Lawyers and Doctors are not usually very helpful).. Tell them you wish to receive a COMPLETE copy of your non identifying information. This is the information about your placement that you are LEGALLY entitled to.This process can take months so call ASAP!

When you contact the state or agency/lawyer that handled your adoption ask them how to place a "WAIVER OF CONFIDENTIALITY" in your adoption file. This is sometimes referred to as a "release" or "letter of release". Depending on the laws of the state of your adoption, this may allow them to release your identity to any birth relative who also submits a WAIVER OF CONFIDENTIALITY. Each state has different procedures for handling this. In Virginia you will have to request a search, but wait until we see if we can be of any help.

Register with the International Soundex Reunion Registry (ISRR), The ISRR was established in the 1970's to provide a centralized, national and international registry for all adoptees, birth parents, and other birth family members. They are dedicated to reuniting those who have been separated from each other and desire to be reunited. This registry is confidential and voluntary.

Send a self addressed, stamped envelope to the address below requesting an application. Fill out the application to the best of your knowledge and return it to them as soon as possible. The information you provide them will stay in their registry until you request to be removed from it, or a match is made. Remember this registry is free...but also non-profit. Donations are appreciated but not required.

International Soundex Reunion Registry (ISRR) P. O. Box 2312 Carson City, NV 89702-2312 (702) 882-7755

Search is often refereed to as an emotional "roller coaster". Enlisting the help of a search/support group, and having the support of family and friends will help you handle the experience more easily.

Getting involved in a local search/support group is one of the most important and beneficial steps you can take to initiate a successful search. The laws in each state differ and are changed often, a group located in the state of your adoption will be able to tell you what you are entitled to. If you are no longer living in the area where your adoption took place you may have to enlist the assistance of two support groups, one in the area that you are now living, and one in the area in which you were adopted.

To assist you with your search we suggest attending a search/support group near your home area. We can try to help you locate one if you contact us with your city/state of residence. You are not alone in your search!

Share your search with your adoptive parents if at all possible. Ask them if they have any paperwork on your adoption. Often adoptive parents have a copy of the FINAL ORDER OF ADOPTION which may have your birth name or other useful information on it! Reassure your family of your love and let them know that you need their help and support in your search.

Reading and educating yourself about search, reconciliation and adoption issues is a good idea. Most adoptees have not had an opportunity to speak with other people involved in the adoption triad and it is helpful to have a good perspective of all sides of the triad. See the attached list for some recommendations.

Once you have your non-identifying information please send it along with your date of birth, adoptive name and any other information you have and we will set up a search plan for you. Please email if you have any questions,

Best of luck in your search.

Tim Morgan

We are a non-profit volunteer Search/Support group.
We DO NOT charge a fee for our services.

Our volunteers donate their time and effort. YOUR donations (big or small) help pay the expenses and allow us to help you and others. All funds received go directly to a working account used to conduct searches to locate and reunite families. Please contact us for donation information.

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