Welcome to Maria's Guestbook!

Kimmi Mauch - 06/10/00 20:32:00
My Email:klmauch@iname .com

I'm only seventeen, but I love the fifties era. This site is too cool. Keep it! People need to see and use it!

Your Neighbor - 05/23/00 02:06:50
My URL:http://You Already Know What It Is!
My Email:Thats My Secret!

Hey,Groovy Page!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though im not interested in to OLDIES! Anyways good page!

Good One - 04/30/00 14:25:31
My Email:You know!

You Rock!!! Dick Clark would be proud!!!

April - 04/21/00 19:03:29
My URL:April's Page
My Email:# 1

Hey whats up? Nice page by the way!! Its really groovy!!! lol! Well after i make my page u better come to it!!!! Later

Nicole - 04/18/00 00:22:54
My URL:Nikki's Page
My Email:ME

Hey just givin a shout out 2 Maria 'cause she lives near me(she is the 1 who has this site)Well you have a pretty funny site.Your head on the figure is the funniest thing.Well gotta fly bye!!!!

Valton - 04/03/00 02:19:47
My Email:valton@netpar.com.br


lisa - 03/20/00 06:41:58

i just love your site its really neat to see things from the 50's and being able to hear voices and stuff good work

Marty - 03/11/00 21:25:45
My Email:Meaneyes54@usa.net

Thanks so much for a great place to get memorabilia. My older sister and I are putting a birthday/memory book together for our other sister. You had some great stuff we can use! Marty

Marty - 03/11/00 21:22:53


Bianca - 02/23/00 14:32:12
My Email:Bia_85@hotmail.com

You have a great website!!!!!!

Rich Johnson - 01/21/00 14:32:59
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx3/richspage/index.html
My Email:crazypball@hotmail.com

Hey, great page!. I dont know about any of this b/c I'm just a kid, but great anyway. Add something about the Amos N Andy radio show, too. I got here looking for Amos and Andy stuff for school. Great

Sandy Owen - 12/22/99 22:28:27
My Email:willie@netpluscom.com

Sure enjoyed this. I grew up in the 50's. Brings back a lot of memories. Keep up the good work. Sandy O

Mike - 11/09/99 14:55:32

It's really cool. But get more pitchures like that one girl said.

Julie Harper - 11/09/99 14:51:44

I like this web page. I like old cars, but you should get more pitchures. That would make it alot better. Fix that problem and yours will be great. Have a good day.

Paul - 10/23/99 21:04:20
My URL:/MotorCity/Garage/6858/
My Email:shelby67@geocities.com

I was doing a search , typed in 67 shelby and your page was about # 6 or so , that's the good news . The bad news is the car in the picture is not a 67 Shelby , It's a 68 If you go to may page you can see a 67 Shelby http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/6858/ if you would like ,you can copy a picture or and a link to my page ! Oh by the way your page is cool . Hope I helped out .

The Appalachian Man - 08/19/99 23:37:59
My URL:http://www.denison.edu/~stocker/
My Email:appalachianman@nextek.net


Nice page! Well done. I love the poodle skirt! *L*


Ed Petrus - 07/27/99 23:52:56
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/petrus/index.html
My Email:desoto@pathway.net

Nice stuff. Thanks for keeping the past alive!

Eric - 07/20/99 02:03:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/wxmannow
My Email:weatherman@hkg.net

I love your page a lot...If you get a chance, drop by and visit mine! Thanks, Eric

Sandy - 06/11/99 05:35:16

Maria, you are as talented as your son when it comes to your site. Brings back lots of good old memories for me. Kids nowadays don't know what they're missing. Marcia's Mom Sandy

Mark - 05/17/99 03:56:15
My URL:http://www.ultinet.net/~kfo
My Email:marknyc@hotmail.com

Hi Maria, Thanks for keeping the Kuklapolitans in the public eye, along with all the great classic TV on your site. Keep up the good work!

Roy Rogers - 05/11/99 16:37:26

Where is the Lone Ranger and Tonto??

Ashley - 05/04/99 18:01:35
My Email:ittybitty_@hotmail.com

well, i came to this website for a project for school, and it helped me very much, thank you.

Khaleb Lyons - 05/02/99 21:40:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pointe/3978/

Nice old person page grandma. I love you.


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