Welcome to our Genealogy page.
We have assembled as much family 
information as possibe to get this 
site published. As time permits we 
will be adding much more. Our 
database,is about 3300 names now,
&many more are being researched. 
    We hope you enjoy your visit and will come back often to check on our progress.
     Please use the navigation bars and the links to experience all that this site offers. 

    This site is dedicated to Francis Marion Douglas. Without his many years of endless research, we would never have all the information that he compiled. Many descendants,who passed on facts to him, are long since gone.
    "Marion", as the family calls him,used an old genealogy program called "Family Ties", to compile and store his information. Many names and facts were duplicated. It was the nature of the program, as navigation was, at best, primitive. We used Gedcom to convert it to our database, and we are still sorting things out. 
      The long hours and dedication of this man enabled us to easily get some information that we might never have gotten. He enlisted the help of many family members to contribute to the success of this undertaking.
      It seems very small to say, Thank You, for all that he has done for this family. I only hope that we can carry on his work as deligently as he has, and pass it on to the next family member.
                    Phillip Wayne Douglas Sr.
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1999  Phillip Douglas           This page last updated 10-31-99

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