First Church of the Nazarene 244 Avenue D S.W. P.O. Box 819 Winter Haven, Florida 33882-0819 |
Church (863) 293-0690 Fax No. (863) 299-4146 Email: jyongue@nazarenewh.org
Tea Ministry
General Church of the Nazarene
Tea Ministry
The Tea is a time for women to share a cup of tea with friends, while making new friendships and strengthening old. We especially want to encourage you to come if you are new to the church. We would love to meet you. Teas are held on the first Saturday of every other month. Tickets are required and will be available in the nursery during the month before the Tea. For more information contact Peggy Claussen 299-6274 or Susan Yeager 438-8316