Prayer Mobilization Line for May 1, 2009






JESUS Film Harvest Partners

Praise the Lord for His continued touch on the ministry of JESUS Film Harvest Partners (JFHP). As of April 29, 2009, Nazarene JESUS Film teams have reported over 50 million evangelistic contacts. Of these contacts, more than 8.9 million have indicated decisions for Christ and there have been 2.9 million (32.7%) initial discipleship follow-ups. For more information about the JFHP ministry, click here.


Ceny Hirahara

We give praise to the Lord for the news that the doctor did not find a mass in missionary Ceny Hirahara’s lower colon, and the surgery scheduled for April 28 was not required. The doctor suggested a follow-up appointment in two months. Thank you for praying for Ceny. She and her husband, Tomo, are missionaries serving in the tsunami stricken area in the PhangNga Province in Thailand.




May Missionary Prayer Focus

Please join Louie E. Bustle, director of Global Mission, and pray for the following missionaries during the month of May. Please also remember to pray for our missionaries who serve in creative access or secured areas of the world.


John and Sandy Cunningham—U.S.A.

Ruth I. Cordova—Costa Rica

Kent and Kathleen Pelton—Thailand

Wellington and Hellen Obotte—Malawi

Tim and Michelle Eby—Senegal

Klaus and Martina Arnold—Switzerland

Greg and Teresa Taylor—Philippines

Liliana Radziszewski—Argentina


Mission Strategy Training

Pray for the six mission couples who will gather in Asia this week for an intense, four-day Mission Strategy training. Pray that they will receive new insight and encouragement as they explore together what it means to “Make Christlike Disciples in the Nations.”


Developing Ministry

Pray for a developing radio ministry in the Azores Islands, that resources and content would be available to those who seek to share Christ’s love with their neighbors.


Million Hours of Prayer Focus

Million Hours of Prayer is NMI’s prayer focus for the six months prior to and including the General Assembly and Conventions, taking place in Orlando, Florida, in June 2009. Each week we will include a specific way you can pray for these events.


For the week of May 3-9, 2009: Pray for Nazarene educators as they attend General Assembly and the Conventions. Pray that the meetings they are involved in will have kingdom significance and the leaders would have Christlike vision.


To obtain a complete listing of Million Hours of Prayer requests, log on to


The ministry and safety of general superintendents traveling this month:


            Dr. Paul Cunningham

            Dr. James Diehl

            Dr. Nina Gunter

Dr. Jesse Middendorf

            Dr. Jerry Porter

            Dr. J.K. Warrick




Rona Buttry

Pray for Rona Buttry who underwent emergency surgery this week in Knoxville, Tennessee (U.S.A.). Pray for a full recovery. Rona is the sister of Randy James, missionary serving in Kenya.


Felicity Miller

Felicity Miller and her mom, Churie, have returned to Australia from the Solomon Islands, for surgery (ear tubes and adenoidectomy) scheduled for May 12. Pray that Felicity’s ears will clear up and remain clear so the surgery can proceed as planned. Pray that the surgery is successful. Felicity is the young daughter of Geoff and Churie Miller, Mission Corps volunteers serving in the Solomon Islands, and the granddaughter of George and Nancy Miller, missionaries also serving in the Solomon Islands.


Don Gilbert

Pray for Don Gilbert who is recovering from open heart surgery and subsequent complications including pneumonia. The pneumonia has begun to clear but recovery remains slow. Pray for Don and for God to give him quick and complete healing. He is the father-in-law of Ginny Gilbert, NMI president of the Intermountain District.


Shona McEwan-Van Garderen

Please pray for Shona McEwan-Van Garderen who had emergency surgery on April 29th. Pray for God’s healing touch on Shona. She is the daughter of David McEwan, director of research at Nazarene Theological College in Australia.




Family of Morgan Chambo

Morgan Chambo died in a car accident on April 26. He was 36-years old and leaves behind his wife, who is 7-months pregnant. Services will be held on May 2 in Boksburg, South Africa. Please pray for the family during this time of tragic loss. Morgan was the younger brother of Filimao Chambo. Filimao and his wife, Samantha, serve as missionaries in South Africa, with Filimao serving as the Africa Region Education Coordinator and Samantha serving as the Africa Region NMI coordinator.




National Day of Prayer

The annual National Day of Prayer in the U.S.A. will be held on Thursday, May 7th. Please join Christian brothers and sisters and pray for the leadership of the U.S.A., especially on this day.



Pray for and look for ways to encourage those in your family, church, and community who are looking for employment.







Sri Lanka Battles

Fighting between government forces and the Tamil Tiger rebel group has caused over 100,000 people to flee to refugee camps in Sri Lanka. Thousands more remain in the battle zone. Pray for peace. Pray for the refugees. Pray for the NGO (non-government organizations), including Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, who have been allowed in to help provide relief and recovery care. For more information about how you can help, click here.


Donated Radio Station

The Church of the Nazarene in Formosa, Argentina, received a donation of a radio station from the Voz Cristiana Radio Network. District Superintendent Alberto Galarza reports the new 150 foot tower has arrived and they will be on the air in less than three weeks. Pray that this new radio station and the programs it airs will reach many with the good news of Christ.


Nepal Ministry

Pray for God’s blessing and protection of the men and women in Nepal who are ministering for Christ. Pray that the Nepali people will gain an understanding of their need for Jesus.




Phyllis Perkins

Please pray for Phyllis Perkins. She has been diagnosed with cancer in her stomach, lungs, and spine. She will meet with her oncologist in Nampa, Idaho (U.S.A.), on May 1 to discuss treatment options. Dr. Perkins is the former General Director of NWMS (now NMI) and a retired missionary who served in Japan.


Bangladesh District Superintendent

Pray for the District Superintendent of Bangladesh who has been ill and is hospitalized. Pray for a quick recovery and for the ministry taking place in Bangladesh under the D.S.’s leadership.


Thanks for praying!