...to My Little Corner of Cyberspace!

This is a picture of my husband, Kjell Arne and I.

First things first, if there is a yahoo advertisement in the upper right hand
corner of my pages, you can click the up arrow on it, and it will get out of the way.

I want to address something that has been a problem in Wyoming,
and it is important to me, so I thought it should be on the first page.
I went to Yellowstone a few years back, and saw the bison. It was a
spectacular site; they covered the hillsides. Then the following winter,
1/3 of them were killed. There has been a history slaughter outside of the
Yellowstone border. People have been hired to kill any bison that wonder
out of the park during the winter because they are hungry and go looking
for more food. Unfortunately, bison don’t understand that there are places
that people will put a price on the head. The reason for the slaughter is a
disease. This disease causes pregnant cows and bison to spontaneously
abort their unborn baby, which results in death. The sad truth is that bison
are not even tested for this disease. It would be like deciding to start killing
people with a disease, but no testing, just start shooting. This is insane. There
is a place on the web to sign a petition. Please, take a second and
sign the petition. Bison were once hunting to almost
total extinction. They are a beautiful addition to the park, and
it would be nice if my great-grandchildren could enjoy what I have seen.

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My Wedding Album
My Picture Pages
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Christmas Photos
A Winter Wonderland
Celebrate Norways National Day!!
Rune and Annette's Wedding

I hope you will continue on your journey through my website. Come back now ya here!


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