WELL, sure am glad to see there are some other genealogy enthusiasts. Please, if you haven't already, feel free to go back and sign my book after you are through viewing it. Comment on my family history efforts or ask about anything and I'll will ry to answer it. Perhaps you were looking for a relative. HEY, I could be the one your looking for. Also if you have any suggestions that might help me out, it would be appreciated. Maybe you know a great place to do research on the net. Whatever the reas n is that brought you here.....THANKS for visiting. (feel free to sign book each time you visit.) Lloyd.

paul bonaccorso - 05/25/99 01:09:05
My Email:n/a
Are you a Genealogist?: no
Are you researching?: no
How long you been at it?: n/a
Did you recognize any names?: no
would you like to talk: no


Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 14:14:27

Je pense que votre emplacement est intéressant. Je l'ai trouvé par accident tout en surfant GeoCities. Combien de mois avez-vous employé GeoCities? Bonne Chance!

Mark Bonacorso - 10/31/98 03:24:31
My Email:markab@mediaink-online.com
Are you a Genealogist?: Nope
Are you researching?: Nope, sort of
How long you been at it?: Not really
Did you recognize any names?: Not yet.
Do you have ICQ?-UIN#?: Yes
would you like to talk: depends.

Notice, only one C in Bonacorso. Probably taken out at Elis Island.

10/02/98 11:24:09
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Brenda Young - 09/06/98 02:18:19
My Email:byoung@vaxxine.com
Are you a Genealogist?: yes
Are you researching?: yes
How long you been at it?: 1984
Did you recognize any names?: yes
Do you have ICQ?-UIN#?: no
would you like to talk: ok

neat pages

Randy Bonaccorso - 08/22/98 20:40:06
My Email:brorandy@premier.net
Are you a Genealogist?: No
Are you researching?: Yes
How long you been at it?: 5 years
Did you recognize any names?: Yes
Do you have ICQ?-UIN#?: 9505952
would you like to talk: Yes

Lloyd, I'll be back to the site later when I have more time to spend with it. It looks spectacular! Randy

Mary Jomisko - 07/30/98 12:30:39
My Email:MJomisko@aol.com
Are you a Genealogist?: beginner
Are you researching?: yes?
How long you been at it?: 3 months
Did you recognize any names?: I haven't looked yet.
Do you have ICQ?-UIN#?: I don't know!
would you like to talk: yes

I like your site but the writing on the red background is hard tread. I'd love any help you can give to a beginner. Thanks, Mary

Anne - 07/26/98 18:20:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Rapids/8320
My Email:bragg@ncia.net
Are you a Genealogist?: No
Are you researching?: No
Did you recognize any names?: No

What a lot of work. You are a scholar indeed.

bonnie mason - 05/22/98 21:08:42
My Email:bonnie71@hotmail.com
Are you a Genealogist?: no
Are you researching?: no
How long you been at it?: no
Do you have ICQ?-UIN#?: 737oo19
would you like to talk: no

thanks guys i liked the page

bizz - 05/22/98 19:32:53
My Email:bizz1234@kos.net
Are you a Genealogist?: i wish


Barbara Searan - 04/20/98 00:26:46
My Email:cerplus@ctaz.com
Are you a Genealogist?: yes
Are you researching?: yes
How long you been at it?: 30 yrs.
Did you recognize any names?: no
Do you have ICQ?-UIN#?: yes
would you like to talk: ???

Got to visit this page get that counter started. I will visit your page and help raise your counter numbers

Barbara Searan - 04/20/98 00:21:47
My Email:cerplus@ctaz.com
Are you a Genealogist?: yes
Are you researching?: yes
How long you been at it?: 30 yrs.
Did you recognize any names?: no
Do you have ICQ?-UIN#?: yes
would you like to talk: ???

Got to visit this page get that counter started.

Sue - 04/06/98 00:14:28
My Email:usfolks@sprint.ca
Are you researching?: by all means
How long you been at it?: for about 7 years


IKE & JOYCE COHEN - 03/19/98 00:13:44
My Email:jcohen@pcii.net
Are you a Genealogist?: Joyce is
Are you researching?: Yes
How long you been at it?: 25 yrs
Did you recognize any names?: no
Do you have ICQ?-UIN#?: You know it
would you like to talk: Yes

Got to get Joyce on with Lloyd sometime

Bugs - 02/05/98 02:14:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/4589
My Email:lloydli@cgocable.net
Are you a Genealogist?: sort of
Are you researching?: oh yes
How long you been at it?: since 1985
Did you recognize any names?: all of them...lol
Do you have ICQ?-UIN#?: yes--3209215
Would you like to talk "genealogy"?: sure thing.

See this is the way you want to see eh, Lloyd?.yes thats right.....Well I waited for sometime and notice that I had 34 visitors but noone is signing, so I thought I would sign my own guestbook and be the first one to sign.....now maybe people will sign without feeling they have to be the first one...LOL..

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