Membership dues are payable to the club treasurer. Dues are renewed each year on or before the September meeting. The club calendar year begins October 1 and ends September 30, following the dates set by O.A.G.C. Check with the club secretary for current low dues, (subject to change annually).

The club meets normally on the second Thursday of each month, usually at either Lily Chapel or the Mary L. Cook Library. Members range from beginners to advanced. Members further their knowledge of shrubs, plants, vegetables, and birds, by meeting together for informal discussions, listening to various speakers, viewing demonstrations and films, and sharing this knowledge with the community. All members participate in the Warren County Fair Flower Show, and local community beautification projects. Members enjoy tours, garden crafts, plant, bulb, and seed exchanges, as well as the club's annual picnic and Christmas party/luncheon.

Visitors are always welcomed, email the club secretary in advance for details.