- 08/17/00 21:37:27 | Comments: |
Georgia Overlander - 05/28/00 20:39:49 My Email:kd5bp@lobo.net State: NM Favorite Flower: Dwarf blue delphinium Favorite House Plant: asparagas fern Favorite Tree: cottonwood | Comments: I am exploring garden club web sites looking for ideas because our Moriarty Garden Club is going to extablish a web site. We plan to start small. I like the "roses" for getting to links. Good idea. I grew up in Youngstown, Ohio and lived west of Cleveland for several years. Gardening here in the high plains is very different than Ohio...but we have a lot more sunny days both in the summer and winter. Georgia Overlander |
Lois Trask - 05/02/00 01:09:14 My Email:fftrask@midmaine.com State: ME Favorite Flower: Hollyhock Favorite House Plant: african violet Favorite Tree: Maple Favorite Shrub: forsythia | Comments: You have a great web site - I am a member of the Milo Garden Club in Milo, ME, a small community about 35 miles north of Bangor. I am new to the garden club, but thoroughly enjoy it as I have always had a love of gardening. We are currently working on p ans for our annual Garden Fair held in August at which we sell house plants and perennials donated by members, as well as hand made garden related crafts, vegetables, and home baked goodies. A luncheon is also held along with it. I am attending my first start garden club meeting this week and am looking forward to it. |
Peggy - 03/30/00 01:22:57 My URL:http://angelfire.com/nm/UptownGardenClub My Email:meca@rt66.com State: NM | Comments: Nice site and very informative. |
Dorothy - 03/14/00 20:51:55 My Email:tfortired@aol.com | Comments: |
marie - 03/02/00 00:32:54 My Email:marieal1@msn.com State: penna. Favorite Flower: rose Favorite House Plant: hibiscus Favorite Tree: dogwood Favorite Shrub: azaela | Comments: dottie, I had to get Laurie to help me find this site. It's really a nice website. maybe eventually i'll finally learn something. |
squirleybsc - 10/25/99 17:32:20 My Email:squirleybsc@yahoo.com State: w va Favorite Flower: rose Favorite House Plant: fern Favorite Tree: dogwood | Comments: |
- 10/24/99 17:09:19 | Comments: |
Mickie - 10/20/99 04:52:07 My Email:MickieM@cinci.rr.com State: OH Favorite Flower: Poppies Favorite House Plant: variegated creeping fig Favorite Tree: Tri color beech, Sweet Gum Favorite Shrub: Spicebush | Comments: Hi! You all do great work, keep it up. You make a tremendous difference in many peoples lives. Your hard work is worth the effort. Love you all! |
joyce - 09/13/99 22:54:53 My URL:http://yahoo My Email:joyceharv@yahoo.com State: Wisconsin Favorite Flower: Daisys Favorite House Plant: Violets Favorite Tree: Redbud Favorite Shrub: Firebush | Comments: I have just found this site and think I will enjoy it. My current interest is preparing for a "moonlight" garden in Spring. This will be an all white garden that will glow in the moonlight. Lots of fun |
Pastor Phil - 07/30/99 16:36:55 My Email:Pklei1@AOL.com State: North Carolina Favorite Flower: Rose Favorite House Plant: no particular favorite Favorite Tree: Dogwood Favorite Shrub: no particular favorite | Comments: Just wanted to visit the site and say hello to my mother-in-law, Dolores Orndorf. Questions for Dolores: 1)"What house plants seem to thrive the best in winter, with minimal care? 2) How should I care for these particular plants to guarantee their survi al?" |
lisa orndorf - 05/31/99 19:32:27 My Email:mzpoo72@aol.com State: north carolinia Favorite Flower: lilies Favorite Tree: dogwood | Comments: I am Dolores Orndorf's grand daughter from North Carolinia. I just wanted to say hi grandma and i enjoyed your site very much. |
- 05/24/99 20:50:55 | Comments: |
khamseh - 05/10/99 01:17:46 My URL:http://lebanon-antiques.com My Email:whoever@lebanonantiques.net State: OH Planting Zone: 5-6 Favorite Flower: hardy geraniums Favorite House Plant: none Favorite Tree: variegated beech Favorite Shrub: H. macrophylla | Comments: hello, nice site. |
Ada Dempsey - 03/17/99 03:18:12 My Email:funnyface@app-net.com State: West Virginia Favorite Flower: geraniums Favorite House Plant: croton Favorite Tree: crimson king maple Favorite Shrub: pyracantha | Comments: I am a member of Hemlock Hills Garden Club. I will be going in as club president and am looking for good programs and idea's to keep members interested and attendance up. Great site! |
Ada - 02/20/99 17:11:09 My Email:funnyface@atp-net.com State: WV Favorite Flower: liatris Favorite House Plant: croton Favorite Tree: Crimson King Maple Favorite Shrub: rose of sharon | Comments: I am to be installed as president of our club for the next year. I wanted to find some new ideas and workshops for our members, in order to keep them coming!!! Any suggestions? Thanks for a look at your club. I enjoyed it! |
Diana Blowers - 02/15/99 20:47:14 My Email:dsb@donet.com State: Ohio | Comments: Hi, I write, on a freelance basis, for the HomeLife section of the Dayton Daily News, writing gardening stories. Periodically I need to interview an expert on a particular kind of flower etc. Is there a good contact person I could call when I need some in o like this from your club. Thanks Diana Blowers dsb@donet.com 429-2191 1725 Pierce Drive Beavercreek, Ohio 45432 |
Dorothy - 01/13/99 22:56:26 | Comments: |
Eva Andersson - 01/09/99 10:41:29 My URL:http://home5.swipnet.se/~w-51920/HoyaBella/hoyabella.htm My Email:eva.andersson@mbox301.swipnet.se State: Sweden Favorite Flower: Hoya Favorite House Plant: Hoya | Comments: Hi, Nice site you have here. Keep up the good work. Hugs Eva |
Mike - 11/11/98 19:46:45 My URL:http://www.dpnet.net My Email:turtlehill@dpnet.net State: Md. Planting Zone: 6a - 7 Favorite Flower: salvia leucanthia Favorite House Plant: none Favorite Tree: suger maple Favorite Shrub: viburniums (sp?) | Comments: member of the Country Thyme Gardeners Club of Rising Sun Md. We are located in Northern Md. just below Wilmington De. Our members reg. visit Longwood Gardens, its just 20 mins. away! Like your home page. Looks like you have an active group. I own a small ursery and greenhouse operation called Turtle Hill Farm. We raise bedding, perennials, and some shrubs. Drop me an e-mail and lets talk plants! Also would be interested in how your club raises funds for your various projects. Thanks, Mike |
Regina Hobbs - 10/21/98 12:52:23 My Email:hobbsrr@muohio.edu State: Ohio Planting Zone: 5-6 Favorite Flower: daisy Favorite House Plant: all Favorite Tree: dogwood | Comments: Your site is fabulous! |
Don Robitaille - 10/11/98 10:59:10 My Email:donkat@netcom.ca State: Ontario Favorite Flower: Azalea Favorite Tree: dogwood Favorite Shrub: rugosa roses | Comments: Hi: I am on the board for the Fort Malden Horticultural Society. We are in the historic town of Amherstburg on the Detroit River just 18 miles south of Detroit, Michigan, and across from Bob Lo Island. I am very impressed with your site and I do hope we can produce a similar site for our society. Keep om blooming, Thanks Don |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Silver Lining (Ros) - 10/01/98 07:08:18 My Email:dimond@notkey.net.au State: Queensland Planting Zone: Australia Favorite Flower: Red Rose Favorite House Plant: Orchard Favorite Tree: Weeping Willow Favorite Shrub: Christmas Plant | Comments: Hi, Just wanted to stop by and let you know how much I enjoyed your site. The graphics and music are outstanding and the words so very true. Your site brings out your fun for life. Would love to communicate further with you.ICQ #10467075.. Thanks for sharing and I will share with my icq & e-mail list friends as well. Thanks again. Cheers for now from the land Downunder. Ros |
- 09/30/98 18:35:04 | Comments: |
Judy Fornshell - 09/27/98 01:06:34 My Email:judyf@busprod.com State: Indiana Favorite Flower: Daffodil Favorite House Plant: Violet Favorite Tree: Redbud | Comments: Great site. I am truly enjoying it. I belong to The Garden Club of Marion and am the State Recording Secretary and Editor of our state quarterly magazine. Hope to meet some of your members at the National Convention in Atlanta next spring. |
Judy - 09/27/98 01:02:12 | Comments: |
Scooter - 09/23/98 06:54:46 My Email:sverplank@deskmedia.com State: Minnesota Favorite Flower: Iris Favorite House Plant: violets Favorite Tree: Oak Favorite Shrub: Butterfly | Comments: I have truly enjoyed your website. Keep up the good work. Your flowers are gorgeous. |
Mike Morley - 09/18/98 17:35:32 State: Ohio Favorite Flower: Rose Favorite House Plant: Fly Trap Favorite Tree: Maple Favorite Shrub: Bald | Comments: I love Waynesville. I also LOVE to eat at the Village Family Rest. This is one of the best spots in town to sit down and have a good home cooked meal. I very much suggest that after you get done planting all day, that you go down and pick up a #4. THEY ARE GREAT! |
wonder bread - 09/18/98 17:18:56 State: ohio Favorite Flower: snap dragon Favorite House Plant: venus fly trap Favorite Tree: weeping willow Favorite Shrub: burning bush | Comments: I just love the quaint little town of waynesville. Just last week I had the honor of meeting Denny Dalton and it made my day. He really knows his stuff. I'll be sure to visit your town again soon so untill then keep up the good work. I think waynesvill would look great with snap dragons planted all over. Think about it. signed, wonder bread |
Anita Roller - 08/09/98 23:31:18 My Email:AKRDAYLILY@aol.com State: OHIO | Comments: A great job of promoting your garden club and OAGC. Anita Roller OAGC 2nd VP |
Sandy Ross - 08/08/98 17:33:01 My Email:Rainbowbub@aol.com State: Ohio Planting Zone: 6a Favorite Flower: Lilies Favorite House Plant: Brugmansia Favorite Tree: Dogwood Favorite Shrub: Burkwoodi Viburnum | Comments: Hello, Wayesville GC impressive web page!!!! Jan Harmon sent me the links and I logged on. Who did your web site - great publicity! Sandy Ross Amherst, Ohio OAGC Finwood GC and OAGC judge |
Sandy Ross - 08/08/98 17:30:53 My Email:Rainbowbub@aol.com State: Ohio Planting Zone: 6a Favorite Flower: Lilies Favorite House Plant: Brugmansia Favorite Tree: Dogwood Favorite Shrub: Burkwoodi Viburnum | Comments: Hello, Wayesville GC impressive web page!!!! Jan Harmon sent me the links and I logged on. Who did your web site - great publicity! Sandy Ross Amherst, Ohio OAGC Finwood GC and OAGC judge |
Jan Harmon - 08/08/98 01:13:15 My Email:janhharmon@aol.com State: Ohio | Comments: I was pleased to see your fine web site and have sent it on to other OAGC members who are on line. Great job. Jan Harmon, Past President, Ohio Association of Garden Clubs. |
- 05/11/98 13:04:14 | Comments: |
Sally S. Smith - 05/04/98 15:43:53 My URL:http://www.sssmith.com My Email:sally@sssmith.com State: OH Planting Zone: Waynesville Favorite Flower: iris Favorite Tree: Maple | Comments: Your web page looks great - I'm writing the press release for the Chamber's OSF Cabbage Contest, and wanted to check it out first. Can I use the photo of Patrick for the paper when we announce that the Garden Club is hosting the event? Or do you have another one - I need to know asap. Also need to know when the cabbage seed planting should be done... Thanks -- |
andy_b - 04/24/98 14:43:50 My Email:blair_andrew@hotmail.com State: New York Planting Zone: temperate Favorite Flower: Daisy Favorite House Plant: swedish ivy Favorite Tree: chestnut Favorite Shrub: too many to name | Comments: i not a garderner..but enjoyed your music and the peace flowers and nature bnring..*S* |
Jan Petrosky - 03/28/98 02:46:39 My URL:http://http://users.penn.com/~melody/index.html My Email:melody@penn.com State: Pennsylvania Favorite Flower: Bearded Iris Favorite House Plant: Maiden Hair Fern Favorite Tree: Weeping Willow Favorite Shrub: Holly | Comments: Providing a place for gardeners to interact is a wonderful idea! |
pat jones - 03/25/98 18:50:29 My Email:gordon@networx.on.ca State: ontario, canada Favorite Flower: iris Favorite House Plant: african violet Favorite Tree: redbud Favorite Shrub: corkscrew hazel | Comments: Dropped by for another visit. I'm President of The Stoney Creek Horticultural Society here in Ontario. You have a wonderful website for a garden club - Jeannie does a super job!! |
Cecil D. Baughman - 02/23/98 00:21:49 My Email:CecilDB@PennCom. State: PA Favorite Flower: Iris Favorite House Plant: GoldFish Plant Favorite Tree: Oak Favorite Shrub: Snowball bush | Comments: You have a very intertesting web site. I am president of the "In Town Garden Club" located in St Marys, Pa 15857. We started just a year ago and are still working on getting organized. I am also a Penn State Master Gardener. Our club has 12 members at the present time, but we are hoping to grow. Good luck to your club. |
Pat - 02/20/98 16:48:15 My Email:gordon@networx.on.ca State: Ontario, Canada Favorite Flower: Iris Favorite House Plant: African Violet Favorite Tree: Redbud Favorite Shrub: Corkscrew Hazel | Comments: Very nicely done. Worth the visit. |
Nat (ICQ, kool AIM, PakaKool Some others, Paka, or Pakadog - 01/06/98 06:35:54 My URL:http://www2.localaccess.com/NGeorge/ My Email:ngeorge@localaccess.com State: Washington Favorite Flower: Queen of the Nite (Black Tulip) Favorite House Plant: Venus Fly Trap Favorite Tree: Californian RedWood Favorite Shrub: Boxwood Shrub | Comments: Cool page! Loved it alot!! nice flowsers as highlights, great scans too! |
Big D - 12/23/97 04:24:00 My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/5651 My Email:colada@bigfoot.com State: Ontario Favorite Flower: Morning glories Favorite House Plant: Christmas cactus Favorite Tree: Blue spruce Favorite Shrub: Pussy Willow | Comments: It was a very nice visit.Nice pictures. |
California Poppy - 11/23/97 02:54:15 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~California_Poppy/index.html My Email:ingrid@ptw.com State: CA Planting Zone: 8? Favorite Flower: Poppies Favorite House Plant: Piggy Back Favorite Tree: Birch Favorite Shrub: Lilac | Comments: Beautiful site. Well done and well designed. |
Redbone - 11/13/97 06:51:35 My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/tollington/58/ My Email:redbone1@kaplantel.net State: Louisiana Planting Zone: I dont know Favorite Flower: Lillies Favorite Tree: Oak (live) | Comments: Very nice site. Love the pictures. Keep it up. |
KAREN - 10/31/97 15:02:55 My URL:http://www.netcore.ca/~vanmack My Email:vanmack@netcore.ca State: ontario Favorite Flower: rose Favorite House Plant: christmas cactus Favorite Tree: black walnut Favorite Shrub: flowering dogwood | Comments: |