Bonnie - 12/05/00 08:33:24 My URL: My | Comments: Lovely and talented !!! Thank you for sharing this with all. :o) |
Norma - 11/05/00 17:33:46 My URL: My | Comments: What beautiful back grounds you have. I borrowed your southern one but you graphic for the link would not work. I will put a test link on my pages rather I use your backgrorund or not. Good graphics are hard to come by. |
Sylvia Jackson/Nordahl - 10/23/00 19:43:42 My | Comments: Beautiful Site...plan to build a page and hope I can utilize your designs...Thanks!!! |
betty - 10/06/00 17:54:17 My | Comments: what a great site! i've bookmarked you and will come back for beautiful buttons. thank you! betty |
Sandy - 09/23/00 18:15:11 My URL: My | Comments: Hiya! You don't know how long and hard I searched for the "perfect" background for my web pages. And I found it in Set #35, The Picnic! Would love to put your logo on my page...but it isn't there. And can't e mail you either. So please know I am using this set and "love" it! |
Orkid_3 - 09/16/00 22:59:26 My URL: My | Comments: I love all your lovely graphics, I had a hard time picking just one *smile* |
Wade Stimson - 09/08/00 22:58:01 My | Comments: Thank you for allowing me to visit your website. I downloaded some of your graphics to a zip-disk; I hope you don't mind. I'm taking Computer Graphics up at SRJC in Santa Rosa, and these graphics will assist me in an assignment. Thanks again. |
Cheyenne - 09/08/00 00:57:00 My URL: My | Comments: Night Whispers Hi! I very much like this set and wish to use it on my new web site I signed up for yesterday. Your logo is not there and your email doesn't work. Please, send your logo to me for my page, thanks! |
Mia Maria - 08/24/00 07:33:21 My | Comments: Great Sets! |
Pat - 08/15/00 02:15:01 My | Comments: Only one word describes your work. marvelous! Keep up the good work. Will definitely be back. Am currently revamping my first attempt at a web page. |
jg masters - 07/25/00 07:34:44 My My | Comments: You have created some lovely sets, I'll be most grateful to use as I build our family website, but two difficulties arise. 1. the logo you indicate is to be used for your credit link has a broken link. 2. Macs can't copy your backgrounds unless they're on separate page or, for example, place the image that tiles to make a background at the bottom of your set page. Other artists use other solutions. I'm particulary interested in your gull background and set which will be perfect for my dad's page. Can I arrange to pick up the bg image in whatever manner is easiest for you? Many thanks, Jackie Seattle |
Kay Davies - 07/06/00 01:25:32 My URL: My | Comments: Absolutely beautiful! Unusual with clear colors and graphics not seen elsewhere. Keep up the good work. God Bless You. |
Bonnie - 04/28/00 01:09:06 My URL: My | Comments: I sent you an email and hotmail kicked it back. Your images to link your graphics with did not load in MSIE 5. ?? |
Softlady - 03/27/00 07:17:21 My URL: My | Comments: Hi, I tried sending you an email, but it isn't a good addy. Here is the letter~ Hello, I wanted to let you know that I have used your beautiful flowers background for one of my pages in my 'Love Treasures Collection' which I added to my site last night. (I have saved it for a very long time) Here is the url: Thank you very much for sharing your creations. I look forward to using other graphics of yours in the future. Softlady |
rae - 03/24/00 15:36:05 My | Comments: I love your sets. they are beautiful, just what i have been looking for. |
Debby - 03/02/00 07:42:46 My | Comments: Amazing page...way to go.... Love the to see more *hint hint* |
Michal - 02/27/00 01:05:10 My | Comments: Like your site, very creative |
Deborah Bier - 02/03/00 15:32:37 My URL: My | Comments: B-U-tiful stuff! We will include some in a future edition of our free ezine about Concord, MA USA. Thanks! |
Renay - 01/18/00 08:16:26 My URL: My | Comments: Thank you. I love your work! Just getting started myself. Renay |
Linda Eckert - 01/03/00 04:37:00 My URL: My | Comments: these are fantastic!! i couldn't belive how long i was here. i willbe back!!!!!! |
Mary - 01/03/00 04:30:03 My URL: My | Comments: I am at the very beginning of building my website. I offer my service on a gift/donation basis for spiritual counseling and meditation. My domain is registered but not yet uploaded. In the event I use your work, I will inform you. Thank you. |
Beth - 01/02/00 20:08:44 My | Comments: I have just started creating a page. I have hunted everywhere for backgrounds of waterfowl and when I found yours I thought they looked wonderful for a female hunter. |
Sandy - 12/30/99 03:54:04 My URL: My | Comments: Beautiful, beautiful work!!!!!!!!! Spent two hours here...thank you!!!!!!! |
Sun Goddess - 12/28/99 14:43:45 My | Comments: The Lady: What a beautiful home=page. I am thinking of becoming a member of Bianca's. When/If I do, i will definitly need help on my home=page. I'll give a shout when I become a member. Your such a sweet person, it is great to have met ya! Sun Goddess |
MaryAnn - 12/19/99 07:59:53 My URL: My | Comments: Absolutely one of the best sets i have seen..NOw if I just knew how to use them id be all set.. Im on web.. Thankyou MaryAnn |
Susan Elliott - 12/15/99 02:50:46 My URL: My | Comments: Hello..What wonderful graphics!!! You certainly know what pleases people. I have looked at MANY graphics and your's are at the top. you charge if they are used at a commercial site? I am in process of starting to create family web pages f r genealogy files and records. I am not going to be a big money maker at all. Just trying to help others get their info on line. I would like to see about using some of your graphics, but cannot at this time really afford to pay out much for use of grap ics...Thank you, Susan |
bosset - 12/14/99 23:46:00 My URL: My | Comments: Hi. Well back again just to let you know have used your things on my page, but having big time probs, would love it if you would take a look and tell me what I am doing wrong,or what you think is wrong with homestead, I really think it's homestead but I just an't seem to work it out. will be back in new year to see if you have any new items can't wait. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful year 2000 may all your dreams come true. love Bosset |
Star - 12/13/99 03:44:57 My URL: My | Comments: I like your seemless tiles very much...I have bookmark them to come back to. You have the best I'v seen...and I looked at lot. Star from Texas |
Kelly - 12/02/99 03:36:15 My | Comments: Really new to all of this. Starting in with graphics. I'll let you know if I use any. |
anna - 11/29/99 00:38:22 My | Comments: what a great site this is the first time i have ever seen a site like this and i will be back thank-you for giving us such great art works for us to use on web pages and if i can ever work out to make one i will be using your things thanx again bosset |
Jim Eller - 11/15/99 04:05:26 My URL: My | Comments: I spent the whole day looking through sites for graphics to punch up my webpage. Of all the sites I saw, your's is the nicest I've seen. I envy your work and admire your talent. |
tirnambeo - 10/20/99 19:23:43 My URL: My | Comments: I used one of your graphic sets on the above page, and provided a link back to you. I tried to e-mail you, but it wouldnt go through, please e-mail me. Thank You. |
Iris - 10/14/99 01:04:16 My URL: My | Comments: Your graphics are just gorgeous! I wanted to let you know that I'm using Night Whisper as the background for my webpage! Thanks! Iris |
Connie - 08/24/99 03:29:47 My URL: My | Comments: Very, very nice sets and tiles! I really enjoyed them! I will e-mail you if I use any on my pages. Thanks! :) |
Barbara - 08/21/99 21:04:17 My URL: My | Comments: Very beautiful graphics. Love your color schemes choice of fonts, also. Visit me at Cape Jasmine Designs. |
Janet - 08/16/99 20:14:42 My URL: My | Comments: Great site. Very pretty graphics. |
- 08/12/99 11:50:02 | Comments: This kind of graphics are vey clear and nice which is the best of over all i have seen and i feel it would be the best choice for homepage background... And thankyou for providing site for us..... |
lil viXen - 08/09/99 01:27:58 My URL: My | Comments: i'd like to find graphics for my shacklet, but i don't know how to save the images to a location i can link to.... i have an account at Angelfire....could that be used? icq is 42433265... thanks, lil viXen |
Jeannie J. - 07/29/99 19:00:36 My | Comments: I am looking for background that is not only lovely but sets a mood of Inspiration shall I say. I've been to MANY the last few days and yours is absolutely wonderful. I'll be back :) Thanks for sharing your talents with everyone, Jeannie J. |
banba - 07/01/99 13:14:07 My | Comments: I think these graphics are very beautiful. I have no I want to use one of them. is it ok? |
Dave - 06/19/99 13:26:10 My URL: My | Comments: Droppin' by to 'borrow' some of your fabulous graphics once again for a page I'm working on.... ....Keep up the great work! -D- |
Merrellee Moore - 06/08/99 03:06:34 My URL: My | Comments: You've been added to my favorites list. I tend to return to my favorite graphics sites, not only for decorating my pages, but just to enjoy looking. Thank you for some lovely work! |
Deborah Ziegler - 05/28/99 17:07:36 My URL: | Comments: You have a beautiful "home" here. Thank you for sharing your marvelous talent. ![]() |
Marie Schmidt - 05/23/99 19:06:20 My | Comments: This site is really neat. It never ends. Thanks. |
BOOTS - 05/23/99 17:20:56 My Email:ANTHONY349@AOL.COM | Comments: |
Artemis - 05/22/99 04:38:20 | Comments: You have a beautiful, classy site! Thank you for sharing your talents with us. Have a wonderful, light-filled day! |
Mari Christmas - 05/21/99 20:59:29 My My | Comments: |
Linda - 05/18/99 21:49:12 My URL: My | Comments: Thankyou so much for sharing your talents with all of us. I used one of your background sets on my Thailand page and i put your banner at the bottom of the page as you requested. If you'd like to see it it's here:CLICK Thanks again, Linda |
Bess - 05/15/99 09:10:23 My URL: My | Comments: Wonderful graphics... I used one of them in my homepage, URL above. |
Janis Fowler - 05/11/99 23:17:07 My | Comments: Thank you very much for your webpage with designs. I am working on a Family Genealogical Web Site and took some of your things to see if they might work for me. I do promise to link back and give you credit for them. Warm hugs from GA janis |
Seachef - 05/09/99 22:38:04 My URL: My | Comments: Your graphics are incredible! Some of the best I've seen so-far! How can I learn how to do this?? |
Matte - 05/05/99 14:49:40 My URL: My | Comments: Thank you for all... It's nice |
Gaby - 05/04/99 10:02:31 My URL: My | Comments: A very, very nice page, I do like your Sets, they are lovely!! Gaby |
Billie - 04/23/99 19:06:02 My URL: My | Comments: Hi! Beautifull sets, I enjoyed my visit, please visit my page also. Billie. ![]() |
Alta Jarvis - 04/21/99 22:13:45 My | Comments: Wonderful !!! thanks |
Lisa - 03/29/99 03:00:51 My URL: My | Comments: i enjoyed your page very much ,,i have been searching every background page i can find for a americana background ,,with the flag ,,in burgandy and off white ,,kinda antique,,if you know of any place ,,or someone who could make me one ,,please let me know you have done a great job on your page ,,it is very nice ,,thank you ,,,Lisa |
Brenda L. Balint - 03/24/99 16:21:28 My URL: My | Comments: Absolutely gorgeous graphic sets. |
Fanny Parker - 03/01/99 00:09:24 My URL: My | Comments: What a beautiful site!! I want to revamp using many of your graphics... lovely, lovely. I will email you when I do this. I would be proud to display your graphics on my simple site!!!!! |
Dannii - 02/26/99 23:21:59 My URL: My | Comments: Cool site love the page sets :) my fav is the paws set |
Christy Diaz - 02/22/99 23:23:25 My | Comments: What an amazing website!!! You are so very talented....I wish that I could do something like this! So glad that I know someone with the brains to do such a thing!!!! *grin* |
Christy Diaz - 02/22/99 23:18:57 My Email:christy_diaz | Comments: Dear Kim and Mike~ You two sound like you will have a lovely life together once you two finally get together!!!! How frustrating it must be to be so far away from the person you love most.....I wish the best of luck for the both of you!!!! |
b.rabble - 02/22/99 00:10:42 My URL: | Comments: Another of your fine backgrounds up on the above page. That's two entries in a row. *grin* Thanks so much! |
b.rabble - 02/15/99 01:56:35 My URL: My | Comments: (take x off mail before sending) Downloaded several of your backgrounds because I like to change backgrounds with each diary entry. :-) Will notify you when/where. Pg. 11 on tiled tickled me as I envisioned it in brick color, so many times I feel like I'm up against a brick wall! lol thanks, now off to see your sets. |
Kathy - 02/14/99 12:44:16 My URL: My | Comments: This is a beautiful addition to the talent I have been blessed to witness on the web. I am in the process of building a genealogy site and it will have many "themes" in it. I will let you know but I will for sure be using Woodys Southern Memories I thi k it was called? (I just spent the last hour veiwing EVERY background) but there are just those gtaphics that touch the soul and many of them did here and I thank you both. I cant wait to use them and will let you know. Sincerely, Kathy Moms n Me Genealogy PS I am so glad I went thru all the texture ones as well because #11 is perfect for our "brickwall" page of ancestors that are hard to find. Thanks again! |
Dorie - 01/25/99 21:10:39 My URL: My | Comments: You have a BEAUTIFUL site here!! Just finished viewing ALL of your design sets and am hoping to get a chance to use some of them in the near future. Thanks for providing such beauty!! |
Linda Jones - 01/19/99 14:11:29 | Comments: great looking place I would love to visit there some day |
Lilome - 01/12/99 07:23:30 My URL: My | Comments: Your graphics are very lovely. I plan on using some of your sets on future pages. |
Rachel Paxton - 01/11/99 04:42:01 My URL: My | Comments: I recently re-did my website with your bluejay theme. It's beautiful! It's already received rave reviews! Thanks for sharing your wonderful graphics. |
Margaret - 01/09/99 15:06:24 My URL:/Heartland/Valley/1246/ My | Comments: Your graphics are the most beautiful I have seen on the net,and I am constantly searching. I am bookmarking! I received PSP for Christmas. Is there a really good and simple tutorial for it's use? God Bless! ![]() |
Connie - 01/08/99 07:42:49 My URL: My | Comments: Your graphics are great! I love them and they sure are useful. |
liv2learn - 01/07/99 06:25:17 My URL: My | Comments: Thanks for the wonderful border sets. I'm planning on using one myself! |
NightFlame - 12/28/98 14:14:44 My URL: My | Comments: And wouldn't you know I started having trouble uploading my site. : / So I got myself a V3URL so I can send out my page addy but if I have to change servers the basic addy won't change. :) I sure hope this works cause I'm getting tired of fighting ftp ervers. :) Thanks again for the graphics! NightFlame |
NightFlame - 12/28/98 05:45:01 My URL: My | Comments: I've spent hours surfing the web, particularly looking at graphics sites. You have some of the most beautiful backgrounds I've seen! I fell in love with Midnight Bouquet and decided to use it for my first attempt at making my own website. There's not a lot of content on it since I just made it today, but I do love that background! :) Thanks! NightFlame |
Joselin - 12/06/98 03:41:01 My | Comments: Excellent!!! I like it very much!! |
Bonnie Tetlock - 11/15/98 07:18:25 My URL: My | Comments: Beautiful. Don't know how its done, but outstanding. |
MistyRain - 11/13/98 19:47:56 My URL: My | Comments: HI! You have a great site! I enjoyed browsing thru your wonderful background sets, and have choses one 'so far' and placed on my award pages :)Thanks for creating these great sets and allowing others to use them! *Smiles* MistyRain |
Shari - 11/11/98 01:19:03 My URL: My | Comments: So many lovey graphics sets you have done. It has really been a pleasure looking around. |
Guardian Angel One - 10/30/98 04:43:52 My URL: My | Comments: Your art is so awesome!! It's a sweet help for those like me who can't do such wonderful things with so little and basic equipment. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this site. |
finn (soney) - 10/17/98 14:10:16 My | Comments: i am still lost can you teach me the simpel ways to make my page as a member in bianca my heart is what i want to do but cant figure it out i have a web page at this addy http:/ can you look at it and tell me ho to do the same in my heart i wish i was as smart as the others and new how to do this it is realy nise of you to help me i wish there where others like you i want to know how to see the people who have see my heart it say 66 people have stoped by but i dont know who and how to get back to talk to thim i want to change to italic dont know h w want a guest book cant do that see i am a mess if you do wont to help me i will understand just say so ok thank you you can email ma at that is the best way for me it will pop right up thin i can reply asap thanks |
Lady Penny - 10/12/98 22:12:24 My URL: My | Comments: Came here looking for some graphics for a friend. We are learning to make web pages together. I saved some to look at for our pages. Thanks for sharing it with me. Great job and good luck! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
John Sauvageau - 09/29/98 23:36:11 My URL: My | Comments: Love your graphics! I will use them at Omega and ofcourse, will notify you when i do so. Describing each graphic on the main page is a great idea. Thanks for all the work! |
Pepper - 09/21/98 23:14:34 My | Comments: how do you save the image to your own server? *blushing from my ignorance* |
Patty - 09/15/98 22:00:09 My URL:/SoHo/Coffeehouse/3403/ My | Comments: Hi, I found your site through gifpile...You've got a great one going here, lots to see and some really beautiful background sets! Come for a visit, My door is always open and You are always welcome! Patty ![]() ![]() |
L2 - 09/11/98 21:52:35 My URL:http://// My | Comments: All I can say is you've inspired the following prayer I will say each night before bed....."please pixel god make me as good as these folks at some point in life! This lifetime would be nice but any will do." Your work is wonderful! |
Karen - 09/09/98 01:46:44 My URL: | Comments: I enjoyed looking at your Design sets. Very classy. Keep up the good work. |
ardele - 08/30/98 22:59:52 My URL: My | Comments: I have spent many hours this afternoon looking at all of the different sets of graphics you have. Each one that I went to seemed more beautiful than the I just looked at. I downloaded several and will use them one day in the future. I will let you know when I do so. Thank you for the hard work that went into all of these. |
nanabear - 08/29/98 20:30:32 My URL: My | Comments: Wow...what a great site for graphics!!! you and your friend woody are good. though I haven't used your graphics yet I did download a few soon as I can I will do so. Keep up the great work... nanabear (a.k.a.=evelyn) |
hannetjie - 08/27/98 18:01:31 My | Comments: |
jAdeSS - 08/27/98 02:19:17 My URL: My | Comments: Really nice page! I really liked your graphics and backgrounds. I have to say they are really amazing! |
myart - 08/26/98 12:27:16 My URL: My | Comments: Great looking page, nice design. Feel free to visit mine (contains some self art pics of a straight young male) |
Robin - 08/11/98 11:22:56 My URL: My | Comments: You have some very nice graphics here. I used your "English Rose" for my web page. They are all so pretty I had a hard time deciding which I liked the most. Will be back often to check out your selections. Very nice site. Thanks for sharing your talent. |
melissa - 08/06/98 19:51:35 My URL: My Email:mumof2boys@sprintmail | Comments: I really like your graphics. I'll be back to look around more, like when the kiddies are napping!!! |
Christine Hung - 07/29/98 06:11:05 My URL: My | Comments: What beautiful graphics! I am going to be using the set "Blue Silk" on my site, and would like to know if you also do customizing for sets (i.e. specialized banners and buttons). If so, a note via e-mail would be appreciated, but all the same, thank you for the graphics! Please keep up the good work! |
Spaniel Groomer - 07/26/98 13:21:44 My | Comments: Whadda great page! I'm not above petty theft, so look for some of your graphics and ideas on my pages! *s* |
Eliot - 07/26/98 02:03:31 My URL: My | Comments:Great Site!!Come visit mine sometime!!![]() |
Robyn - 07/24/98 19:05:43 My URL: My | Comments: Your graphic sets are simply stunning! I truly enjoyed my visit to your site. :-) |
Connie - 07/24/98 17:49:40 My URL: My | Comments: What a wonderful place to visit!! All your sets are so tastefully done and are beautiful!! I will stop back often to see what's new. Thanks for providing these pages for everyone. They will be an asset to anyone's website! |
Mary - 07/17/98 06:30:54 My URL: My | Comments: I really love your site! Nice graphics! |
Patty Marshall - 07/12/98 06:02:51 My | Comments: Beautiful job! Thanks. |
Michelle Peel - 07/10/98 17:13:25 My URL: My | Comments: I love your graphics. I have save some and will let you know if I do use them. |
- 07/08/98 23:52:19 My | Comments: looking for The Lady. Need help with my home page and Dreamer and HC said she could help. |
Denice - 07/07/98 16:41:59 My | Comments: Beautiful! All of your backgrounds and sets are just gorgeous. I am impressed. DA Sanders |
Jenifer9 - 07/02/98 16:05:59 My URL:/heartland/pointe/4418 My | Comments: I have fallen in Love! You have the most stunning graphics. I have borrowed many of fact, I had to change my whole site. And I wonder how many more pages I can make just to use more o your designs. *grin* I just started piddling around with graphics a couple of weeks ago and you put me to shame. lol I'd give my I teeth to have such talent! I am what I call a Graphic Tourist. I tour graphic sites because I find it so enjoyable. I have een building a Graphic Guide, a guide to graphic sites and you made it to the front page. Need I say more? Keep em coming! Oh, and my fave color is blue, you'll notice that if you tak a peek at my site, so in my opinion you can never over use the color blue! :) ![]() |
Faccia di bambino - 07/01/98 14:18:15 My | Comments: Very nicely designed. I like your page. Even the layed back, background you have on this page. have a good day. Ciao, Faccia di bambino |
Lisa Schmidt - 06/30/98 20:39:45 My URL: My | Comments: Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I've used your "Luxury" Set as the background for my "Entry Hall". It is absolutely exquisite and when I saw it I knew that was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much! Lisa |
bill jones - 06/24/98 23:07:55 My | Comments: 1hello out name is bill and i just got onto the net so any body outthere who wants to say hi droup me a e mail. |
* - 06/19/98 18:27:30 | Comments: |
Matt - 06/10/98 05:57:22 My URL: My | Comments: You have some real nice tiles and sets here. I am helping some friends build a memorial page for their baby who has passed on. I have had trouble finding graphics that would look good on their page. You have some on this page but I am on webtv and can onl take things that are arranged a certain way. If it is not to much trouble E-mail me and I'll explain how I would have to do it. I listed the page I am working on as my home page above it is stored in my homepage space along with my other pages but the ur above will take you to Sydney's Memorial Page. |
Diablo - 06/10/98 05:26:52 My URL: My | Comments: Love your Graphics ,,sent your url to some ladies friends that are going to built there homepages soon, be nice start for them.. |
Hisham - 06/02/98 17:00:56 My URL: My | Comments: Hi there, Great are obviously having fun doing this....hope to be back soon for more of your work. best wishes Hisham |
Brenda Burrill - 06/01/98 12:10:54 My URL: My | Comments: You have some beautiful background sets here. I really enjoyed looking at your work. I also do backgrounds and enjoy seeing others work and the different creativity people have with doing them. Yours are great. If you have the time stop by and visit my site. Take care, Bren |
Linda aka Jane - 05/21/98 05:20:38 My URL: My | Comments: Love your site! Great job....I will be back. |
~shalaya~ - 05/19/98 17:22:17 My | Comments: Just wonderful!!! Have not published a page yet, but when i do.... i will let you know the beautiful.... |
Lisa Buechler - 05/14/98 16:42:40 My | Comments: BEAUTIFUL SITE!! It was a pleasure to visit. Thank you for creating it. |
Liane - 05/14/98 16:18:28 My | Comments: This one is a cadillac compared to the other colorizer EnJoy! |
- 05/14/98 14:32:26 | Comments: |
Liane - 05/14/98 01:52:47 My | Comments: I found a toy for you. It might be a little busy for your webpages...what you're doing is so classy and tasteful looking...but this is pure fun!! text colorizer EnJoy! |
Margaret - 05/08/98 10:53:27 My URL: My | Comments: Beautiful graphics. Love your backgrounds. You have much talent. |
BaRF - 05/07/98 19:42:20 My URL: My | Comments: Hi there ! Great Graphics & Welcome To The Ring ! Bye 4 Now, BaRF |
Kat - 05/06/98 01:21:47 My URL: My | Comments: I enjoyed you Web Site very much. Thank you for sharing. |
- 04/28/98 23:14:39 | Comments: |
Brent - 04/17/98 18:21:08 My | Comments: you two did a great job, they all look wonderful..I decided to use most of the Blue Aztec Stone one..loved it..I will put a link back to this page..I promise..thank you for helping me put some class in my shack Brent |
Spyke - 04/17/98 15:36:35 | Comments: SPEECHLESS!!!!!!!!!! I will be using this page alot thanks Teach *s* |
flame - 04/17/98 05:43:29 My URL: My | Comments: Wow! These are so outstanding...i especially liked the silvery moon and the japanese garden. The background on the response page too. *lol* i'm just remembering when we all used to chat and now our time is filled with all of this wizardry..kind of a testament to the real power of the tangled entices you with pleasant conversation and sweet friendship and holds you in psp and corel....(did i mention that i have CorelDraw 8! muh huh huh) *heartfelt hugs* |
Liane - 04/17/98 04:01:23 My | Comments: Bravo!! *applauding loudly* Very tasteful...elegant...I love the concept, too!! ...created with us less-than-talented cyber-folks in mind. Really, I might finally be inspired to *do* a page... Thanks for the time it must've taken to put this together. L |
west coast brat - 04/16/98 19:38:11 My | Comments: *smile* mom... it looks awesome... You sure have taken to this HTML stuff... I'm glad to see you having so much fun.. You're talented and creative..*big proud grin* keep up the great work.. take care... *hugs* CC |
Woody - 04/16/98 05:44:24 My | Comments: You web page is outstanding, Lady... I'm so proud of you.. *hug* |
testing - 04/15/98 04:43:11 My Email:testing | Comments: testing |