
輔導, 黃姊的話 - 我們查聖經時應有的禱告 [English]
經文: 詩篇第一一九篇
- 耶和華啊,你是應當稱頌的!求你將你的律例教訓我!(12)
- 我如亡羊走迷了路,求你尋找僕人,因我不忘記你的命令。(176)
- 求主幫助我, 使我讀經時觀察敏銳
- 求你開我的眼睛,使我看出你律法中的奇妙。(18)
- 求主幫助我明白你的真理
- 求你賜我悟性,我便遵守你的律法,且要一心遵守。(34)
- 求你使我明白你的訓詞,我就思想你的奇事。(27)
- 耶和華啊,願我的呼籲達到你面前,照你的話賜我悟性。(169)
- 願我的懇求達到你面前,照你的話搭救我。(170)
- 求主幫助我, 使我生命依照真理而行, 使我更像你
- 耶和華啊,求你將你的律例指教我,我必遵守到底!(33)
- 求你使我的心趨向你的法度,不趨向非義之財。(36)
- 求你叫我轉眼不看虛假,又叫我在你的道中生活。(37)

Prayer for our Bible Study
Verses: Psalm 119- Praise be to you, O Lord: teach me your decrees (12)
- I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands (176)
- Help me become an OBSERVANT reader
- Open my eyes that I may SEE wonderful things in your law (18)
- Help me UNDERSTAND your Truth
- Give me understanding, and I will keep your law & obey it with all my heart (34)
- Let me understand the teachingg of your precepts (27)
- Give me understanding according to your word (169)
- Deliver me according to your promise (170)
- Help me APPLY your Truth in my life so I may be like you
- Teach me ... to FOLLOW your decrees, then I will KEEP them to the end (33)
- Turn my heart toward your statutes & not toward selfish gain (36)
- Turn my eyes away from worthless things (37)