Jason Shumate - 02/26/00 23:53:00
My Email:WPWW666@aol.com
What Family Are You Researching?: Shumate
Did You Find A Connection?: Some
ALLEN RAY SHUMATE - 11/18/99 02:37:24
My Email:allen.shumate@gte.net
How Did You Find Us?: surfing for shumates
What Family Are You Researching?: shumate
Did You Find A Connection?: not sure
looking for relatives of john winston shumate. liked your page very much. do you know of any shumates from the bowling green , toledo ohio area? thanks
Jo Hines - 11/07/99 05:41:01
My URL:http://wjbs.org
My Email:jobeth.hines@cabotog.com
How Did You Find Us?: browsing
What Family Are You Researching?: Neal
Did You Find A Connection?: Yes
I am a decendant of Major Thomas Hubbard. His daughter, Elizabeth married my ancestor (don't know how many greats) grandfather John M. Wilson. I recently received a letter from an aunt that had information. This was my first verification that the infor
ation in the letter was accurate. I'm so excited! - Thank you...Your page is so inviting! You have done a lovely job. Thanks again for all your hard work.
JASON NUNN - 08/18/99 18:34:26
My Email:jasonnunn@Hotmail.com
How Did You Find Us?: yahoo search
What Family Are You Researching?: Nunn's
Did You Find A Connection?: I'm not shure
I was just trying to fin out about my roots.
I'm looking more at the North carolina Virgina are
Ed Nunn - 06/28/99 02:57:12
My Email:EMNUNN@aol.com
How Did You Find Us?: family tree
What Family Are You Researching?: nunn-rouse-harper-rogers
Did You Find A Connection?: no
I certainly injoyed your tree and the music
Bill McCombs - 06/06/99 06:07:49
My Email:bmccombs1@aol.com
How Did You Find Us?: internet
What Family Are You Researching?: Nunn
Did You Find A Connection?: No
Could not access any of your Nunn Surnames. None were underlined?
I have seen your email in many of the genealogy sites that I have visited looking for Nunns.
Bill McCombs - 06/06/99 06:07:37
My Email:bmccombs1@aol.com
How Did You Find Us?: internet
What Family Are You Researching?: Nunn
Did You Find A Connection?: No
Could not access any of your Nunn Surnames. None were underlined?
I have seen your email in many of the genealogy sites that I have visited looking for Nunns.
Bill McCombs - 06/06/99 06:07:22
My Email:bmccombs1@aol.com
How Did You Find Us?: internet
What Family Are You Researching?: Nunn
Did You Find A Connection?: No
Could not access any of your Nunn Surnames. None were underlined?
I have seen your email in many of the genealogy sites that I have visited looking for Nunns.
Joseph B. Nunn,Sr. - 03/22/99 21:33:40
My Email:jnunn@lynchburg.net
How Did You Find Us?: Surfing
What Family Are You Researching?: Nunn
Did You Find A Connection?: Perhaps
Some similar given names (Robert, Wyatt). MY family came from South Carolina. If you wish, I can put you in touch with my sister in Newport News,VA. She owns a book with a family history of the S.C. folks with Civil & Revolutionary War
Patti Nunn - 11/15/98 22:40:25
My Email:patti@zianet.com
How Did You Find Us?: Family Tree Family Finder Index
What Family Are You Researching?: Breeding
Did You Find A Connection?: yes
Our common ancestor is Elijah Nunn. I go back to his daughter Mourning who married her cousin Zepheniah so I also go back to Elijah's brother Francis Nunn 1V.
- 11/15/98 21:46:05
10/02/98 11:23:47
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Joe Payne - 09/26/98 17:02:40
My URL:/Yosemite/5273/genealogy.htm
My Email:JPayne5744@aol.com
How Did You Find Us?: Webcrawler Search
What Family Are You Researching?: Payne, Hurst, Nunn, Shumate and many others
Did You Find A Connection?: Maybe
I would like to connect to your older Nunn family. I am a direct descendent of Wharton Nunn
and Elizabeth Breeding.
Joe Payne
Knoxville, TN
Laurie - 06/07/98 16:40:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/acropolis/1081
My Email:lildove@geocities.com
How Did You Find Us?: You Signed My Guestbook
What Family Are You Researching?: None...YET! :o)
Thanks for stopping by my site and signing my guestbook. I have enjoyed my stay. You have done a lovely job.
Røse - 05/19/98 02:48:18
My URL:http://www.dcsi.net/~agape/
My Email:rose@dcs-chico.com
How Did You Find Us?: You invited me *s*
You have a most interesting site here. I have enjoyed checking out the family lines, and am sad to report that we are not related. *g* But I sure did get a kick out of seeing how many names do live in your trees. My uncle has researched our families to
, but we are only three generations in the US, so most of our study needs to be done in Norway and Germany. Keep up the good work and more than anything else ... enjoy having your website!! *s*
Jo Anna Dale - 05/06/98 22:26:07
My Email:jdale@swbell.net
How Did You Find Us?: Searched the net
What Family Are You Researching?: Shumate
Did You Find A Connection?: You bet!
Where did you find Louis Brantley as the father of Elizabeth? I sure wish we could find Toliver's parents!!!
Kathy Harris - 05/06/98 12:01:01
My Email:k-harris@webtv.net
How Did You Find Us?: e-mail
What Family Are You Researching?: family of life
Did You Find A Connection?: yes
Liked your home page very much.
Aaron Anglin - 05/02/98 17:39:17
My URL:none yet
My Email:my_kid@hotmail.com
How Did You Find Us?: your email
This is cool! How do you make one of these webpages?
Carrie - 04/24/98 01:28:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/picketfence/2030
My Email:mcmcgee@sonet.net
How Did You Find Us?: Rosemary!!
I wanted to come visit your page. I am finally getting around to doing one of my own..after all this time!!
You have really worked hard on this. It is great!
I'll be back.
Johnnie & Lois - 04/20/98 04:14:57
My URL:www.geocities.com/Heartland/4603
My Email:lois@mail.com
How Did You Find Us?: followed you home
good site. keep up the good work
shelba keene - 04/20/98 03:53:14
My Email:sck@aol.com
what a wonderful job. your home page looks great!!
Rosemary Filyaw - 04/20/98 00:06:13
My Email:rfilyaw@earthlink.net
How Did You Find Us?: A little bird told me about the page.
Did You Find A Connection?: None
Hi Joyce you have done a GREAT job of designing your web page. You have "come a long way baby". I am proud of you.